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serial podcast transcript

by Enola Reichel Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the Serial podcast?

Serial is a new podcast from the creators of This American Life, hosted by Sarah Koenig. Serial will follow one story – a true story – over the course of a whole… Read More The Section Header button breaks up song sections.

Who composed the theme music for the Serial podcast?

Our theme music is composed by Nick Thorburn, scoring music by Nick and Mark Phillips who also mixed our show. Our website where you can listen to all our episodes and find photos, letters, and other documents from the case, SerialPodcast.org. 69 Episode 3: Leakin Park

How do I donate to Serial podcast?

So if you’d like to donate, go to serialpodcast.org and follow the instructions there for how to do it. It’s easy. We promise. Or if you want to give a ten dollar donation using your phone, that’s really easy also. You can text the word “serial,” S-E-R-I-A-L to the number 25 -383. That’s “serial” to the number 25-383 for ten bucks.

Where can I find the original audio files of a podcast?

Original audio files can be found on Producing the transcripts subreddit during the original release period of the podcast


Is Serial podcast Cancelled?

After a two year wait, we're finally getting more from the Serial team. This time, we're going to be delving into public school controversies, with Nice White Parents. While not officially a fourth season, the new series will be released on Thursday 30th July 2020.

Who narrated the Serial podcast?

Sarah KoenigSerial Tells One Story — A True Story. Serial is a podcast from the creators of This American Life, hosted by Sarah Koenig.

Is Serial podcast real?

Appeal in the case of Adnan Syed, subject of popular podcast 'Serial,' ongoing. As the true-life murder mystery podcast "Serial" continues to captivate millions, an appeal attempting to throw out the life sentence of the convicted murderer at the center of the story winds its way through court.

Why is the Nisha call important?

The Nisha Call is one of the strongest pieces of evidence suggesting that Adnan isn't innocent. But that isn't saying much. It's a 3:32 pm call on January 13, 1999, on Adnan's cell phone records to Nisha, a friend of his who did not know Jay. Nisha testified in trial that she spoke to both Jay and Adnan.

What happened to Joshua from Serial?

Josh was arrested about 10 days later after he ran from police officers responding to a report of a man with a gun, records say. Josh did not have a gun on him, the records say. Josh's problems continued while he was being housed in Cuyahoga County's juvenile detention center.

Who is the target audience for Serial podcast?

Serial, for example, was centered on a single story and primarily targeted This American Life listeners who were fans of the storytelling components of the show.

How old is Adnan Syed?

41 years (May 21, 1981)Adnan Syed / Age

Is Sarah Koenig a good narrator?

Koenig has been open about her waffling opinions for the entirety of the podcast's first season, which is one of the things that makes the show great. She's open and honest about not knowing the truth. And her willingness to change her mind makes her feel like a reliable narrator.

Is Serial worth listening to?

For a show that soared in listenership due in part to the inherent draw of a murder mystery, the show has an admirable meticulous devotion to context. In some ways, March 31, 2016 sometimes feels like ancient history. But “Serial” still stands out as something worth going back for.

What was Adnan's challenge to Sarah?

Adnan once issued a challenge to Sarah. He told her to test the state's timeline of the murder by driving from Woodlawn High School to Best Buy in 21 minutes. It can't be done, he said.

Who is Nisha Adnan?

As we all know, Nisha was a key witness in the Adnan Syed case. She testified that on some unknown date she received a call from Adnan, who told her that his friend Jay had invited him to his job at an adult video store.

Who is Stephanie in serial podcast?

Fans of Serial will remember that Stephanie was one of Adnan's best friends and was dating Jay at the time of Hae's murder. But while she made a statement to police at the time, she has never spoken publicly about what happened.

How old was Tamir Rice when he tasered?

OK. Tamir Rice, nobody wants to talk about it, but Tamir Rice was 5'7, 191 pounds, all right? He was 12 years old.

What crimes did Paul Erimius commit?

And that's the not small matter of Erimius's criminal charges. The Euclid police cited Erimius for four crimes—drug abuse, resisting arrest, theft, and criminal damaging. Paul said, that list, pretty typical.

How much did police use in Cleveland decrease in 2018?

But eight months later, the team in charge of overseeing police reforms in Cleveland released some stats showing that during the first five months of 2018, police use of force in Cleveland had decreased by nearly 40 percent compared to the year before.

What did Paul do on the drive back to Cleveland?

On the drive back to Cleveland, Paul talked about what he would do next. He also anticipated what the city's lawyer would likely do next, which he can do with confidence, because Paul used to be that lawyer. He used to work the other side of these cases, defending the government and the cops.

What did Erimius say to the police?

Erimius said, while all this was going on, the police were cursing at him. He was cursing back. He said, I just kept asking them, why? Why are you all doing this? What did I do to deserve this? He says, they would not answer.

Why did Erimius knock on the door?

Erimius was squirming at the defense table, shaking his head, stifled. He told me he was knocking at his friend's apartment door because he wanted a cigarette. His friend wasn't home, but his friend's wife was there, asleep.

How many shots did the Cleveland police shoot?

Twenty miles and 62 police cars later, the chase ended in an East Cleveland parking lot, where police fired a total of 137 shots at the car, killing both people inside.

What is a strip in the movie?

A strip is a small outdoor drug market – just like a block where you can buy drugs. Jay tells the cops that it takes him about fifteen or twenty minutes to get to the location on Edmondson. And, later, when the cops drive out with Jay to get Hae's car, Jay shows them the spot on Edmondson Avenue.

