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social anxiety podcast

by Kale Nienow Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Anxiety Podcast Topics

Topic Number of episodes
Addiction 19
Social anxiety podcast 11
Covid 9
Wellness 9
Jul 11 2022

Full Answer

What are the best social anxiety podcasts?

Pilot Butte, Saskatchewan, Canada Listen to the latest episodes of the number one rated social anxiety podcast, the Calm Living Blueprint, hosted by Candice Esposito. It's only when we stop struggling against our fearfulness, against our anxiety, that we begin to find lasting freedom from it to live the lives we want to live. calmlivingblueprint.

What is your anxious child podcast?

This is a podcast for parents for who have an anxious child. Practical suggestions are given to help with a wide range of situations in which anxiety can interfere with a child's life. youranxiouschild.libsyn.com 1 episode / week ⋅ Avg Length 37 min ⋅ Nov 2014 View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact.

What is the Joshua Fletcher anxiety podcast?

Psychotherapist Joshua Fletcher created this podcast specifically for those who suffer from panic attacks, social anxiety, and stress-related anxiety. Each episode offers tips and chats with anxiety experts as well as discusses the psychology of anxiety.

What is the anxiety gone podcast?

Tune into The Anxiety Gone Podcast for new episodes that teach you how to live the best life, despite your mental health diagnosis. Chantal and Amber are here to give you all the spirituality, energy healing, mindfulness, inspiration, and positivity needed to start living the life you deserve.


What is the best podcast for social anxiety?

There are several fantastic podcasts that discuss anxiety and mental health.The Calmer You Podcast.The Anxiety Guy.The Overwhelmed Brain.Selfie.Oprah's SuperSoul Conversations.The One You Feed.Not Another Anxiety Show.10% Happier.More items...•

How do podcasts deal with social anxiety?

Our picks of the best anxiety podcastsThe Mental Illness Happy Hour.The Anxious Achiever.Your Social Anxiety Bestie.LGBTQ&A.Yeah No, I'm Not OK.Meditation Minis Podcast.Anxious in Austin.Your Anxiety Toolkit.More items...•

Are there podcasts to help with anxiety?

Anxiety Slayer This weekly podcast series has been helping people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), stress, anxiety, and panic attack disorders for over a decade. Hosts Shann Vander Leek and Ananga Sivyer have conversations with experts in the field.

Can I treat social anxiety by myself?

Social anxiety is a mental health condition, and it's not always possible to work through symptoms yourself. You can do a lot on your own to manage the anxiety and distress you experience, but getting professional support is always a good place to start.

What helps against social anxiety?

Lifestyle and home remediesLearn stress-reduction skills.Get physical exercise or be physically active on a regular basis.Get enough sleep.Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.Avoid alcohol.Limit or avoid caffeine.Participate in social situations by reaching out to people with whom you feel comfortable.

What is the best mental health podcast?

The Best Mental Health Podcasts to Take You Through the YearAttitudes/Throwing Shade.Cafeteria Christian.Mental Illness Happy Hour.WTF with Marc Maron.Code Switch.The Happiness Lab.2 Dope Queens.The Hilarious World of Depression.More items...

What music is best for anxiety?

The genres most likely to support relaxation are classical, soft pop and certain types of world music. These are found to largely contain the musical elements necessary to help a person relax.

Can sound reduce anxiety?

Listening to pleasing sounds or repetitive tones is strongly associated with lowering anxiety and stress, driving down blood pressure and entering a state of relaxation. In the modern world, sound or music therapy is being used to practice deep meditation as well.

Does listening to podcasts reduce stress?

According to Medical News Today, studies show that oxytocin can reduce stress and anxiety. The relaxing sounds of nature, music or white noise can help drown out undesirable background sounds, making meditation podcasts perfect for unwinding, or even bedtime.

What is the root cause of social anxiety?

Family history. You're more likely to develop social anxiety disorder if your biological parents or siblings have the condition. Negative experiences. Children who experience teasing, bullying, rejection, ridicule or humiliation may be more prone to social anxiety disorder.

Does social anxiety go away with age?

For some people it gets better as they get older. But for many people it does not go away on its own without treatment. It's important to get help if you are having symptoms.

Do I have social anxiety or am I just shy?

Social anxiety is more than just feeling shy. People with social anxiety have an intense fear of situations where they could be watched, judged, embarrassed, or rejected by others. The symptoms are so extreme that they interfere with the person's daily routine and prevent them from taking part in ordinary activities.

