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rumble x22 podcast

by Blaze Gibson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is x22 report?

X22 Report on Apple Podcasts X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse. Join me and many others to fight for what is rightfully ours. Website: x22report.com X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse. Join me and many others to fight for what is rightfully ours.

Should the x-x22 show be broadcast non-stop?

X22 episodes should be broadcast non stop on every news channel until people wake up. Luv Dave! Dave's the only reason I know what is going on. Been listening for years.

What do you think about Dave from x22?

I love Dave form x22 but sometimes he believes too much of what he's talking about instead of questioning what is being discussed. I listen to him daily because it's entertaining and he often catches things that others miss.

What do you think of the foxhole podcast?

The podcast was very good and the show was full of suspenses . I enjoyed it He is one of the everyday listens and is more right then wrong and will admit to mistakes or being misled. I usually listen to him on the foxhole dot app but really glad to find him here. Pay attention to the context.


Ep. 2710 - Time To Reveal The Insurance Policy, Make Noise, Make It Rain, Bye Crooked Hillary

The people no longer believe the fake news, each time they put a fake story it gets worse and worse. Trump and other world leaders have not set the plan in motion to take down the [CB] system. In the ...

Ep. 2708 - Durham Has Only Scraped The Surface, Peace Through Strength

The [CB]/ [DS] banking secrets are being revealed, this was done using the [CB] system not crypto or gold. Corruption at the highest level which is still going on in other banking systems. In the end the people will reject the ...

Ep. 2707 - US Cyber Task Force Ready, Comms Online, Judgement Day Coming

Trump calls out Krugman, Krugman told people to get out the market when Trump was elected, the reason was that they were going to bring it down and they wanted the people to start the avalanche. Ukraine legalizes Bitcoin, [CB]/ [DS] ...

Patel Patriot - Everything Is Timed, Military Planning, Trump Will Most Likely Return Before 2024

Prepare Today $50 OFF 4-WEEK KIT My Patriot Supply http://preparewithx22.com Today’s Guest: Patel Patriot Website: Devolution https://devolution.link Substack https://patelpatriot.substack.com/ Telegram https://t.me/patelpatriot Patel Patriot is the creator of the Devolution series.

Ep. 2706 - The Puzzle Is Coming Together, The Stage Is Set, Prepare For The Storm

The US is now a net importer of oil, 2 years ago the US was a net energy exporter.Canada is now going after people bank accounts, they are even going after crypto wallets. The Fed want to raise rates quickly. ...

Ep. 2705 - Fear Is Real, Something Big Is Coming, Justice Is Coming For Hillary, Down She Goes

Inflation is taking its toll, new construction is down, the cost of building and supply chain issues are exposed. Fake news warning 7 dollar gas coming, blaming it on Ukraine, this has nothing to do with Ukraine. The transition to ...

Ep. 2704 - Foundation Being Built,Indictments,Arrests,& Declass Will Force WW Coverage,Panic In DC

Inflation hit a 30 year high in Canada. Here in the US inflation is continuing to move higher, the Fed will only have one option in the end, raise rates. Biden blaming energy prices on Ukraine. People ability to use ...

Why are podcasts written?

On the rare instances that they use actual facts, they skew the facts to fit their story/agenda. The podcasts are written to keep the user engaged and outraged, often taking advantage of people who can't see through the nonsense... And play on the vulnerable. 7 people found this helpful. Overall.

Why is the JB on the defensive?

The [CB]/ [JB] are now having trouble dealing withe the economy, they are on the defensive because the people are experiencing something very different than what is being said. The people know. Wages are falling not moving up. The [CB] is now panicking and they are now trying to take control of alternative currencies.

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