Podcast FAQ

self publishing podcast

by Hector Hartmann Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Self Publishing Podcast Topics

Topic Number of episodes
Writing 30
How to write a novel for beginners 17
Can you write a novel without training 17
How to write a novel 17
Jul 20 2022

Full Answer

How do I self-publish a podcast?

Once you've chosen a podcast hosting platform and directory, these are the general steps to publishing your podcast:Create a podcast RSS feed on your hosting platform.Submit the RSS feed to your podcast directory.Wait for your RSS feed to be approved.Publish and view your podcasts.

Is self-publishing still profitable?

Thankfully, self-published books have a much, much higher royalty rate than traditional publishers because you get to keep anywhere from 50-70% of your book's profits. With a traditional publisher, they take much more and you only end up with 10% maybe 12% after years of proving yourself as an author.

Do podcasts sell books?

Yes. More than a decade ago, before most people even knew what a podcast was, Macmillan, one of the largest book publishers in the world, launched a podcast network.

How much does the average self publisher make?

According to data from a new survey from Digital Book World and Writer's Digest, the median income range for self-published authors is under $5,000 and nearly 20% of self-published authors report deriving no income from their writing.

Did JK Rowling self-publish?

The biggest publishing phenomenon on the planet is now a self-publisher. After a week of heavy speculation, JK Rowling has revealed that she is to self-publish the e-books to her mind-bogglingly successful Harry Potter series through her newly-announced proprietary platform, Pottermore.

How much do self-published authors make on Amazon 2021?

A major platform for indie writers is Amazon. As a tool, Amazon can be tricky to learn and master. But with a little research and a strong strategy, a self-published author can make $10,000+ per month publishing their own books on Amazon.

How do authors get podcasts?

#1 – Do your research. First of all, listen to the show before reaching out to podcast hosts. Podcasters are often approached by an author who sends generic emails proclaiming “I love your show,” and then ask to become a guest to promote their book.

Can a podcast be a book?

You can either opt to read your own book for the podcast series or you can hire someone else to do it. Just like with audiobooks, you can work with a professional voice actor. Also, consider if you'd like to dramatize your podcast.

How do you book a podcast for an interview?

Do not try to book an interview with them right in that moment. Peak their interest, and ask permission to send them some more details about your show. Agree on a method of communication (email, social media, phone call, etc.) and follow up with them after the event.

Is Amazon publishing worth it?

However, if you have some spare time and believe that being able to point to the fact that you're a published author on Amazon will help boost your credentials or career, then it's worth it. Self publishing on Amazon is also worth it if you can use the clicks and views that your eBook receives to boost another venture.

Are there any successful self-published authors?

The instant success Like Ross, Rachel Abbott found her self-publishing success quickly. Her first book, Only The Innocent, reached the top spot on the Kindle store three months after she published it in 2011. By 2015, she'd been named Amazon's bestselling independent author in the UK for the previous five-year period.

Can you make a living as a self-published author?

Self-published authors don't get an advance, but they do get about 60% of their royalties from the start. Instead of getting paid $1.79 per copy on that book listed for $17.99, you're getting paid closer to $11 a copy from the start.

How many copies does the average self-published book sell?

about 250 copiesResearch suggests that the “average” self-published, digital-only book sells about 250 copies in its lifetime. By comparison, the average traditionally published book sells 3,000 copies, but as I mentioned above, only about 250-300 of those sales happen in the first year.

Can a self-published book be successful?

There is a good chance that a debut self published novel won't hit the big time and make the author rich. In fact, most successful self published authors have multiple books to their names because a series does create better chance to sell.

How many books do you have to sell to make a million dollars?

Likewise, an ebook in a very popular genre could sell very well, since readers of the genre are always hungry for more. If you make $1 per book, you need to sell a million of them. That's not easy to do… but if you have 10 books, you just need to sell 100,000 of each.

How much does the average author make?

What is an Average Author Salary? The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the median salary in May 2018 for a person who classifies as a “writer and author” on their tax documents is $62,170. This does not account for all authors, though since many “write part-time” or make much of their income through other means.

