Podcast FAQ

starting a podcast checklist

by Sigurd Crooks IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Summary of the starting a podcast checklist

  • Establish your goals
  • Find your niche
  • Identify your potential listeners
  • Look for a podcast hosting provider
  • Purchase Your Podcast Equipment
  • Test Your podcast hosting service
  • Write an episode outline (and questions for guests if applicable)
  • Schedule interviews (if appropriate)
  • Record your episode
  • Edit the podcast

More items...

Table of Contents
  1. Choose a Podcast Topic You Can Commit To.
  2. Pick Your Podcast Name.
  3. Write a Compelling Podcast Description.
  4. Decide on Your Podcast Format.
  5. Get Your Podcast Artwork and Music Created.
  6. Purchase Your Podcast Equipment and Test Your Podcasting Software.
  7. Choose Your Podcast Hosting Service.

Full Answer

What do you need to know about starting a podcast?

Step #7: Prepare and make a recording

  • Preparing a plan. The first thing that you need to do is to figure out a plan for your content. ...
  • Creating an episode script. Podcasters often do not agree on the process of writing a script for a podcast. ...
  • Recording equipment. To record a high-quality podcast, you require the best podcast recording equipment. ...
  • Recording and editing software. ...
  • Getting music. ...

How to launch a successful podcast?

Podcast Tips: 7 Strategies to Build a Successful Show that Thrives

  1. Define a Successful Podcast. First thing's first: success means many different things to many different people. ...
  2. Have a “Why”. When you run a podcast, things don't always go to plan. ...
  3. Play The Long Game. ...
  4. Make It Sustainable. ...
  5. Don't Get Stuck On “The Launch”. ...
  6. Take Control. ...
  7. Don't Rely On Audience Participation. ...

Should you start a podcast?

The uncomfortable truths about podcasts

  • It requires more personality than you likely have. The technical qualifications for starting a podcast are the ability to speak English, a microphone, and an internet connection.
  • You can’t outsource or scale most of the work. ...
  • You’re competing against big money and big media. ...
  • There are no real analytics available. ...

How to start a podcast [The Complete Guide]?

How to Start a Podcast: A Complete Guide for Business 1. Set Some Goals for Your New Podcast 2. What Software Do You Need? 3. Getting High-Quality Audio for Your Podcast 4. How to Create Bumpers 5. Just Go for It 6. Starting a Podcast: Get it Live How to Start a Podcast: A Fresh New Medium


What is needed to start a podcast?

Steps to Start a PodcastDecide why you want to start a podcast.Choose a podcast topic, theme, and name.Select a podcast format and structure.Create podcast branding.Set up your podcast equipment.Find the best podcast recording software.Prepare for your first few podcast episodes.More items...

How much money do you need to start a podcast?

In fact, if you already have a computer and you're operating on a shoestring budget, you can record, edit, and launch a podcast for less than $200. On the other hand, if you want to use higher-end equipment, starting a podcast can cost a few thousand dollars.

What are 5 elements of a podcast?

5 elements of a good podcastFocus on a central idea.Play to an audience.Regular schedules.Show structure.Authenticity.

How do you structure your first podcast?

How to Plan Podcast Episode Structure in 10 Easy StepsPlan for the length of your episodes.Have a theme for an episode.Use three-acts for engaging podcast episode structure.Plan podcast episode pacing.Introduction, back sell and greet the audience.Raise some early questions you want to address.More items...

Should I film my podcast?

If you film a video podcast, you'll have extra footage you can cut into short, sharable segments. You'll also have behind-the-scenes content to share. Creating variety in your marketing can increase engagement and keep people interested. Another benefit of doing a video show is that you can do a live recording.

How long does it take for a podcast to make money?

Relying on the experience of Marc Clair, a podcast host, and producer, it may take as long as 18 months before you start seeing results. That's if you produce a show weekly. In his words, things can be faster than stated if you have luck, a marketing budget, and irresistible content.

How long should podcasts be?

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

What makes a podcast successful?

Keep the topic simple. A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

How do you structure a podcast?