How to overcome social anxiety?

Listen in and gain the perspective, inspiration and techniques to beat your social anxiety. Be supported on your journey and create effortless social confidence; where you enjoy connecting with others, unlock your potential, have fun in social situations, and create the friendship and satisfying social life you want. ...

What are the three words that manifest every time a person feels down?

In today's episode... Anger. Frustration. Doubt. Those are the three words that manifest every time a person feels down. It may also be why we cannot accept the progress and the breakthroughs that a…

What is the podcast talking about psychology?

"Speaking of Psychology" is an audio podcast series highlighting some of the latest, most important and relevant psychological research being conducted today. Produced by the American Psychological Association, these podcasts will help listeners apply the science of psychology to their everyday lives.

What is the United States of Anxiety?

The United States of Anxiety is a show about the unfinished business of our history, and its grip on our future. Each week, host Kai Wright invites listeners to gather for intimate conversations and deeply reported stories about the choices we’ve made as a society -- and the new choices we can imagine now. We’re learning from our past, meeting our neighbors, and sharing the joy (and the work!) of living in a plural society. Our inbox is also open for your voice memos—send them to anxiety@wny ...

What is social confidence mastery?

Social Confidence Mastery is the #1 resource to help engineers, programmers, and developers to improve their social confidence so they can create more meaningful connections in their personal, romantic, and professional lives. Hosted by Myke Macapinlac, listeners will get actionable advice to help them build self-confidence, make new friends, and get more dates.

What is DBSA podcast?

DBSA podcasts feature some of the nation’s leading experts on mental health, covering a wide range of topics dealing with depression, bipolar, anxiety, and more. Listen and learn about treatment options, personal wellness strategies, relationships, and more.

Who is the podcast very bad wizards?

Very Bad Wizards is a podcast featuring a philosopher (Tamler Sommers) and a psychologist (David Pizarro), who share a love for ethics, pop culture, and cognitive science, and who have a marked inability to distinguish sacred from profane. Each podcast includes discussions of moral philosophy, recent work on moral psychology and neuroscience, and the overlap between the two.

Who hosts 80,000 hours?

Subscribe by searching for '80,000 Hours' wherever you get podcasts. Produced by Keiran Harris. Hosted by Rob Wiblin, Head of Research at 80,000 Hours.

Who is the host of Psychobabble BS?

The host of this podcast series is psychologist Dr. Robert Duff. In his words, the series is dedicated to “the eradication of psychobabble BS.”. Each episode focuses on various aspects of relieving or eradicating anxiety and depression.

Why is it so hard to enjoy life?

Anxiety is a natural reaction to stressful situations. Stress can rear its ugly head chronically or occasionally, resulting in symptoms that can make it hard to enjoy life. For many, podcasts about anxiety can be incredibly helpful. If you’re looking for a way to bring more calm into your life, try a listen.


If you can’t seem to overcome your social anxiety and you’re frustrated about your results, and worried you’ll have to live with your social anxiety for the rest of your life… this podcast is for you.

Customer Reviews

As some one who is still struggling with social anxiety it is extremely motivating to hear people's success stories.

What is the Austin Anxiety Treatment Center podcast?

They discuss anxiety treatments and promote a better understanding of anxiety disorders. If you’re new to anxiety disorders and want to learn more information from the experts, this is the one to listen to.

What is self care podcast?

A blogger and psychotherapist team up for this self-care-themed podcast. Episodes discuss getting enough sleep, eating right, and why self-care is so difficult for some. Anxiety and stress can come from a lack of taking time for yourself, but if you struggle with the concept, this podcast is for you.

What are some ways to help with anxiety?

Treatments for anxiety can take many forms. Some mediate, others exercise, and some like to hear from experts or others dealing with the same struggles they have. Whether from certified therapists, life coaches, or everyday people, these podcasts on anxiety are worth listening to.

How long has Rick Hanson been a psychologist?

This mental health podcast takes Dr. Rick Hanson’s 35 years of clinical psychology experience and helps you apply it to your daily life. He explores the practical science behind lasting mental health to help you overcome your challenges.

How long are meditation minis?

Meditation Minis’ episodes are about 10-20 minutes and provide guided support for specific issues, including dealing with anxiety. Listen on Apple Podcasts. 14.

Who is Ana Verzone?