Who is the host of the self publishing podcast?

The Begin Self-Publishing Podcast features Tim Lewis, who has recorded a series of episodes since 2016. This host is British, and has a pretty heavy accent, and has a quirky style. He, too, invites guests to share their self-publishing experiences.

What is the self publishing show?

The Self Publishing Show is a podcast that features Mark Dawson and James Blatch, two Brits that chat about various topics related to self-publishing. They often have guests on the show that contribute input about the topic at hand. They have a large catalog of episodes covering a wide range of topics, and they also promote their courses.

How many podcasts does AskAlli have?

The AskAlli podcast offers two podcasts per week, with one of these dedicated to offering guidance to indie authors. The other is called the Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast, where self-published authors are interviewed.

Who hosts the Writer 2.0 podcast?

The Writer 2.0 podcast is hosted by author A.C. Fuller and has been on the air since 2014. The podcast features a mix of interviews with various published authors. These alternate with episodes dedicated to the craft of writing and how to stimulate the writing process and the marketing angle.

Who is the host of Sell More Books?

Bryan Cohen and H. Claire Taylor host the Sell More Books Show podcast. These young, chatty hosts produce weekly shows that feature unique titles to pique curiosity about the content. The hosts also offer courses for beginning authors who are looking to self-publish.

Your weekly dose of inspiration and education

The Self Publishing Show provides weekly inspiration and education to writers at all stages of their careers. We feature interviews with million-selling indie authors, breakout stars from traditional publishing, industry insiders and tech geniuses who show you how to put the incredible tools at our disposal to their best use.


We put a lot of time and effort into creating a leading podcast for the self-publishing community, and we'd love it to become self-funding to ensure its longevity.

What are podcasts?

Although podcasts have been around for a few years now and have developed a loyal follower base, there are still millions of people who don’t know what they are missing out on. Podcasts are like a radio show but on demand.

How to get podcasts?

You can either stream them from a website or use a podcast app: it will automatically download the new episode every time it gets published. It is simple. Really. Just watch this video to learn how to.

Self-publishing podcasts: is it for you?

While not everyone can have a show at NPR, everyone can run a podcast. It is inexpensive and democratic: your podcast will be freely available for everyone.

How to make your podcast stand out?

While the competition is huge, it is still smaller than for ebooks: if you create great content, the chances are good that you will be listened to. There are some things that are essential if you would like your readers to subscribe.

What do you need to start a podcast?

1. A lot of commitment. Most great podcasts come out once a week or every two weeks: you have to give your listeners a chance to get used to your voice and anticipate listening to you regularly.

Running a podcast as a self-publisher: Tim Lewis

Let’s ask Tim Lewis for some insight. For those of you who don’t know his show: the Begin Self-Publishing Podcast is your one stop guide to how to produce a book that you can sell.

Best podcasts for self-publishers

So, what should you listen to? Our personal favourites include the aforementioned Begin Self-Publishing and Joanna Penn’s weekly podcast on writing, creativity and publishing options.

Nancy Jutten's interview on self publishing

Jeremy, I am currently in Nancy Jutten's Broadcast Your Brilliance Bootcamp, and she really walks her talk. I love how concisely she speaks about her journey, and I know first hand she tells it like it is, which is a great value.

A truly value packed pod!

This show is like my morning coffee - warm, stimulating, and a can’t miss part of my day. Jeremy is a fantastic host who always speaks to me right where I’m at, and the guests he brings on are second to none. No matter the episode, you’re guaranteed to walk away with a handful of golden nuggets - can’t recommend TDSPP enough 🙌

What is self publishing advice conference?

The Self-Publishing Advice Conference is an online conference for self-publishing authors, brought to you by Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) director Orna Ross. Sign up to receive updates about attending free for three days.

Who is the editor of Alli News?

Tune in to our monthly Self-Publishing News podcast with Alli News Editor Dan Holloway and book editor Howard Lovy. Together, they will bring you the latest in indie publishing news and commentary.

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