The Three Act Podcast StructureAct 1: Setup. In the first act of the episode, your goal is to establish a setting, introduce the characters and their relationships, and build the world they live in. ... Act 2: Confrontation. The second act is the part of the story that raises the stakes. ... Act 3: Resolution.

What are the three types of podcast?

Panel. Nonfiction narrative story-telling. Fictional story-telling. Hybrid.

Should I write a script for my podcast?

Writing a podcast script is a key way to ensure your audio is clear, tight, and valuable for your listeners. You don't have to write out every word you intend to say, but it's important to have notes for each episode to keep you on track, especially if you're new to podcasting.

What should a podcast include?

How To Create Interesting Podcast EpisodesTalk about things you're interested in. ... Focus on your target audience. ... Tell lots of stories. ... Help your audience take the next step. ... Ask your listeners questions and report their responses. ... Stay on topic and don't wander too much. ... Invite unique experts onto your show.More items...•

What are the top 5 things to know before starting a podcast?

First, decide which of the many different types of podcasts you want to create and what format would work best for that kind of content. Second, be...

Do I need an audience to start a podcast?

Already having an audience from the start gives you an existing group of listeners who are interested in what you have to say, which can be a big b...

How often should I release new podcast episodes?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the optimal release schedule for a podcast will vary depending on the podcast topic, the a...

What is the best format for a podcast?

This will vary according to the type of content that you're looking to produce. At the end of the day, it's important to experiment and find what w...

What should my first podcast episode be about?

It depends on your target audience, but the bottom line is that you should choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to your listeners. Then...

What is podcast host academy?

The Podcast Host Academy is our coaching and support community, which includes a huge collection of courses, resources and tools to help you get your show out there.

What is a podcast host?

Media or Podcast hosts are services that store your audio and allow your listeners to listen, download, and subscribe to your podcast. One common misconception when learning how to start a podcast is that you upload your podcast to places like iTunes. This actually isn’t the case.

What is a podcast summary?

Your podcast's description (also known as a show summary) is THE most important thing potential new listeners will judge your show on? That's according to our 2020 Podcast Discovery Survey.

What are some good websites to host a podcast?

When you sign up for media hosting, you often get a free website with it too. Buzzsprout, Captivate, and Transistor all give you a simple but decent-looking site for your podcast. If you’re running a hobby show, this is a good option to keep things nice and easy. You might also fancy taking a look at Podpage which can build a great looking podcast website for you in minutes.

What is the point of a podcast?

The whole point of a podcast is that people listen to it, so give them a reason to click on one of your episodes. Make it clear to people what they will get from listening to your show. If you look on any podcast directory you will see shows with titles like “How To…”, “Five Tips For…” etc.

How long is Zoom free?

A popular option is Zoom.us, which is a video conferencing tool that's free to use for 2 people, and free for up to 40 minutes for a group of people. Read the pros and cons of Zoom in podcasting here. A much better option is to opt for a dedicated ‘double-ender' call recorder.

What is Alitu recording?

Alitu records calls, solo segments, cleans up your audio, adds music & transitions, helps you edit & publishes right to your host.

Podcast Cover Art And Branding

Once you decide on the name, you need to create your podcast cover art, and the branding for your podcast. There are many aspects to take into consideration in starting a podcast:

Podcasting Equipment

Every experienced podcaster will tell you that the content of your podcast is way more important than your sound quality. That being said, the bad audio quality will push people away. The good news is that you can produce great sound quality without breaking the bank. Both Larry Roberts and I highly recommend the Samson Q2U microphone.

Recording And Editing Software

You would need to record your podcast using some kind of recording software. The first question you need to ask yourself if you are starting a podcast is whether you want to record just audio, or do you wish to record video as well (which is what I recommend).

Hosting Platform

People tend to think that Apple podcast/Google Podcast/Spotify or any other podcast app are the hosts of the podcast. That is not the case. In reality, if you are starting a podcast you would need to choose a podcast host. There are multiple hosting platforms such as Buzzsprout, Lybsin, Podbean, Captivate, Spreaker, and many more.

