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silk and steel podcast

by Cydney Robel Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Who is Timppa from Silk and Steel?

I interviewed Timppa, an ethnic Keralian born in former Soviet Union who had worked in Hong Kong and visited Xinjiang about his experience in both places To support Silk and Steel Podcast, subscribe to our Patreon page: patreon.com/silknsteel

Who is the rapper in Taiwan?

We continue our Taiwan political history series with Taiwanese Communist Rapper Xiangyu

My Latest Appearance on Radio Sputnik Fault Line: Chinese Supersonic missiles

I joined Radio Sputnik Fault Line with Jamarl Thomas and Shane Stranahan to talk about various stories from China, as Gen. Milley fears a 'Sputnik' moment from hypersonic weapons.

My Appearance on Radio Sputnik Fault Line: PLA Fighter Jets Over Taiwan ADIZ

I talked to Radio Sputnik Fault Line's Jamarl Thomas about the latest PLA aircraft fly over Taiwan's self declared Air Defense Identification Zone.

Silk and Steel Podcast EP124-Interview with an ethnic Mongol from Xinjiang, Dr. Gordon Gao Part 1

This is 1st time I interviewed a direct descendant of Genghis Khan on the Silk and Steel Podcast. Gordon Gao, an ethnic Mongol born and raised in Xinjiang tells his family history in Xinjiang thru Cultural Revolution and Sino-Soviet border conflict. We also discuss the implementation of China's 1 child policy for Han Chinese vs minorities.

Preview: Silk and Steel Podcast EP123-Xinjiang with Timppa

Would you like to know more? Subscribe to Silk and Steel Podcast here on Patreon:

Preview:Silk and Steel Podcast EP116-Tech War Update:Chip War

I talked to returning guest "Mr. T" about the latest in US China tech war front: geopolitics of semiconductor supplies and Taiwan's chip diplomacy.

My Latest Appearance on Radio Sputnik Fault Line: Chinese Supersonic missiles

I joined Radio Sputnik Fault Line with Jamarl Thomas and Shane Stranahan to talk about various stories from China, as Gen. Milley fears a 'Sputnik' moment from hypersonic weapons.

My Appearance on Radio Sputnik Fault Line: PLA Fighter Jets Over Taiwan ADIZ

I talked to Radio Sputnik Fault Line's Jamarl Thomas about the latest PLA aircraft fly over Taiwan's self declared Air Defense Identification Zone.

Silk and Steel Podcast EP124-Interview with an ethnic Mongol from Xinjiang, Dr. Gordon Gao Part 1

This is 1st time I interviewed a direct descendant of Genghis Khan on the Silk and Steel Podcast. Gordon Gao, an ethnic Mongol born and raised in Xinjiang tells his family history in Xinjiang thru Cultural Revolution and Sino-Soviet border conflict. We also discuss the implementation of China's 1 child policy for Han Chinese vs minorities.

Preview: Silk and Steel Podcast EP123-Xinjiang with Timppa

For non-subscribers, here is a 20 minute preview of Silk and Steel Podcast EP123-Hong Kong and Xinjiang with Timppa Part 2:Xinjiang where I talked to Timppa, an ethnic Keralian born in former Soviet Union who had worked in Hong Kong and visited Xinjiang about his experience in Xinjiang Would you like to know more? Subscribe to Silk and Steel Podcast here on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/silknsteel.

Preview:Silk and Steel Podcast EP116-Tech War Update:Chip War

I talked to returning guest "Mr. T" about the latest in US China tech war front: geopolitics of semiconductor supplies and Taiwan's chip diplomacy. Support Silk and Steel Podcast on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/silknsteel

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