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by Rick Turner Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Is Serial podcast owned by New York Times?

Serial is an investigative journalism podcast hosted by Sarah Koenig, narrating a nonfiction story over multiple episodes. The series was co-created and is co-produced by Koenig and Julie Snyder and developed by This American Life; as of July 2020, it is owned by The New York Times.

Where can I listen to the Serial podcast?

You can listen to Serial in many places: right here on our site, on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and on Pandora. You can also find the podcast on Stitcher, RadioPublic or the podcatcher of your choice. Don’t know how to get a podcast? Learn more here. A young woman at a bar is slapped on the butt. So why’s she the one in jail?

What are the best crime podcasts on iTunes?

The Serial Serial is a podcast about a podcast. Every week, a few Onion Inc. staffers will be talking about an episode of Serial's hit spinoff, S-Town, another of the most popular and addictive podcasts on iTunes. Hollywood and Crime is a ground-breaking true crime series about the most infamous murders in Tinseltown history.

What is the most downloaded podcast on iTunes?

Serial ranked number one on iTunes even before its debut and remained there for several weeks. Serial won a Peabody Award in April 2015 for its innovative telling of a long-form nonfiction story. As of September 2018, episodes of seasons 1 and 2 have been downloaded over 340 million times, establishing an ongoing podcast world record.


Episode 10: The Best Defense is a Good Defense

song this is serial i love this hour long song it is so pro also heres the declaration… Read More


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation..

What is serial podcast?

Serial is a podcast from Serial Productions, a New York Times company, hosted by Sarah Koenig. Serial unfolds one story - a true story - over the course of a whole season. The show follows the plot and characters wherever they lead, through many surprising twists and turns. Sarah won't know what happens at the end of the story until she gets there, not long before you get there with her. Each week she'll bring you the latest chapter, so it's important to listen in, starting with Episode 1. New episodes are released on Thursday mornings.

How many episodes of Serial are there?

46 episodes. Serial is a podcast from Serial Productions, a New York Times company, hosted by Sarah Koenig. Serial unfolds one story - a true story - over the course of a whole season. The show follows the plot and characters wherever they lead, through many surprising twists and turns.

What is serial podcast?

Serial is a podcast from Serial Productions, a New York Times company, hosted by Sarah Koenig. Serial unfolds one story - a true story - over the course of a whole season. The show follows the plot and characters wherever they lead, through many surprising twists and turns. Sarah won't know what happens at the end of the story until she gets there, not long before you get there with her. Each week she'll bring you the latest chapter, so it's important to listen in, starting with Episode 1. N ...

What is the serial fanaticist podcast?

From cult movies to podcast parodies to pro wrestling, The Serial Fanaticist is the podcast for people who love a lot of different things.

What is Fruitloops podcast?

Fruitloops is a weekly podcast where two true crime enthusiasts bring you stories about people of color who rarely get media coverage - bringing diversity to the true crime conversation.

What is the Undisclosed podcast?

The Undisclosed podcast investigates wrongful convictions, and the U.S. criminal justice system, by taking a closer look at the perpetration of a crime, its investigation, the trial, and ultimate verdict... and finding new evidence that never made it to court .

When did Generation Why podcast come out?

The Generation Why Podcast released its first episode in 2012 and pioneered the true crime genre in the podcasting world. Two friends, Aaron & Justin, break down theories and give their opinions on unsolved murders, controversies, mysteries and conspiracies.

Who are the hosts of Weekly?

Weekly. A podcast where hosts Mike Martin, Alex Faciane and Jesse Cox dive into the endless sea of mystery and unknown. From the horror of serial killers, to the mysteries of the occult, aliens, and inter-dimensional musicians, nothing is off the table for these three to discuss and dissect.

Who is the host of Hollywood and Crime?

In The Black Dahlia Serial Killers, host Tracy Pattin investigates the sensational unsolved murder of Elizabeth Short. Known as the Black Dahlia, Short was a star-struck young woman whose body was found completely severed at the waist in January 1947. Many remember her tragic story, yet few know that more than a dozen other women died in similar circumstances around that same time.


The Improvement Association PAC’s power in the county is threatened when an unlikely candidate enters the race for county commissioner. Plenty of people outside the PAC now have their own ideas about how to build Black political power here. Zoe examines what this election could mean for the PAC’s future.

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If you can never get enough true crime... Congratulations, you’ve found your people.

Who is the host of Serial?

Serial. (podcast) Serial is an investigative journalism podcast hosted by Sarah Koenig, narrating a nonfiction story over multiple episodes. The series was co-created and is co-produced by Koenig and Julie Snyder and developed by This American Life; as of July 2020 it is owned by The New York Times.

Where did serial originate?

The concept for Serial originated with an experiment in Koenig's basement. Koenig and Snyder had pitched a different idea at a staff meeting for a weekly program on events during the previous seven days, which staff members received without enthusiasm. When Ira Glass asked Koenig if she had any other ideas, she mentioned podcasting a story that unfolded over time, a serialized narrative. In an interview with Mother Jones, she explained that each episode would return to the same story, telling the next chapter of a long, true narrative.

Why was Bergdahl offended by the punishment?

Bergdahl was offended by the punishment, feeling the commander was incompetent, and out of control.

How popular was the first season of Serial?

The first season of Serial was both culturally popular and critically well received. Serial was ranked at No. 1 on iTunes even before it débuted, leading iTunes rankings for over three months, well after the first season ended. It also broke records as the fastest podcast ever to reach 5 million downloads at Apple's iTunes store. David Carr in The New York Times called Serial "Podcasting's first breakout hit." The Guardian characterized it as a "new genre of audio storytelling".

How many times has Serial been downloaded?

As of September 2018, episodes of seasons one and two have been downloaded over 340 million times, establishing an ongoing podcast world record.

Who gave permission to use the interviews in Serial?

Boal had conducted a series of interviews with Bergdahl as part of a film production he was working on, and both Bo al and Bergdahl gave Koenig permission to use those excerpts of those recorded interviews in episodes of Serial.

Who is the soldier in Serial?

In September 2015, The New York Times reported the second season would focus on Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, an American Army soldier who was held for five years by the Taliban, and then charged with desertion. A spokesperson for Serial only said, "Over the last few months they've been reporting on a variety of stories for both Seasons 2 and 3 of Serial, along with other podcast projects." The first episode of the season was released, without any previous release date announcement, on December 10, 2015.

Enjoy a different view

Koenig says the jurors she spoke to insisted that religion had not influenced them, but that stereotypes about culture were lurking in the background. One juror said she remembered a fellow juror saying that in Arabic culture "men rule, not women".

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Several people who were at the second trial, including Adnan, suggested Gutierrez had a confusing way of presenting evidence. One of her main arguments against a mobile phone expert fell apart and she failed to properly attack the state's timeline of events.

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