Distribute Your Podcast

So how does the podcast appear on all the podcasting platforms, such as apple, Spotify, iheart radio, etc? You need to submit your podcast to these platforms. It is done using an RSS feed. Don’t let the techie name scare you – it is simply a URL.

Promote Your Podcast and Get Listeners

As I mentioned earlier, you want to use the same name and branding across all platforms (social, website, youtube, podcast, etc.).


Starting a podcast is easy, and fun to do. Having a Podcast is guaranteed to grow your personal brand, and if done correctly can be leveraged to drive organic business growth. If you have any specific questions, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, and ask. I would be glad to help.

Should you start a podcast?

Starting a podcast can serve several needs in your small business. It can provide you with a way to develop ideas and share your expertise with people who might want to hire you or buy your product. A podcast is also a great chance to network with colleagues and develop new relationships.

What software & equipment you need to start a podcast

I covered mic basics earlier, but you probably still have some questions about what exactly you need to start a podcast.

So, where does an aspiring podcaster go from here?

Starting a podcast and pulling off a successful podcast launch is no small task. It’s a whole slew of both small tasks and big tasks.

Why is podcasting so fun?

Podcasting is such a unique and efficient way to create and repurpose content as a means to share your expertise and stories, especially for business.

Why are podcasts so popular?

Your podcast doesn’t have to be perfect. Actually, the imperfections create intrigue and make it more desirable. Podcasts are popular for a reason - they’re versatile, story driven, value driven, casual, fun. Keep those attributes in mind as you bring yours to life.

What size should a podcast cover be?

The correct podcast cover art size as of 2020 should be at least 1400 by 1400 pixels (a hi-res square). The goal of your podcast cover art is to stop the scroll inside of podcast apps, like Apple Podcasts, which means you should keep them clean and simple. Don’t go crazy with text and colors on your podcast cover art.

How to send an episode of a podcast?

Write an email to your subscribers with the episode as the focal point or just send the episode as a written email.

Can you hire someone to do podcasts?

Now, if your budget does allow, you can hire someone to do all of this stuff for you but what’s the fun in that?! Challenge yourself to learn a new skill. Then, down the road, you can always outsource if your podcast gains enough traction.

Can anyone do podcasts?

The beauty of podcasting is that it doesn’t have to be perfect and ANYONE can do it. I was a newbie to all of this once too but was able to set up and run mine without spending a cent.

Why do podcasts need closed back headphones?

Closed-back headphones are essential for monitoring how your podcast is being recorded and during the editing process.

What is ImprovePodcast?

I'm the owner and creator of ImprovePodcast.com, the site dedicated to providing actionable solutions for podcast creators. My goal is helping people to develop their podcasts into effective marketing and sales tools.

Why do we ask you to write down your motivation to be a podcast creator?

Why do we ask you to write down your motivation to be a podcast creator? According to neuroscientific research when we write things down we are better at remembering it later. This is called a generation effect and is a great method of building new habits and changing our behavior. We strongly encourage you to physically write down with pen and paper your commitment to become a podcast creator. It will help you set your mindset and achieve better success with your podcast.

Why is it important to have a few episodes of podcasts?

Having few episodes allow your listeners to listen more at a time which sends a positive signal to the algorithms and boosts your rankings.

How to be fully immersed in the podcasting scene?

To be fully immersed in the podcasting scene and understand the market and your target audience you should follow trends and changes. Analyze what are the most significant changes every year and try to adjust to constantly improve your podcast.

How to engage listeners in podcast?

Think about how your podcast can engage your listeners. Do you have questions for your users? Will you ask for feedback and comments? Tell your users where they should leave comments and how to contact you. Consider if you are going to ask for any references, recommendations, reviews, and ratings.

What makes a good podcast?

A good podcast needs to have an idea that will drive and motivate its creator. But also it needs to send a simple message to its listeners. You need to quickly communicate what your podcast is about in an interesting and promising way so your listeners will keep coming back regularly for new episodes.

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