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sell more books podcast

by Prof. Triston Huels Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Do podcasts help sell books?

It's not just about the sales “Of course, many authors want a podcast interview to lead to increased book sales,” says marketing consultant Maggie Hammerstein. “But they also want to develop a brand and a media presence and podcasts are an ideal way to accomplish both goals.”

How can I sell more books?

9 Things Successful Authors Do to Sell More BooksKnow your readers. ... Create an elevator pitch. ... Know your buyer's journey. ... Build a content reservoir. ... Update your website. ... Build and engage your email list. ... Choose the right social media channels. ... Keep your online profiles consistent.More items...•

How do I promote my book on podcast?

There are four ways to promote your book on podcasts:You can listen to a podcast like this one to improve your skills.You can be a guest on podcasts where you talk about your book for free.You can start your own podcast.Podcast advertising.

How do I sell more books on social media?

7 Social Media Strategies Authors Use to Sell More BooksCreate a Facebook Community around the Theme of Your Book. ... Create an Author Website. ... Create an Author Fan Club. ... Launch a Twitter Campaign. ... Get Bloggers to Promote Your Book. ... Create Shareable Content. ... Try Out Instagram.

How can KDP increase sales?

How To Increase Book SalesFollow the Trends. ... Write With a Specific Audience In Mind. ... Use The Amazon ebook Format. ... Hire A Graphics Artist. ... Do Your Cover Yourself. ... A Title That Grabs Attention. ... Build your Brand – Create Author Page In Amazon Author Central. ... KDP Select Program.More items...

How do I get my self published book noticed?

11 Powerful Book Promotion Ideas for Self-Published AuthorsHave your own blog or website. ... Increase your online presence to spread the word about your book. ... Use social media. ... Learn from the most popular books in your genre — what helps them sell? ... Get reviews for your book. ... Write an enticing book blurb.More items...

How do you pitch a book to a podcast?

Here's how to land author interviews:Do your research.Rate and review the podcast.Feature the podcast hosts.Tailor your pitch.Offer ideas related to your book.Leverage common connections you have.Send samples of previous author interviews.Create a one-sheet.More items...•

How do you get an interviewed for a podcast?

Find Relevant Podcasts. Finding relevant podcasts in your niche is actually fairly simple. ... Evaluate Your Podcast Targets. Appearing on a podcast with no listeners is useless, and pitching a podcast that isn't looking for guests is an equal waste of your time. ... Collect Data About Your Podcasts. ... Pitch Your Podcasts.

Where can I find podcast guests?

How to Find Podcast GuestsDo some field research. ... Send a formal invitation. ... Search online on different websites. ... Write an inspiring pitch. ... Ask experts with recent publications. ... Try social media handles. ... Contact experts through directories. ... Meet potential guests in person.More items...•

How can I promote my book anonymously?

Using a pen name, or nom de plume, can provide you with the freedom of anonymity if you have concerns about people knowing that you have written a particular book. Whether it is as simple as you not wanting your strait-laced colleagues at the law firm know that you secretly write bodice-ripping romance novels.

How do I get exposure for my book?

Seven Steps To Maximum Exposure For Your Self-Published BookGood cover design. The one greatest tool for your book marketing is a professional book cover. ... Great keywords and categories on Amazon. If you have a great book but you have no visibility on Amazon, forget it. ... Great Blurb. ... “Smart” Social Media. ... Face To Face. ... Ads.

Does social media help book sales?

Tanya McKinnon, a literary agent, said that it isn't accurate to say that social media doesn't matter for book sales. But the truth is that the industry doesn't really know what it will do for any given book. “If we knew, publishers would make no mistakes,” Ms. McKinnon said.

How can I get people to read my book?

How to Make Sure Your Book Gets ReadCreate a launch list. It's much easier to sell your book to people who are already aware of it and are clamoring for your content, rather than suddenly having to promote it to “the world” on launch day. ... Drive early reviews. ... Appear on podcasts. ... Leverage bulk sales.

Where can I sell my book that I wrote?

I'll start with the three options we didn't do, and why.Print-on-demand online stores. Some print-on-demand services have their own online stores that sell your book. ... Amazon. If you used Amazon's KDP print-on-demand (POD) service, then I believe your only option is to use Amazon to sell your book. ... Ingram (wholesale)

How much do publishers pay first time authors?

$5,000-$10,000From a major publisher, such an advance is typically $5,000-$10,000 for a first-time, unknown author, more if the author is well-known. Small press advances are lower, usually in the $1,000-$2,000 range, though some make up for that with higher royalty terms. *Self-publishing figures based on Amazon KDP royalties.

How do I sell more books as an indie author?

Write a New Book The best way to sell your books is to get readers of your other books to buy them, share them and recommend them. The more (quality) books you have out there, the better all your books will sell. Make sure that you're still making time for writing, no matter how busy you are with marketing.

What is the most covert, sneaky, and generally ineffective way you’ve tried to market your book?

There is over 500 members in the new group, The Sell More Books Show Afterparty! Go check it out at the link provided! Leave us a review on Apple Podcast and answer the Question of the Week in the comment section. Top Tips of the week include why promoting sequels will help sell your series, why to consider an editor, and why you should start your email list. This weeks Honorable Mention is Indie Inspired. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include how one intrepid author broke into the library with his book, how Amazon changes glitches are ruining indie launches, why ‘no offense’ is no defense, how newsletter swaps can grow your list, and how to make your Facebook ads more effective. Question of the Week: What is the most covert, sneaky, and generally ineffective way you’ve tried to market your book? read more

What publishing trend do you feel most affected your business this year and why?

5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include what the reading trends of 2021 were, whether a dedicated writing tool is for you, how to sell KU books to your non-KU readers, how to treat your designer, and how social media CAN sell your books. Question of the Week: What publishing trend do you feel most affected your business this year and why? read more

Why should you market your book and business on podcasts?

To some people, podcasts may be a new technology, while many others may have been listening to podcasts for many years.

How to Get Booked on Podcasts

So now that you’re thinking that maybe being a podcast guest can work for you and your business, then you are probably wondering how to get booked. Here are a few pointers to help you get started.


The Sell More Books Show is a weekly podcast focusing on helping new and experienced authors stay up-to-date with the latest self-publishing and indie news, tools and book selling/marketing strategies. Please subscribe to the show on iTunes or join our email update list for notifications when a new show is produced.

About Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is an experienced copywriter, bestselling author, and the founder of Best Page Forward and Amazon Ad School. He has written over 30 books, including How to Write a Sizzling Synopsis, 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts and the Viral Superhero Series. You can find out more about Bryan at BryanCohen.com.

About H. Claire Taylor

H. Claire Taylor is a humor author and fiction strategist, as well as the owner of FFS Media.

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