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satchin panda podcast

by Laurianne Schneider Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Who is Professor Satchidananda Panda?

Dr Chatterjee talks to Professor Satchidananda Panda of the Salk Institute in California, a leading expert in the field of circadian rhythm and whose research is transforming our lives everyday worldwide. Listen to PART 2 of the podcast. Satchin explains our Circadian Rhythms and how this is reflected in our daily lives.

What is Dr Satchin Panda famous for?

Dr. Satchin Panda is a bit of a ledge. He’s possibly the world’s most respected area in the field of Circadian rhythms and daily routines that optimise our health. How to stop peeing in the middle of the night!

What is Panda lab?

Satchin Panda is a professor in the Regulatory Biology Laboratory—aka Panda Lab —at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California.

What is Satchin's theory on circadian rhythms?

Satchin's work deals specifically with the timing of food and its relationship with our biological clocks, which are governed by a circadian rhythm. "Mice that ate within a 12-hour time period had 70% less fat and 28% less total body mass."


What you'll learn from this episode

Dr. Panda's research supports what intermittent fasting proponents have been saying for years: when we eat may be every bit as important to our well-being as what we eat.

Resources from this episode

The Circadian Code: Lose Weight, Supercharge Your Energy, and Transform Your Health from Morning to Midnight by Satchin Panda

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Fasting News

A fasting-mimicking diet improved effectiveness and reduced toxicity of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients.

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