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sleep with me podcast review

by Prof. Brennon Ankunding Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

"Sleep With Me podcast by Drew Ackerman has become as comforting to me as a light back scratch after being tucked in to bed. Although Ackerman’s storytelling is comparable to that one friend of yours who has the ability to tell the most boring, never-ending stories, it is perfectly effective in putting you right to sleep." See Full Review Score: 5

Full Answer

Who is sleep with me host Drew Ackerman?

Drew Ackerman is the creator and host of Sleep With Me, the one-of-a-kind bedtime story podcast featured in The New York Times, The New Yorker, Buzzfeed, Mental Floss, and Dr. Oz. Created in 2013, Sleep With Me combines the pain of insomnia with the relief of laughing and turns it into a unique storytelling podcast.

What is sleep with Me?

Through Sleep With Me, Drew has dedicated himself to help those who feel alone in the deep dark night and just need someone to tell them a bedtime story.

How do you get to sleep with a bedtime story?

Tune in for a bedtime story that lets you forget your problems and progressively gets more boring until you fall to sleep. So get in bed, press play, close your eyes, and drift off into dreamland. Insomnia?


How many listeners does Sleep With Me podcast have?

Currently, three episodes air weekly and draw around 70,000 listeners for each show. Users download episodes around 1.3 million times each month.

Who is the voice of Sleep With Me podcast?

Drew AckermanThe voice of Sleep With Me is Drew Ackerman (aka Dearest Scooter) – a former librarian whose full-time job now is putting people to sleep. Richard Scott meets him. You can also hear Drew's dulcet tones on a recent episode of the podcast 99% Invisible called The Shipping Forecast.

Is falling asleep to podcasts good?

According to Dr Lindsay Browning, a chartered psychologist, author of Navigating Sleeplessness and founder of Trouble Sleeping, listening to podcasts can be a useful habit, especially if you struggle with anxiety or falling asleep.

Where is Drew Ackerman from?

As a kid growing up in Syracuse, N.Y., Ackerman couldn't sleep. His parents slept well, and didn't understand. Couldn't he just stop thinking about whatever was stressing him out? Desperate, he turned to comedy radio programs like Dr.

Should you sleep with socks on?

The phenomenon causes blood to tighten and reduce circulation, which can leave your skin cold and discolored. “Wearing socks at night can help prevent that from flaring up by keeping your feet warm and the blood circulating,” says Dr.

What does sleep with the fish mean?

(idiomatic) To have one's corpse disposed of in a body of water.

What to listen to while sleeping to make you smarter?

Pump up the pink noise The researchers found that when older adults listened to pink noise, their deep, slow-wave sleep improved, and then they scored three times higher on a memory test the next day compared to how they performed after receiving false treatment.

What is the best thing to listen to while sleeping?

As per studies, slow music or classical music is more relaxing that can help you sleep. As per studies, slow music or classical music is more relaxing that can help you sleep. Classical music or instrumental music can help slow the pulse and decrease levels of stress hormones.

What is pink noise?

What Is Pink Noise? Pink noise is a sound that contains a random assortment of all the audible frequencies, with more power in the lower frequencies1. Specifically, pink noise contains the same overall intensity in each octave2, but the volume of individual pitches decreases by 3 decibels3 with each higher octave.

Should I sleep with wet hair?

It should only be slightly damp, and definitely not completely wet. Sleeping with completely wet hair damages the follicle and causes breakage, so you'll want to blast it with the hairdryer to dry out 70 per cent of your hair, or let it naturally dry till it's just a little damp,” says Sabanayagam.

Where does Drew Ackerman live?

Ackerman lives in California and so has been locked down like the rest of us. “I guess I have, like a lot of people, lost track of time," he says in his creaky, dulcet tones, "but it's been like three or four weeks.

When did Sleep With Me podcast start?

2013Created in 2013, Sleep With Me combines the pain of insomnia with the relief of laughing and turns it into a unique storytelling podcast. Through Sleep With Me, Drew has dedicated himself to help those who feel alone in the deep dark night and just need someone to tell them a bedtime story.

The Sleepless Nights That Started It All

When asked about the inspiration for Sleep with Me, Ackerman remembers the sleepless nights he spent as a kid. “I never forgot that feeling of anxiety and pain of not being able to sleep.” One of his friends turned him on to the comedy radio show “Dr.

What to Expect When Tuning In

In the first five to six minutes of every Sleep with Me episode, you hear the show credits and commercials. As Ackerman acknowledges, it’s essential to front-load the business end of things in a podcast designed to put you to sleep.

Does It Work?

When asked if the podcast’s boring, meandering stories are indeed the secret to its success, Ackerman chuckles good naturedly. “Being boring gives the listener permission to stop listening, and it takes the pressure off the listener.

Who is the host of Sleep With Me?

Drew Ackerman is the creator and host of Sleep With Me, the one-of-a-kind bedtime story podcast featured in The New York Times, The New Yorker, Buzzfeed, Mental Floss, and Dr. Oz. Created in 2013, Sleep With Me combines the pain of insomnia with the relief of laughing and turns it into a unique storytelling podcast. Through Sleep With Me, Drew has dedicated himself to help those who feel alone in the deep dark night and just need someone to tell them a bedtime story.

What if you can't sleep lyrics?

If you can’t sleep, I’ll be here to the very end, so either [00:10:00] way, I’m gonna be talking . Tonight I ll be covering a 80s movie and trying to remember what I can remember about it. But so, if you can’t sleep, I’ll be here to the very end.

Who is the creator of Sleep with Me?

Drew Ackerman, the creator and host of the podcast “Sleep with Me,” tells labyrinthine stories that are intended to put insomniacs to sleep—and are downloaded roughly 1.3 million times each month. Illustration by Min Heo. Drew Ackerman, a.k.a. Dearest Scooter, the forty-two-year-old creator and host of the popular podcast “Sleep with Me,” has an ...

How long does Ackerman work on Sleep With Me?

Ackerman, who works for the library system in California’s Bay Area and started the podcast to fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a writer, says he labors for an average of fifteen hours over every hour of “Sleep with Me,” spending much of it editing out aberrations in pacing or tone.

What is the ideal bedtime story?

The ideal bedtime story, according to Nitun Verma, a national spokesperson for the American A cademy of Sleep Medicine, is one that “doesn’t build upon itself,” like a movie “with a lot of parallel stories that don’t connect at the end.”. Drew Ackerman, the creator and host of the podcast “Sleep with Me,” tells labyrinthine stories ...

Who used his wit to tell stories so long-winded, so fatuous, that they lul

Save Story. Save this story for later. According to Greek myth, Hermes , the cleverest God, used his inimitable wit to tell stories so long-winded, so fatuous, that they lulled the many-eyed monster Argus to sleep. By the same logic, insomniacs of modern times are often advised to read the phone book or—the classic choice—to count sheep before bed.

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