Podcast FAQ

steps to starting a podcast

by Pink Reichel Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What are some best practices for starting a podcast?

Podcast Best Practices: Creating an Intro and Outro. The intro of any podcast sets the stage. Your intro will either grab your listener’s attention or lose it. Your outro should always wrap up the podcast and leave a call to action. Keep reading to discover the podcast best practices for creating an intro and outro. The Intro

How to successfully start a podcast?

  • Do a test recording before you go live to make sure the mic sounds good and the correct microphone is recording.
  • Structure out your podcast before recording. ...
  • Research your guests before the day of the podcast.
  • Keep your mic close to your mouth for the best sound.

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How to overcome your fears and start a podcast?

Grab out a pen and pencil, or open your laptop and answer these questions:

  • What are you afraid of?
  • What do you fear most in life?
  • Do you know what you’re afraid of?
  • Do you consider how it impacts your daily actions and behaviors?
  • If you would free yourself from that fear, how would your life differ?
  • How would it improve?

How to start a profitable podcast?

Take a look at several out-of-the-box podcast money-making ideas below:

  • Advertisements-Podcasts that have a vast following are highly sought by advertisers. ...
  • Rely on sponsorships-You can generate thousands of dollars a month if you can find sponsors. ...
  • Establish relationships-When you are able to establish good relationships; you make your podcasts more profitable. ...

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How does a beginner start a podcast?

Table of ContentsChoose a Podcast Topic You Can Commit To.Pick Your Podcast Name.Write a Compelling Podcast Description.Decide on Your Podcast Format.Get Your Podcast Artwork and Music Created.Purchase Your Podcast Equipment and Test Your Podcasting Software.Choose Your Podcast Hosting Service.More items...

How do I start a podcast on my own?

Steps to Start a PodcastDecide why you want to start a podcast.Choose a podcast topic, theme, and name.Select a podcast format and structure.Create podcast branding.Set up your podcast equipment.Find the best podcast recording software.Prepare for your first few podcast episodes.More items...•

What are the 5 steps to start a podcast?

Five step podcasting plan:Structure your show.Frame your episodes with an intro and outro.Decide on including an interview.Practice hosting skills.Upload your podcast to the internet.

How much money is it to start a podcast?

In fact, if you already have a computer and you're operating on a shoestring budget, you can record, edit, and launch a podcast for less than $200. On the other hand, if you want to use higher-end equipment, starting a podcast can cost a few thousand dollars.

Do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

How much money do podcasts make?

Assume you're a podcaster and you do the following each month: 1.00% of your audience purchases through your link, earning you $15 for each sale. 0.05% of your audience buys an online course per month for $99. You release about four episodes of your podcast each month.

Which platform is best for podcast?

What are the Best Podcast Hosting Platforms?Fusebox. ... Blubrry Podcasting. ... Spreaker. ... PodcastWebsites. ... Audioboom. Best hosting platform for taking your podcast to the next level. ... Libsyn. The most reliable podcast hosting site. ... Soundcloud. Best platform for audio content creators. ... Podomatic. Best freemium podcast hosting platform.More items...•

What equipment is needed for a podcast?

For a conventional podcast, you need at a minimum a microphone, headphones, a computer, recording and mixing software, and internet access.

What makes a good podcast?

To create the most engaging podcast, your topic should be something that you are knowledgeable and passionate about. The creator and host of the podcast, “With Special Guest Lauren Lapkus” came up with the idea for her completely improvised podcast with guests because she is an avid improviser.

Should I film my podcast?

If you film a video podcast, you'll have extra footage you can cut into short, sharable segments. You'll also have behind-the-scenes content to share. Creating variety in your marketing can increase engagement and keep people interested. Another benefit of doing a video show is that you can do a live recording.

Is it free to start a podcast?

Most podcasts are free. They're free to create and free to listen to.

How much does it cost to put a podcast on Spotify?

Podcasters will be able to select one of three price tiers for subscriptions through Spotify: $2.99, $4.99 or $7.99 per month. “We felt like rather than put the burden on creators [to set pricing], we should make a recommendation on what we feel are strong price points,” said Mignano.

What is a podcast page?

Podcastpage is a website builder and hosting all-in-one made specifically for podcasts. Kind of like Wix but designed for the needs podcasters. No coding is necessary. You just choose one of their themes, customize to your liking, and optionally integrate email marketing or Google Analytics.

Is it easier to start a podcast with a co-host?

It can be much easier to start podcasting if you have a co-host. You will naturally have a more engaging conversation if you both share your points of view on a topic . It can also be helpful to have someone to keep things on track. Plus, you can split additional tasks of editing, promoting, and more.

How long should a podcast be?

Determine the podcast length. You need to respect your audience’s time and set a reasonable episode length that is consistent throughout the series. Twenty minutes is generally the ideal episode length for a podcast, as most people listen to podcasts while commuting to and from work.

Why do people start podcasts?

There are so many reasons for starting a podcast! Some of those reasons are to grow your business, connect with people in your niche, create a relationship with your audience, and self-fulfillment. As of January 2020, there are over 1 million podcasts available, with over 30 million podcast episodes to listen to.

What is a podcast host?

The podcast host is the intermediary between your podcast and your audience. After providing the description and posting the relevant artwork, the podcast is published on the hosting service. You will receive your podcast’s RSS feed link from the host.

Why do podcasts need to be pre-planned?

Every podcast must be pre-planned with a tailored approach to make sure that the quality remains consistent throughout the entire show.

How to make your podcast visible?

To make your podcast visible in the digital space, you need to sign up with a hosting company. These are platforms that store your files and provide access to your listeners so that they can download and subscribe to your podcast.

What is a personal trainer's podcast called?

