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russian rulers history podcast

by Aidan Mills MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Who was the best ruler of Russia?

Ivan the Great earned his sobriquet and makes his way on to my list as the best Russian ruler for a number of reasons. When I first put together my list, I had him behind both Alexander Nevsky and Peter I, but after careful review and research, he became my number one.

Who was Vladimir the Great?

Today's episode adds to the story of one of ancient Russia's most important leaders, Vladimir the Great. Today, I will be returning to the beginning of the podcast with a rerun of episode 1, but with lots more new history to share about Russian before there were Russians.

How did Peter the Great westernize Russia?

Peter I, better known to the world as Peter the Great, thrust Russia onto the world stage by westernizing it despite bitter opposition from both the boyars and the population at large. His immense personality and 6′ 8″ stature was an imposing figure over the vast Russian Empire, an empire he helped create.

Is Peter the Great the best ruler of all time?

Peter does not go without some major criticisms, issues that keep him from being my selection as the best ruler of all time. The large number of deaths that he caused with the building of St. Petersburg comes to mind. His parenting of his son, Alexei, who was to be his heir, was dismal.


Who wrote the Siberians?

The Siberians by Farley Mowat. In Siberia by Colin Thubron. My Sister’s Mother: A Memoir of War, Exile, and Stalin’s Siberia by Donna Slecka Urbikas. Gulag: A History by Anne Applebaum (highly recommended) For the fiction works: Russka: A Novel of Russia by Edward Rutherford.

How did Peter the Great help Russia?

Peter I, better known to the world as Peter the Great, thrust Russia onto the world stage by westernizing it despite bitter opposition from both the boyars and the population at large. His immense personality and 6′ 8″ stature was an imposing figure over the vast Russian Empire, an empire he helped create. Peter I guided Russia towards Europe and away from its Oriental past. He also set the stage for Catherine the Great, Alexander I and II who were to take their country to its pinnacle.

How long did the Rurik Dynasty last?

The Rurik Dynasty had lasted from 862 – 1598, a period of over 700 years. Had Ivan not killed his more able bodied son Ivan Ivanovich, it may have lasted much longer and may not have had to suffer through the Time of Troubles.

Who is Vladimir Putin?

Way back on episode 117 on May 13, 2013, we covered the life and rise of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the son of Vladimir Spiridovich and Maria Ivanovna Shelomova born on October 7, 1952. He is the first post-Lenin leader who did not live through the reign of Joseph Stalin, actually only a few brief months as a baby.

Did Putin cut back on infrastructure?

Putin was forced to cut tens of thousands of government jobs, cut back on much needed infrastructure repairs and expansions and things are looking pretty bleak. Of course, he blames the West and the sanctions and not his, in my opinion, very myopic economic policies.

Who was Alexander Petrovich Tormasov?

Alexander Petrovich Tormasov was the third of the Russian Generals I covered in Episode 133. He was born to an old noble Russian family and was considered a great Russian for his help in rebuilding Moscow after Napoleon’s invasion. Here are pictures of the three Russian Generals.

Is there a Patreon for Russian Rulers History?

By Mark Schauss on February 18, 2020 in Uncategorized. In the coming weeks, Russian Rulers History will be adding a Patreon option to continue to enjoy Mark Schauss’s podcast.

Stalin's Enabler's - Part Two

Today, we continue the series on those men who enabled Stalin to keep his country terrorized.

Stalin's Enablers - Part One

Stalin's reign of terror couldn't have happened without the support of a number of ruthless enablers. Today, we begin a three part series on these men and how they survived.

Episode 209 - Revisiting Vladimir the Great - Part Two

Today we cover the time between Vladimir's time as prince of Novgorod to his death, presenting newly found information.

Episode 208 - Revisiting Vladimir the Great

Today's episode adds to the story of one of ancient Russia's most important leaders, Vladimir the Great.

Episode 207 - Back to the Beginning

Today, I will be returning to the beginning of the podcast with a rerun of episode 1, but with lots more new history to share about Russian before there were Russians.

Episode 206 - The History of Ukraine - Part Two

Today, we finish up the history of Ukraine and its relationship with Russia.

Episode 205 - The History of Ukraine and its Relationship to Russia - Part One

Today, we begin a new series with an overview of the history of Ukraine and its relationship to Russia.

History Podcasts

First we follow the Russian rulers from Rurik to Putin then take to recounting all aspects of Russian history.

A Brief Announcement

A quick announcement about the future of the podcast and comments about the goings on in Ukraine and Russia.

The Enabler's - Part Three

Today, we finish the three part series about the men who helped Joseph Stalin terrorize the Soviet Union.

Stalin's Enabler's - Part Two

Today, we continue the series on those men who enabled Stalin to keep his country terrorized.

Stalin's Enablers - Part One

Stalin's reign of terror couldn't have happened without the support of a number of ruthless enablers. Today, we begin a three part series on these men and how they survived.

Episode 209 - Revisiting Vladimir the Great - Part Two

Today we cover the time between Vladimir's time as prince of Novgorod to his death, presenting newly found information.

Episode 208 - Revisiting Vladimir the Great

Today's episode adds to the story of one of ancient Russia's most important leaders, Vladimir the Great.

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