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serial podcast jay

by Miss Juanita Will Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

HBO. When the Serial podcast premiered in October of 2014, many listeners were shocked to find that almost the entirety of the prosecution's case to convict Adnan Syed for the murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee hinged on the testimony of one witness—Jay Wilds.Mar 9, 2019

What is the Serial podcast?

Serial is a new podcast from the creators of This American Life, hosted by Sarah Koenig. Serial will follow one story – a true story – over the course of a whole… Read More The Section Header button breaks up song sections.

Where can I listen to serial?

You can listen to Serial in many places: right here on our site, on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and on Pandora. You can also find the podcast on Stitcher, RadioPublic or the podcatcher of your choice.

Where can I find Adnan Syed’s podcast?

You can also find the podcast on Stitcher, RadioPublic or the podcatcher of your choice. Don’t know how to get a podcast? Learn more here. The state’s case against Adnan Syed hinged on Jay’s credibility; he was their star witness and also, because of his changing statements to police, their chief liability.

What time did Adnan call Jay to get Hae?

As Jay is turning off Jeff’s street, Adnan calls Jay and asks him to get him at Best Buy. In their closing statement, the prosecution contends that this was the 2:36 p.m. incoming call. But both Jay and Jenn say he left her house between 3:30 p.m. and 3:45 p.m. Jay drives to Best Buy, where Adnan shows him Hae’s body in the trunk of her car.


What is Jay's story in Serial?

It was Jay's testimony that helped to put Adnan in prison with a life sentence for the February 1999 murder of his high school girlfriend, Hae Min Lee. As the state's star witness, Jay testified that he helped Adnan bury Hae's body after allegedly confessing to the murder back in February 1999.

What was Jay Wilds punishment?

Wilds, who was an acquaintance of Syed, confessed to helping Syed bury Lee's body, though he originally denied having anything to do with the murder. He did not go to prison, though. For his testimony, Wilds was given probation instead of a jail sentence for his said involvement in the crime.

Who was Jay's girlfriend in Serial podcast?

"Stephanie was Jay's girlfriend and Adnan and Stephanie had dated in middle school. "The three of them spent much time together. They spent time together between January 15 and when Adnan got arrested so there are a lot of questions I have for her.

What is Jay from Serial last name?

Jay Wilds, the main witness in a case that put then-18-year-old Adnan Syed into jail for the murder of his ex girlfriend Hae Min Lee in 1999, has done an interview with The Intercept and changed his story.

Is Jay a credible witness?

So even though Jay is not a credible witness, we can, with a fair amount of confidence, credit those two major portions of his testimony, as they could be verified by independent and external evidence (i.e., Jay's story about the burial did in fact match what police discovered at the scene, Jay's story about the car ...

Did Don and Jay know each other?

It doesn't seem like he and Jen knew each other. Jay's narrative has problems, but he was definitely involved in some way, either as an accomplice, a witness, or covering up afterwards. Unless SK has held back information tying Don to Jay it seems highly unlikely that he was involved.

When was Jay Wilds first interview?

The 12-part podcast “Serial” never formally interviewed Jay Wilds, the star witness who helped convict Adnan Syed of Hae Min Lee's murder. The Intercept interviews Jay at length for the first time. December 29 2014, 12:55 p.m.

Why is Jay's story so important to the case?

why is Jay's story so important to the case? do you think this impact Jay's testimony, how? he gives important and gives him the ability not to go to jail for a long time ever.

How did Jay know where hae's car was?

The State's claim is that, on the night of Jay's first police interview, Jay led the police to Hae's car, corroborating his story about (1) Adnan and he ditching the car behind the row houses; (2) Adnan tossing the keys in the dumpster; and (3) Jay confirming that the car was in the same location on multiple occasions.

How does Sarah describe Jay?

How does Koenig's characterization of Jay in episode 8 affect listeners? - Sarah went to jay's house to try to interview him. - In clip (21:33 - 22:00) She portrays jay as very kind, Tired, and frustrated that people believe Adnan didn't commit the murder. - This made us think of jay as understandable.

Why is the Nisha call important?

The Nisha Call is one of the strongest pieces of evidence suggesting that Adnan isn't innocent. But that isn't saying much. It's a 3:32 pm call on January 13, 1999, on Adnan's cell phone records to Nisha, a friend of his who did not know Jay. Nisha testified in trial that she spoke to both Jay and Adnan.

Where is Don clinedinst now?

He currently resides in North Carolina and tells the filmmakers he's been disabled and unable to work since he was 23. "There's not a day go by that I do not think about her and what happened," he said in an audio-recorded conversation with filmmakers.

What do we know about Wilds and Syed?

What we do know about Wilds and Syed, which Syed’s testimony confirms, is that Wilds and Syed were together on the day of Lee’s murder, and Jay had Syed’s phone and car for an unspecified period of time. Their accounts depart when Wilds says Syed showed him the body in the trunk of the car, and then Syed enlisted Wilds to bury Lee.

Who were the two people who were on Syed's phone?

They were granted Syed’s cell phone call records and then looked at two recipients of calls from Syed’s phone: Jennifer Pusateri and Wilds.

Did Jay Wilds participate in Serial?

Though Wilds didn’t participate in Serial, he did conduct a three-part interview with The Intercept ’s Natasha Vargas-Cooper, and attorney Rabia Chaudry (also Syed’s childhood friend) launched the Undisclosed podcast, both of which add layers to the mystery enshrouding Wilds’ testimony. Here’s everything we know about Jay Wilds before ...