For example, a personal trainer’s podcast could be called ‘The Fitness Podcast, ’ which perfectly highlights the niche of the podcast. But you must avoid using long names because you will be saying the name quite often in your podcast.

What are the different types of podcasts?

The structure of your podcast is critical. Here are a few podcast formats to choose from: 1 Interview style – This is the most popular format these days as each episode introduces the listener to exciting and inspirational people from a specific niche. The format is generally unscripted and free-flowing and requires minimum editing. 2 News and current events show – This format focuses on sports, politics, technology, or any other hot topic that lets you provide non-stop fresh content to your listeners. 3 Multi-host show – A podcast with more than two people creates intrigue and can be highly entertaining with a conversational tone. There will be less pressure on you since the responsibility of presenting great content to your audience is divided among all hosts. 4 Solo style – In these podcasts, you can tell a story in each episode that is relevant to the topic of your podcast. It could be in any tone as long as the content is educational or motivational. By occasionally inviting a guest on the show, you can entice the audience and engage them in your podcast.

How often do podcasts publish?

The latest statistics from Buzzsprout show that 37% of episodes publish every 3-7 days, while 40% of podcasts publish every 8-14 days.

Why do podcasts need scripts?

Recording a scripted podcast can give you better control over the content and flow of each podcast episode. If timing and production or editing need to be a tight fit, a detailed script may even be essential. But relying on a script can also hold you back. Here’s a look at some of the things to consider.

What are the KPIs for podcasts?

Relevant to long-term goals and/or overall business objectives. Time-limited to a specific period of time. The KPIs for your podcast should make it easy to track its growth. However, depending on your organization’s broader business goals, you may also want to measure other factors.

Do podcasts need an email list?

An email list. Building an email list may not be a top priority and, if your podcast is attached to an existing brand, you may have an email distribution list already. However, if it does fit your business strategy, a strong email list can help you grow and monetize your podcast down the road. 6.

What is a podcast?

A podcast is recorded audio distributed over the internet through an RSS feed.

How to make your own podcast in 11 steps

Like any creative effort, creating a podcast really requires only one thing: an idea. Creating a successful podcast, however, requires planning, research, and a little investment. Fortunately, with the equipment and technology available you can make a good podcast without spending months or years mastering the process.

Podcasting FAQ for Beginners

The length of your podcast is up to you, but should be appropriate to the content. A daily review of what’s happening in local government shouldn’t be two hours long. Episodes of a podcast devoted to the lives of Nobel Prize winners should run more than five minutes. It’s up to you to figure out what’s an appropriate length for your topic.

Why do podcasts have cover art?

Your podcast’s cover art is your opportunity to entice and attract listeners, so make it count. Although you can spend some money hiring a designer to create your podcast cover art, you can also design one for yourself using Canva. Whichever route you choose to go down, there are a few criterias your podcast cover needs to abide by.

Can you script a podcast?

Opening your show cold takes a lot of skill and confidence. This is why scripting your show is an important part of the process. However, scripting your podcast doesn’t mean writing a word-for-word script that’ll be read on air. That normally never works. For starters, it’s incredibly hard to read a script without sounding like you’re doing just that. Additionally, reading off a script verbatim doesn’t serve you if your podcast follows the interview format.

1. Choose a premise and a title

The first step in creating a new podcast is choosing the subject matter. You can center your podcast around any topic that interests you or that you want to share with others. The most popular podcasts today discuss a wide range of subjects including, true crime, politics, entertainment, health and wellness, experimental science and many more.

2. Decide on a format

Next, you will need to pick a format. A podcast's format includes its length, structure and how often it is published. Podcasts episodes typically range from 20-90 minutes in length. Some shows follow a narrative structure while others are discussion-based. And others are made up entirely of question and answer segments.

3. Acquire the necessary equipment

Now that you have a functional idea, you will need to consider the technical side of producing a podcast. Before you can start recording you will need to buy, rent or borrow the right equipment. To record a podcast, you will need a high-quality microphone, a functional set of headphones and a PC or laptop.

4. Record and edit audio

Once you have the equipment you are ready to record your first episode. Depending on your podcast's structure, you may decide to write a detailed script. Alternatively, you may prefer your host, guests or actors to improvise the discussion with nothing more than a list of suggested talking points.

5. Add music and sound effects

While editing your episodes, you may want to add intro, outro and background music. Many podcasts feature a theme song or musical introduction that was created specifically for the show. Other shows use royalty-free music from sources like Incompetech or Free Music Archive.

6. Design cover art

Every podcast that is shared through a podcast provider should have cover art. Most podcast designs consist of an attention-getting logo that features the name of the show and the host. If you or someone on your team is skilled with graphic design, you may be able to create your cover art using Adobe InDesign or PhotoShop.

7. Back up your data

One of the most critical steps in starting a new podcast is finding a place to store your data. Podcast episodes can require anywhere from 10-30 megabytes of digital storage. As you continue to record new episodes, you will need to start backing up your data using an online server.

Do Podcasts Make Money?

How much money do podcasts make? Yes, they do! Listeners flock to the big names, and the big names earn a lot of money in exchange. AdvertiseCast estimates that the average 30-second CPM (cost per 1,000 listeners) is $18 and the average 60-second CPM is $25, both according to the company.

What Equipment Do you Need to Start a Podcast?

There are a lot of options when it comes to podcast recording equipment if you’re just getting started. Despite the fact that there is a plethora of podcasting equipment available, it doesn’t mean you have to buy it all.

How Much Does it Cost to Start a Podcast?

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to start a podcast (as long as you have some basic recording equipment), but you should budget at least $100 to get started. Depending on whether or not you want to make money from your podcast, the cost can vary greatly.

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