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satanic panic podcast

by Cydney Robel Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What was the Satanic Panic?

The Satanic Panic was a phenomenon in which millions of Americans believed that a Satanic cult bubbled just below the surface of society. In the first episode, we explore the roots of the panic, and the sociocultural events that were building into a wave of fear.

What was the Satanic cult hysteria?

(Ben Shannon/CBC) In the newest season of Uncover, host Lisa Bryn Rundle unravels the history of a moral hysteria that took root across North America. Throughout the 1980s, Satanic cults were widely believed to be preying on children — torturing and terrorizing them as part of dark rituals.

What happened to the 80s Satanic cults?

In the '80s, Satanic cults were believed to be preying on kids, terrorizing them in dark rituals. There were horrifying allegations. Criminal trials.

Is there an underground Satanic cult in Saskatoon?

As the number of suspects continues to grow, rumours of an underground Satanic cult whose members include police officers have taken root. Saskatoon Police Officer John Popowich finds himself facing “the worst things that a human being can be accused of.” 37:55.


What is the Satanic Panic?

The Satanic Panic was a phenomenon in which millions of Americans believed that a Satanic cult bubbled just below the surface of society. In the first episode, we explore the roots of the panic, and the sociocultural events that were building into a wave of fear.

When was the Church of Satan created?

The creation of the Church of Satan in 1966 sparked rumors of Satanism seeping into the common household. But those rumors didn’t contain much truth. So what does the Church of Satan actually believe, and where do they come from?

Is Satan living among us?

But it wasn’t until Papa Warnke, an ex-High Priest of Satanism, stepped up and confirmed that yes, Satan is living among us, that the Satanic Panic began to solidify.

Who is Bennett Braun?

Was awarded 10.6 million from her Chicago based therapist , Bennett Braun, who has since been disbarred in the state of Illinois. Lucky for us he just moved to Montana and reopened his practice… We’re not saying don’t trust your therapist. We’re saying don’t trust your therapist blindly.

Did the Satanic Church freak out people?

The emergence of the Satanic Church really freaked a lot of folks out. Thankfully, the religious media was there to profit from the scandal, and further the growing terror in small town America.

When did the Satanic Panic peak?

The Satanic Panic reaches its peak in the eighties with the McMartin preschool trials, when a local preschool is accused of ritualistically abusing the children. In 1983, a mother of one of th…

When did the Church of Satan form?

After the Church of Satan formed in 1966, rural America exploded with rumors of sacrifices and aborted fetus, goat children and blood rites. But it wasn’t until Papa Warnke, an ex-High Priest of Satani…

What episode of Sybil is Hannah and Cameron in?

On episode 6, Hannah and Cameron tell the true story behind the movie Sybil. Sybil started all the fuss about Multiple Personality Disorder and was based the life of Shirley Mason. Miss Mason w…

When did John Popowich get charged?

2:24. In June 2002, the Saskatchewan government settled out of court with John Popowich. Popowich was charged in 1992 with sexual assault in the Martensville child abuse investigation. He was acquitted at trial and launched a civil suit accusing authorities of malicious prosecution.

Is mass hysteria a role in panic?

We may call it mass hysteria but individuals do play a role in helping halt or spur on a panic and my personal takeaway from all this is to be cautious—disciplined when it comes to assumptions and leaps of logic—but not afraid.

Is the legacy of the panic still with us today?

The legacy of the panic is still with us today. But if we don't talk about it, we can't see that. - Lisa Bryn Rundle, host and producer of Uncover: Satanic Panic

Did people who didn't live through the time of Satanic Panic ever hear of it?

People who didn't live through the time of "Satanic Panic" may well never have heard of it. Or they've heard about other aspects of the hysteria —like the fear that there were secret messages about Satan in popular music—but not about the much more complex and deeply tragic legacy of the satanic ritual abuse panic.

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In the 1980s, rumours swirled across North America about Satanic cults torturing and terrorizing children. It led to mass hysteria — yet there was no proof of the alleged crimes. So what happened? (Ben Shannon/CBC)


Police Officer Claudia Bryden is drawn into a bizarre case unfolding in the peaceful Prairie town of Martensville, Saskatchewan. What starts with a single complaint about an alleged sexual assault in a home daycare grows into something bigger and more disturbing than anyone could have imagined. 36:44

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