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sasquatch tracks podcast

by Dr. Angelina Keeling Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is Sasquatch tracks about?

Sasquatch Tracks takes a scientific look at whether there are large animal species that remain undiscovered. With special emphasis on the Sasquatch in North America, the show looks at claims of apelike “relict hominoids” and other animals purported to exist in various parts of the world.

What is the Sasquatch chronicles podcast?

Sasquatch Chronicles on Apple Podcasts People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this to be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot.

Who is Thomas Steenburg on Sasquatch tracks?

On this episode of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by the legendary Thomas Steenburg, a veteran Canadian researcher who has devoted decades to the pursuit of North America’s mysterious relict hominoid.


Who are the researchers on Sasquatch Tracks?

On this episode of Sasquatch Tracks , Jeff and Smoky lead off with an update about their recent investigations in a state park with a history of purported Sasquatch activity, and Micah reports on a number of items currently in the news, which includes a nighttime sighting by an Ohio woman who says she saw such a creature. We are then joined by researchers Jason Sakrisson and Charles Lamica, who share their field research and interests in the topic of Sasquatch studies, in addition to their collaboration on a new long-term field study called "Living with Sasquatch" that they two, along with other researchers, are undertaking this summer. Jason and Charles share with us what they hope to achieve with the project, and how citizen science like this may help to improve our understanding of the broader Sasquatch mystery. Stories and other links discussed in this episode: Living with Sasquatch GoFundMe Page Jason Sakrisson on Facebook Charles Lamica on Facebook 'Squatcher's Guide to Tracking: How to Stalk the Elusive Ape—and Anything Else that Moves in the Woods by Charles Lamica Follow Sasquatch Tracks on Twitter. Got a news tip or story to share? Send us an Email. Have you seen an animal you can't identify? Submit a report here.…

Who is the producer of Sasquatch?

On this edition of Sasquatch Tracks , the team is joined by legendary television producer Doug Hajicek, creator of programs and documentaries like Monster Quest, Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science, Giganto: America's King Kong, Mysterious Encounters, and several others.

How many episodes are there in Sasquatch Tracks?

With special emphasis on the Sasquatch in North America, the show looks at claims of apelike “relict hominoids” and other animals purported to exist in various parts of the world. 21 episodes.

Who is Matt Pruitt?

On this edition of Sasquatch Tracks, after a bit of discussion geared around the Halloween season, we are joined for a lengthy discussion with Matt Pruitt, a longtime researcher of the Sasquatch mystery and current member of the North American Wood Ape Conservancy (NAWAC). Matt Pruitt grew up in the mountains of Northeast Georgia, and has been conducting active sasquatch field research for several years following his first encounter in 1999. In addition to being a member of the North American Wood Ape Conservancy, he was formerly an investigator, field researcher, and expedition organizer for the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO). He has conducted field research in many different locations across North America. Stories and other links discussed in this episode: Matt Pruitt's Blog The Official Website of the Sasquatch Contact Initiative The North American Wood Ape Conservancy Follow Sasquatch Tracks on Twitter. Got a news tip or story to share? Send us an Email. Have you seen an animal you can't identify? Submit a report here.…

Who is the author of the hoop snake?

Then getting to the heart of the discussion, we are joined by author Lyle Blackburn, a native Texan known for his work in writing, music, and film. He is the author of several acclaimed books, including “The Beast of Boggy Creek” and “Lizard Man,” whose subject matter reflects his life-long fascination with legends and sighting reports of unknown creatures. Lyle is also the founder of the rock band, Ghoultown, and narrator/producer of documentary films such as “The Mothman of Point Pleasant” and “Boggy Creek Monster.” We discuss Lyle's projects, as well as his latest book "Sinister Swamps" on this edition of Sasquatch Tracks. Stories and other links discussed in this episode: The official web page of Lyle Blackburn The Beast of Boggy Creek and other books by Lyle Blackburn Lyle's "Monstro Bizarro" Online Store Follow Sasquatch Tracks on Twitter. Got a news tip or story to share? Send us an Email. Have you seen an animal you can't identify? Submit a report here.…

Who are the researchers on Sasquatch Tracks?

On this special edition of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by researchers David Ellis and Julie Rench, who discuss their ongoing research with audio recordings of unknown provenance in various parts of the United States.

Who is the producer of Sasquatch?

On this edition of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by legendary television producer Doug Hajicek, creator of programs and documentaries like Monster Quest, Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science, Giganto: America's King Kong, Mysterious Encounters, and several others.

Who is Matt Pruitt?

On this edition of Sasquatch Tracks we are joined by Matt Pruitt, a longtime researcher of the Sasquatch mystery and current member of the North American Wood Ape Conservancy (NAWAC).

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