Podcast FAQ

stoic meditations podcast

by Dr. Alta Graham II Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Where can I listen to Stoic meditations?

Stoic Meditations Listen On: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Player FM, Stitcher, Google Podcasts Similar to The Daily Stoic podcast, Stoic Meditations uploads a short episode daily that are around 3 minutes long.

What is the Daily Stoic podcast?

The Daily Stoic Podcast is a daily podcast hosted by #1 New York Times bestselling author Ryan Holiday. Each weekday the podcast features the audio version of our popular Daily Stoic email meditations. A short 2-3 minute Stoic inspired meditation designed to help you live your best life.

What is stoicism?

The Practical Stoic with Simon J. E. Drew Stoicism is the ultimate philosophy for a well-lived life. In this podcast, Simon Drew shares practical ancient stoic advice for modern times. Join Simon as he revamps the podcast and tries to learn what it truly means to live a Stoic lifestyle.

What does it mean to live a Stoic lifestyle?

Stoicism is the ultimate philosophy for a well-lived life. In this podcast, Simon Drew shares practical ancient stoic advice for modern times. Join Simon as he revamps the podcast and tries to learn what it truly means to live a Stoic lifestyle.


About The Daily Stoic Podcast

The Daily Stoic Podcast is a daily podcast hosted by #1 New York Times bestselling author Ryan Holiday. Each weekday the podcast features the audio version of our popular Daily Stoic email meditations. A short 2-3 minute Stoic inspired meditation designed to help you live your best life.

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Two to three times per week we also featured long-from interviews with a variety of guests.

Latest episodes

November 10: Olympian Kate Courtney on Optimization and Embracing the Process

What is a stoic podcast?

About Podcast Stoicism is the immensely influential philosophy behind many modern talking therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. The Stoic Psychology podcast discusses how Stoicism and wider philosophy match up with modern psychology research, and how we might use findings from both to live a more contented life. With the addition of interviews with experts in their fields and musings from host Alex Maclellan, this podcast hopes to provide a simple and enjoyable dose of pop philosophy and psychology. Frequency 8 episodes / year , Average Episode Length 22 min Since Sep 2019 Also in Psychology Podcasts Podcast buzzsprout.com/295505#N#Facebook fans 262 ⋅ Twitter followers 8 ⋅ Domain Authority 77 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.1K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

What is podcast stoicism?

About Podcast Stoicism is a 2,000-year-old philosophy that you can adapt to your leadership at work, or in your personal life. To me, stoicism merges questions of the meaning of life, consciousness and the practicalities of functioning as the best human you can be.

What did the Stoics say about love?

The Stoics, in truth, say, not only that their wise person may be a lover, but they even define love itself as an endeavor to originate friendship out of the appearance of beauty.

Who brought down philosophy?

Socrates was the first who brought down philosophy from the heavens, placed it in cities, introduced it into families, and obliged it to examine into life and morals, and good and evil.

What does Cicero say about our mind?

Cicero says that our mind becomes sick when our opinions and judgments are not coherent with each other, just like our body becomes sick when one of its parts is in disharmony with the rest.

Is anger in no wise becoming in an orator?

Anger is in no wise becoming in an orator, though it is not amiss to affect it. Do you imagine that I am angry when in pleading I use any extraordinary vehemence and sharpness?

How often does Stoicism podcast?

It hosts frequent podcasts (about every one to three days), with Stoic proponent Ryan Holiday and various writers, athletes, television personalities, and experts. These podcasts focus on applying Stoicism ...

What is Stoic Mindfulness?

Stoic Mindfulness and Meditations: 7 Inspiring Podcasts and Books. Stoicism is a philosophical tradition with roots in Greek and Roman antiquity. Its founder was Zeno (3rd century B.C.). The influential Zeno taught philosophy to his many disciples in ancient Athens. Zeno held his classes on a painted porch or stoa.

What is the element of mindfulness in Stoicism?

There is an element of mindfulness in Stoicism, which involves sustained attention to present-moment experience. Stoic meditations include reflecting on one’s inevitable death ( memento mori) to put one’s experiences and values in a proper perspective. We hope you enjoyed reading this article.

What is the meaning of "stoicism"?

“Stoicism” is commonly defined as being at peace throughout life’s ups and downs. It denotes a calmness in the face of pain, pleasure, grief, and joy. However, there is more to Stoicism than keeping one’s cool.

What is nature in Stoics?

Nature is a broad concept for the Stoics. It encompasses the natural world and its forces, patterns of interplay in human society, and the inner psyche of the individual. In short, their concept of nature is the whole cosmos, outer and inner.

Why is moderation important?

The virtue of moderation allows one to avoid attachment to things desired and thus remain free from passions and at peace. Courage allows one to remain free of fear and thus to keep the mind settled, even amidst life’s dangers.

Where did Zeno teach philosophy?

The influential Zeno taught philosophy to his many disciples in ancient Athens. Zeno held his classes on a painted porch or stoa. This stoa, decorated with mythological scenes and still visible in Athens today, is the site from which the word “Stoicism” originates.

Who is the host of Stoic podcast?

3. Good Fortune: a Stoic Podcast. Host: Matt Van Natta.

How long is the Practical Stoic podcast?

Although The Practical Stoic Podcast doesn’t upload as often as The Daily Stoic, they more than make up for it in length. A regular episode is well over an hour long. In each episode, Simon Drew interviews a “prominent Stoic voice in the world today as they extract the essence of Stoicism.”.

How long is the Stoic Psychology podcast?

Episodes of The Stoic Psychology Podcast are generally longer than 30 minutes. As the name suggests, this podcast approaches Stoicism from a psychology perspective. The host shares his own thoughts on modern issues, psychology, and how to live well. The show also features interview episodes.

How long is Sunday Stoic?

Episodes of The Sunday Stoic are anywhere from 5 to 50 minutes long, with most of them around the 15 minutes mark. If the one episode a day is too much for you, and you don’t have the patience to sit through hour-long interviews every week, then The Sunday Stoic is a great option for you.

How long are Ryan Holiday podcasts?

On weekends, they post long-form episodes with special guests, readings, and discussion from Ryan Holiday. Those episodes are anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. If you are an avid listener of podcasts and like to listen on 2x speed, you might find the daily episodes too short.

What is the best way to digest information?

Podcasts can be a great way to digest information on the go; whether you’re driving, exercising, cooking, or even taking a shower, you can be listening to a podcast. They can also be a perfect way to start your morning, especially if you don’t have the time to read. So let’s take a look at the top 11 podcasts on Stoicism.

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