Ana Verzone is a life coach, former nurse, and midwife. She has a nurse’s doctorate where she specialized in stress and anxiety management. Her Rebel Buddhist podcast is for anyone who wants to live their fullest life without anxiety or fear.

Who is Paul Colaianni?

Paul Colaianni is another behavioral and relationship coach who suffered from depression and anxiety after a long-term relationship breakup . He’s pretty open about his relationship issues – he would later go on to date, marry, and divorce another woman sometime later.

The Mental Illness Happy Hour

Comedian Paul Gilmartin has hosted this weekly podcast for 6 years. It’s not exclusively about anxiety, but it does discuss anxiety quite often. Episodes cover:

The Anxious Achiever

This podcast, presented by Harvard Business Review, features candid stories from business, technology, and entertainment leaders about their experiences with anxiety. The great thing about this podcast is that it focuses equally on transforming the workplace and yourself.

Your Social Anxiety Bestie

Host Sadie Hall was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and perfectionism in 2018. Since then, she has been exploring tools and solutions and sharing them on her podcast. “I’m on the road to recovery, and I want to take you with me,” she says in her introduction.


Though not specifically about anxiety, this podcast features weekly interviews with what it calls “the most interesting LGBTQ+ people in the world.” But the topics often touch on mental health issues, such as the interview titled “A Love Letter to Anyone Who Has Ever Felt Despair.”

Meditation Minis Podcast

This podcast offers short guided meditations to calm anxiety, overcome negative thinking, and boost your confidence levels. If you want to meditate but don’t have enough time or focus to do it, this podcast may be a good option for you.

Anxious in Austin

The Anxious in Austin podcast is hosted by two Austin psychologists, Dr. Marianne Stout and Dr. Thomas Smithyman. They discuss treatment options for anxiety to help you better understand anxiety. In their professional practices, they specialize in anxiety disorders and OCD.

Your Anxiety Toolkit

Your Anxiety Toolkit podcast offers usable, science-based tools for people who live with mental health conditions, especially anxiety, panic, and OCD. The host is Kimberley Quinlan, a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT). The tone here is compassion and helpfulness.

What is the podcast about social anxiety?

These experts share their most effective techniques, empowering solutions, and unbelievably inspiring stories of transformation. Frequency 1 episode / day , Average Episode Length 7 min Since May 2015 Podcast social-anxiety-solutions.com..#N#Facebook fans 989 ⋅ Twitter followers 622 ⋅ Domain Authority 30 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

Where is the anxiety gone podcast?

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada About Podcast Tune into The Anxiety Gone Podcast for new episodes that teach you how to live the best life, despite your mental health diagnosis. Chantal and Amber are here to give you all the spirituality, energy healing, mindfulness, inspiration, and positivity needed to start living the life you deserve. In every episode, you'll find a happy and healthy dose of advice that you can use to regain control of your life. Anxiety, depression, panic disorders, and other mental illnesses are yours to tackle and we give you the tools to do just that. Frequency 5 episodes / quarter , Average Episode Length 26 min Since Nov 2019 Podcast podcast.anxiety-gone.com#N#Facebook fans 16.7K ⋅ Twitter followers 2.5K ⋅ Domain Authority 36 ⋅ Alexa Rank 1.4M View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

Where is the anxiety relief revolution podcast?

Worcester, Massachusetts, United States About Podcast The Anxiety Relief Revolution Podcast is geared towards helping people who experience anxiety, worry, doubt & perceived mental obstacles overcome their perceived limitations. If you feel that anxiety keeps you or someone you know stuck, then this podcast is for you! Listening to this podcast will bring you one step closer to breaking free from what's keeping you stuck or holding you back. Frequency 3 episodes / month , Average Episode Length 15 min Since Oct 2019 Podcast anxietyreliefrevolution.libs..#N#Twitter followers 543 ⋅ Domain Authority 12 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.4K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

Who hosts the anxiety lab?

Hosted by comedian and neurotic meditator Sagar Bhatt. Also, it's way too early for merch, but we like what we've done here: https://teespring.com/stores/anxiety-lab. Frequency 8 episodes / quarter , Average Episode Length 52 min Since Jan 2021 Podcast anxietylab.podbean.com#N#Domain Authority 89 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

Is imposter syndrome real?

London, England, United Kingdom About Podcast Social Anxiety Syndrome - better known as Imposter Syndrome - is a real thing and can affect people from all walks of life, especially those in the public eye, from comedians, to actors, to broadcasters.

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