Podcast FAQ

speak up podcast

by Mallie McLaughlin DDS Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How things will go..

You send us the topic that you want to cover, along with a few bullet points of the things you want to talk about.

3. Keep Up The Good Work! (The TWENTY MINUTES A MONTH Bit)

There are two factors that are crucial to building a strong foundation in the marketplace: credibility and reliability.

MMS 128: Polar bear diets

In honor of International Polar Bear Day (Sunday February 27th), this week’s guest is polar bear scientist Dr. Melissa Galicia, w…

Ocean Lovin 2022 - Monterey Bay Aquarium and Jellybabbies

It is February which means it is time for another episode of OCEAN LOVIN'. This time we speak with Michael Howard, Senior Aquaris…

Why we need gender equality in the seafood industry

Julie Kuchepatov is seeking to fight gender inequality within the seafood industry. She launched the Conch podcast where she inte…

How to choose a citizen science program

In the last episode, I talked about a citizen science project in the Southern Atlantic Ocean targeted at recreational fishers. I'…

52. Why Dolphins Need Salt

On this weeks episode of Aquadocs, host Michelle Greenfield interviews Dr. Ryan Takeshita, Deputy Director of Conservation Medici…

Argentina sport fishers help protect sharks through citizen science

Sharks in the southern Atlantic ocean are being protected through a citizen science program with sport fishers who regularly targ…

15: Building a shark ecology program with Dr. Chris Lowe

Dr. Chris Lowe discusses how he built his shark ecology program and how the program incorporates helping Southern California beac…

What is "speak up"?

WHAT IS SPEAK UP? Speak Up is a Hartford-based storytelling organization that seeks to promote the art of personal storytelling to a wide audience and foster and support a community of storytellers throughout Connecticut.

Who is the founder of Speak Up?

Speak Up brings professional and amateur storytellers to the stage to share true stories from their lives. Speak Up founders and producers Matthew and Elysha Dicks work closely with storytellers to help them craft their stories for the stage, and they also teach storytelling workshops for storytellers and professionals at every levels.

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Click on links to purchase tickets. If there is no link, tickets are not yet available.


Speak Up is a Hartford-based storytelling organization that seeks to promote the art of personal storytelling to a wide audience and foster and support a community of storytellers throughout Connecticut.


Each week we bring you a story from the Speak Up stage followed by commentary and critique designed to make you a better storyteller.

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