Podcast FAQ

rss podcast spotify

by Stevie Terry II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do I add a RSS podcast to Spotify?

1. Login to https://podcasters.spotify.com, then click on your show.Click on the Settings link.Click the Update button.Paste in your show's new RSS Feed URL, then click the Next button.Confirm your hosting provider is correct, and that everything looks good. That's it!

Does Spotify allow RSS feed?

The company announced multiple new partnerships today that'll allow paid shows from third-party platforms and networks to be played on the app — something that's been impossible until now because Spotify doesn't support private RSS feeds.

What is RSS link in Spotify?

Your show's RSS feed is what podcast apps and directories (like Apple Podcasts, Google, Spotify, and so on) will use to automatically get new episodes that you publish and display them in their apps or websites, and also pass them along to anyone who has subscribed to your show.

Can you upload podcast to Spotify for free?

It could cost you anywhere from $50 on up to buy gear to record your show, but the tools for distribution, which used to be costly, are now free, thanks to Spotify's 2019 purchase of the podcasting app and website Anchor.

How do I get an RSS feed for my podcast?

You need to start by visiting the Google Play Podcast Portal. Once you make it to that area, you click on the button to add a podcast. Take your RSS feed URL and paste it into the text box field. You then verify you own the RSS feed via your e-mail, review the information, and click on the publishing button.

How do I manually add podcasts to Spotify?

Subscribe to a podcastGo to the podcast show page.Find the subscribe link in the show description.Enter your details and tap Subscribe.To unlock the podcast and listen, either: Tap Activate on Spotify. Or, copy the Private RSS Link and paste it into any podcast app.

Why do I need an RSS feed for podcast?

An RSS feed is an essential piece of technology that powers every podcast. Without it, the medium wouldn't exist. A podcast RSS feed contains information about your show and its episodes. It then passes that information to podcast directories, like Apple Podcasts or Spotify, each time a new episode is published.

Do I need an RSS feed for podcast?

You ABSOLUTELY need a podcast RSS feed! Pretty much all podcast directories like iTunes, Stitcher, and so on, need an RSS feed to publish your new episodes. For example, everything you publish on a WordPress site will go into the RSS feed, that's why it's important to have a stand-alone podcast RSS feed.

Can you listen to patreon on Spotify?

To listen to a private podcast feed (from Patreon, Supercast, Glow.fm, etc) you'll need to manually add it to your listening app on iOS or Android. This works best on Google Podcasts (for Android), and Apple Podcasts or Overcast (on iOS). Spotify does not support private podcast feeds.

How do I manually add podcasts to Spotify?

Subscribe to a podcastGo to the podcast show page.Find the subscribe link in the show description.Enter your details and tap Subscribe.To unlock the podcast and listen, either: Tap Activate on Spotify. Or, copy the Private RSS Link and paste it into any podcast app.

How do I upload a podcast to Spotify?

Upload a podcast with Spotify for PodcastersClick GET STARTED.Paste in the link to your podcast's RSS feed.We'll send a verification email to the address in your RSS feed. ... Add podcast info like the category, language, and country.Review the info then click SUBMIT.

How can I get a free RSS feed?

Setting Up an RSS FeedOpen your web browser and go to FetchRSS.com.Register for a free account.Click on “manual RSS builder”Enter the URL of your website.Select the news item you want the feed to distribute.Select the headline within the news item.Select a description or summary within the news item.More items...•

Command line

When installed via setup.py or PIP, the command spr will point to spr/cli.py. This takes a Spotify show ID as parameter and outputs RSS to stdout.


spr.wsgi contains a very simple WSGI application. Given a URL ending with a Spotify show ID, it outputs an RSS feed for that podcast, or a 404 response if the podcast was not found. Without show ID, it gives you a wonderfully primitive POST form, which accepts a show ID or a full Spotify show URL.

10192 Liked Songs

That's how many I have! choose a number and get a song.I have songs from basically every genre and from many different time periods.

Can no longer look at my playlist?

Using free version and it seems I can no longer look at playlists I’ve made and thus can’t edit/remove songs from playlists anymore?

Unofficial remixes on Spotify. How do they get on the platform?

Hello everyone. Recently I found many unofficial remixes and mashups on Spotify, and I'm gonna link just one here so you can understand what I'm talking about. https://open.spotify.com/track/0u5Agy2RLORlgsxZ3INSJ5

Old white dude looking to dive into Norteño

I live in an area with a sizeable Mexican population, and always wondered what was up with "that Mexican polka-sounding stuff." So I looked up what I learned was called Norteño, its history (Maximillian liked his brass bands)...but where do I start?

Looking for some personal chill playlists or soft pop playlist

Can't believe I never thought about joining this sub earlier, but anyway, does any one a personal chill soft playlist that they don't mind sharing with me? Not looking for something that everyone has, I want want you think deserves to be on your chill/soft pop playlist :) Thanks!

How to make a podcast on RSS?

Step 1. Create a free RSS Podcasting account. Step 2. Confirm your email address and select the “New podcast” button. Step 3. Next, add your new podcast’s details including title, description, and your RSS address feed and select “Next.”.

How to create RSS feed?

If you know how to code (most of us don’t), you can create an RSS feed by using XML to declare the channel, title of your feed, links to your channel, and more. You then will need to add a new item each time you create a new episode so that your episode will show up in your readers’ feeds.

How to get your podcast on iTunes?

Below are step-by-step guides to help you get your show published on the most popular podcast directories: 1 How to submit your podcast to iTunes/Apple Podcasts 2 How to submit your podcast to Google Podcasts 3 How to submit your podcast to Spotify 4 How to submit your show to Stitcher 5 How to submit your podcast to iHeartRadio 6 How to submit your podcast to TuneIn 7 How to submit your show to Pandora 8 How to submit your podcast to Amazon Music & Audible 9 How to start, grow, and monetize a podcast

Do I need a podcast feed?

Do I Need a Podcast-Only Feed? Yes. If you already have an RSS feed for your website, that’s great, but it isn’t going to do the job when it comes to your podcasts. Your site-wide RSS feed may only be picking up your blog posts and not your podcast episodes.

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