What day did Hae disappear?

The results of that subpoena include a list of all the calls dialed and received on Adnan's phone on January 13, the day Hae disappeared. That list will become arguably the most important piece of paper among all the thousands in this case. It'll become their map.

How old was Adnan Syed when he was arrested?

Her 17-year-old ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, was arrested for the crime, and within a year, he was convicted and sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison. You can listen to the podcast in full here. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Full screen is unavailable.

How many calls did Adnan get on January 13?

And they'll follow it call by call by call, like footprints that end up at Adnan's front door. If you look at that call log from January 13, there are thirty four calls that day. Obviously, the first thing they had to do was figure out who all the phone numbers belong to. Home, cell, and pager numbers.

When did Sarah Koenig interview Jenn?

This interview with Jenn happens on February 27, 1999. The day before, on the 26th, the cops had gone to find Jenn at her house.

Who hosts serial?

Serial is a new podcast from the creators of This American Life, hosted by Sarah Koenig. Serial will follow one story – a true story – over the course of a whole season.

Who hosts serial podcast?

Serial is a new podcast from the creators of This American Life, hosted by Sarah Koenig. Serial will follow one story – a true story – over the course of a whole… Read More

How long is Terrell on probation?

Finally, Judge Gaul sentences Terrell to four years of probation. Not a terrible outcome for him, considering Judge Gaul could have given him almost three years in prison. Judge Gaul explains the terms of Terrell's probation, periodic drug testing, get a job, and he tacks on one last condition.

What is Judge Gaul seeing?

He'll see that the defendant's parents were drug addicts or abusive, couldn't or didn't take care of their children, maybe ended up in prison themselves. And now this person, a product of foster care and a Board of Education with kids of his or her own, comes before Judge Gaul having committed a crime, sometimes a horrible crime. It's a rotten family cycle, and Judge Gaul wants to break it. He told Emmanuel that's why he's asking defendants about their children.

How long does Judge Gaul talk to Vivian?

Judge Gaul takes time with Vivian. For a matter that another judge might have dealt with in five minutes tops, Judge Gaul spends 20 minutes talking to her. That's a dog's age in this building. He spins through the usual jazz about baby's daddies and bad decisions, and the welfare state, Medicaid, New Mexico, 72 percent, but he also seems sincere about trying to help her. He bores into the detail of her schedule, asks about her job. She works nights in the kitchen of a casino for $10 an hour. Bad idea, he tells her. That's exactly the kind of place where you're going to be offered cocaine.

What is happening in Judge Gaul's courtroom?

Most of what's happening in Judge Gaul's courtroom, in any courtroom, are pleas and sentencings. Trials are the exception. So this one I'm starting with, a sentencing for a 19-year-old I'm going to call Terrell, isn't unusual in any way. Terrell was caught driving a stolen car.

What is the job of a judge in Ohio?

A judge's job here, when it comes to sentencing, is, broadly speaking, to punish the offender and to protect the public. There are sentencing guidelines, of course, spelled out in excruciating detail in the Ohio Revised Code.

What is transcript generated using?

Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors. Please check the corresponding audio before quoting in print. Episode Details.

Why did another judge substitute for her?

Another judge was substituting for her, because she was tied up on a murder trial. The participants sat in the jury box and on the benches. The atmosphere was casual, warm.

Episode 10: The Best Defense is a Good Defense

song this is serial i love this hour long song it is so pro also heres the declaration… Read More


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation..

Episode 9: To Be Suspected

Episode 9 is all new information about what might NOT have happened on January 13, 1999.


Episode 9 is all new information about what might NOT have happened on January 13, 1999.

What does Deirdre do to give Adnan back?

First thing they do, says Deirdre, is to give Adnan back the presumption of innocence. It’s kind of a profound thing when you think about it.

What does Deirdre read in the email?

At one point Deirdre reads a print-out of an e-mail regarding evidence in Adnan’s case. Deirdre Enright. So this is an e-mail, in 2008, from the Baltimore Police, saying that he believes items from this case have been destroyed, but he doesn’t have a document saying that that is true. So he can’t be 100% sure.

What did Justin Wolfe say about cell phone records?

The cell phone thing for us and Justin Wolfe is that they used the cell phone records to say they cabin out the period of time when the shooter is driving to the place where the victim is and shooting him and then coming back. So they put those up on a board in the courtroom and say “look at this.

Why was Justin Wolfe's conviction overturned?

Anyway, we had been talking about the cell records, and how they were used in Adnan’s case, and Adnan said that in this other case of Justin Wolfe, cell records had also been used against him, but then Justin Wolfe’s conviction was overturned, in part because of the cell records.

Who said "not only is this not your guy, we can tell you who is your guy"?

Sarah Koenig. As a legal question, Deirdre says they should only have to prove Adnan isn’t their guy, he’s not the killer. But as a practical matter, she said, their chances are much better if they can go a step further, and say to the State, “not only is this not your guy, we can tell you who is your guy.”.

Was Wolfe sentenced to death?

Wolfe was sentenced to death in Virginia. Wolfe’s trial attorney later gave up his law license, after the bar had initiated disciplinary charges against him for, and this is the technical term, being a crappy lawyer. Oh and there was a witness who was never heard from. Other than that, totally different cases.

Is Serial a true story?

Serial will follow one story – a true story – over the course of a whole season. Season 1 of Serial centers around a girl named. Hae Min Lee, a senior at Woodlawn High School in Baltimore County, Maryland – who disappeared January 13, 1999. A month later, her body turned up in a city park.

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