Was Wilds a truthful witness?

Consequently, Wilds is a looming figure in Sarah Koenig and Julie Snyder’s reporting about the trial. Though Wilds’ testimony seemed to have been trusted implicitly by Syed’s jury, the Serial podcast shining a light on the key details of Wilds’ claims led many listeners to believe Wilds was not exactly truthful and that even the slightest bit ...

A Bar Fight Walks into the Justice Center

A young woman at a bar is slapped on the butt. So why’s she the one in jail?

Pleas Baby Pleas

Don’t tell the judges, but the prosecutors have the most power in the building.

The Snowball Effect

If you listen closely to the trash-talking, you start to get the message.

The Alibi

A potential alibi surfaces … and then disappears again, at the worst possible time for Adnan’s case.

The Breakup

Friends say Adnan was sad when Hae dumped him, but not crazy sad - normal sad. The prosecutors say he was rage-filled and vengeful. Which is it?

Leakin Park

Three weeks after Hae goes missing, a man discovers her body in the middle of a city forest. But his story is strange and his past is even stranger. Did he really just stumble on her by accident?


The detectives get a lead that opens the case up for them. They bring Jay in for questioning and he tells them the story of January 13th. But then, a few weeks later, his story changes.

Route Talk

Adnan once issued a challenge to Sarah: Recreate the state’s timeline of the murder by driving from Woodlawn High School to Best Buy in 21 minutes. It can’t be done, he said. So, we tried.

The Case Against Adnan Syed

Sarah weighs all the other circumstantial evidence prosecutors had against Adnan, including curious behavior, a dramatic note, and an unexplained mid-afternoon phone call.

The Opposite of the Prosecution

Sarah learned about another case with striking similarities to Adnan’s: a key witness, cell records, young people, drugs. So she called up the defense attorney on that case looking for insight, and got much more than she bargained for.

What did Jay tell Adnan?

He says Jay told him that Adnan had forced him to help bury Hae, and was threatening to hurt Stephanie if Jay squealed. Classmate and friend of Hae. Told police she saw Adnan after school on Jan. 13 around 3:30 p.m. Says Hae told her she was going to see Don after school. Lead homicide investigators.

Who is Adnan Syed?

Adnan Syed. Convicted of killing Hae Min Lee, his ex-girlfriend. He was 17 and a senior at Woodlawn High School when he was arrested. He was sentenced to life in prison. Aisha. Classmate and best friend of Hae. Remembers Adnan being possessive with Hae. Asia. Classmate of Adnan.

Why did Jay borrow Adnan's car?

Jay borrowed Adnan's car — and cell phone — so he could buy her a birthday present. Yaser. Friend of Adnan from the mosque. When an anonymous caller contacted police telling them to “concentrate on the victim's boyfriend,” the caller also said Yaser might know something about it.

Did Adnan and Jay smoke together?

Graduated from Woodlawn High School a year ahead of Adnan. They smoked weed together and were both close to Stephanie, Jay's girlfriend. Friend of Jay from high school. Testified that she saw Jay and Adnan on the night of the murder, and that Jay told her Adnan had killed Hae.

What does Jay do to Jenn?

Jay goes to Jenn’s house and plays video games with her brother. Jenn comes home from work. Jay tells Jenn about Adnan’s plans to kill Hae. Jay gets three calls from Adnan while at Jenn’s house, two on the cell phone and one on Jenn’s landline. Jay doesn’t hear from Adnan, so he leaves Jenn’s house.

Where do Jay and Jenn drive to?

Jenn testifies that she drove Jay to get rid of his clothes the next day, not that night. Jenn drives Jay to Stephanie’s house, where he gives Stephanie her birthday presents. Jay and Jenn spend the rest of the night at “Cathy’s” apartment.

What time does Jay drop Adnan off at school?

Jay drops Adnan off at school and keeps Adnan’s cell phone and car. In court, the prosecutor asks Jay to look at the 12:07 p.m. call to Jenn’s house. Jay says he remembers making the call while he was driving to Jenn’s house from Woodlawn High School. 1:15 p.m.

What time do Adnan and Jay leave McDonald's?

7:15 p.m. They leave McDonald’s and go to Jay’s house for a shovel and pick. 7:30 p.m. Jay and Adnan return to the Park and Ride to retrieve Hae’s car. They drive around the area. Adnan is driving Hae’s car, Jay is driving Adnan’s car. Adnan and Jay arrive at Leakin Park, and Adnan buries Hae’s body in the woods.

What time did Jay and Jenn's brother go to the mall?

1:45 p.m. Jay and Jenn’s brother go to a mall so Jay can finish his shopping. Jay says Adnan called the cell phone right before he and Jenn’s brother left for the mall. He says Adnan was calling to see where Jay was, but told Jay he wasn’t ready to be picked up yet.

Where do Adnan and Jay bury Hae's body?

Jay and Adnan return to the Park and Ride to retrieve Hae’s car. Adnan and Jay arrive at Leakin Park and bury Hae’s body in the woods. Adnan and Jay drive around for 30 minutes until finally ditching Hae’s car in a residential lot. Adnan throws Hae’s things and the shovels into a dumpster at Westview Mall.

Where do Adnan and Jay arrive?

Adnan and Jay arrive at Leakin Park, and Adnan buries Hae’s body in the woods. Jay says it takes Adnan about a half an hour. Adnan and Jay leave Leakin Park and drive around some more, until finally ditching Hae’s car in a residential lot. Adnan throws Hae’s things and the shovel into a dumpster at Westview Mall.

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