What is Visions of Education podcast?
Visions of Education is an education podcast where education professor Dan Krutka and high school social studies teacher Michael Milton have conversations with educators to discuss their big ideas in education. VoE also partners with the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and associated groups to provide the latest from classroom teachers, education, professors, and researchers on social studies education.
Who hosts Cold Call?
Cold Call distills Harvard Business School's legendary case studies into podcast form. Hosted by Brian Kenny, the podcast airs every two weeks and features Harvard Business School faculty discussing cases they've written and the lessons they impart.
What is technoscience?
Technoscience is a new initiative supported by the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) to share the exciting work being done in science and technology studies (or STS) with wider audiences who are curious about the field. In this podcast series you will hear interviews with STS scholars about a range of issues, including what the field means to them, some of its big debates, and what its future might yet be. Technoscience is produced by Laura Foster and Timothy Neale, with support ...
Conversations at the Washington Library
This podcast is produced by historians at the Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington at Mount Vernon.
Your Most Obedient and Humble Servant
I love listening to this podcast because it discusses 18th and 19th Century women’s letters.
Enhance Your Social Studies Curriculum with Podcasts
Wow! Just think about the above quote and how depressing that sounds.
About the author: Sharon Hall
Sharon Hall was a recipient of the Presidential Award of Excellence in Math teaching. With over 15 years of classroom experience as a National Board Certified teacher, Sharon shares her content knowledge and reflections on ideas for basic classroom technology integration with us. View all posts by Sharon Hall