Podcast FAQ

story structure podcast

by Damien Roob MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

How to tell the best stories in podcasts?

In order to tell the best stories, you need the right podcast structure Brands have known about the power of storytelling for a long time. Stories can be used to sell products because, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins, the structure of a piece of content is more important than the content itself.

What is a true story podcast?

This is where you create a story around an event which is investigated ‘as real'. It usually involves coming up with a small team of fictional journalists or reporters who run the show. The pretence is that they're creating the podcast themselves. Think Limetown or The Black Tapes. There are a few things to consider here.

What is the perfect podcast structure for an interview podcast?

And here is the perfect podcast structure for an interview podcast: 7 - The meat: dig into the topics that you KNOW will add value to your listeners We are confident that the above podcast structure will significantly improve any structure you currently have in place...

Are You Ready to start writing your podcast script?

In the last two chapters we looked at fiction podcast formats and story structures. If you've settled on both of these then you're ready to begin writing your script. There's a few things to consider when writing scripts for audio as opposed to a visual medium, and that's what we're going to talk about in this section.


What is the best structure for a podcast?

Get these three elements right, and you've got yourself the perfect podcast structure. The beginning is where you've got to hook people into your episode, and the middle is for the main content of your show. The end is where you remind listeners exactly what they've gained and where they should go from here.

How do you write a podcast story?

Creating a Narrative Podcast: A Step-By-Step GuideStep 1: Develop the podcast season's focus and episode topics. ... Step 2: Write a detailed storyboard for each episode. ... Step 2.5: Start keeping track of your production cycle. ... Step 4: Write the first episode script. ... Step 8: Add music and FX, and normalize the podcast audio.

What are 5 elements of a podcast?

5 elements of a good podcastFocus on a central idea.Play to an audience.Regular schedules.Show structure.Authenticity.

What does the structure of a podcast mean?

The three act podcast structure is a storytelling model that divides a story into an organized and logical order. In school, teachers referred to the three parts as the “beginning, middle, and end,” but that description doesn't really do it justice. The Three Act Structure storytelling method.

What is a podcast storyboard?

Storyboarding works on a number of levels to improve the overall organization of your content. For starters, it provides you with an overview of how your episodes fit together. This can be helpful no matter what kind of podcast you run or what kind of content you produce.

What makes a good narrative podcast?

What the best narrative podcasts have in common. The strength of narrative podcasts lies in their ability to connect deeply with the listener. Because every moment of the experience is tightly scripted, they take their audience on a journey, constantly re-engaging and contextualizing.

What makes a bad podcast?

Bad audio quality. Too many ad reads or annoying/irrelevant ad reads. Lack of preparation or planning.

What are different parts of a podcast called?

Six Structural Components of A Podcast EpisodePodcast Intro. This intro is a consistent intro between every episode. ... Episode Intro. In this introduction, you'll introduce the specific conversation for the episode. ... Advertisement. ... Content. ... Episode Outro. ... Next Episode Teaser.

What makes a good podcast intro?

A great podcast intro should show new listeners who you are, what your podcast is about, and why they should listen. But, at the same time, it needs to engage your existing audience. The best podcast intros are unique to each episode and include a teaser of content from later in the show to hook listeners.

What are the three types of podcast formats?

Read on to learn all about podcast formats and which one is the ideal fit for your next show.Narrative-style podcast. Narrative-style podcasts tell the stories — stories of people, businesses, or brands. ... Solo Podcast. ... Co-hosted podcast. ... 1:1 interview podcast. ... Panel podcast.

What are the three types of podcast?

Panel. Nonfiction narrative story-telling. Fictional story-telling. Hybrid.

How should a podcast be structured to be most effective for the audience?

Get these three elements right, and you've got yourself the perfect podcast structure. The beginning is where you've got to hook people into your episode, and the middle is for the main content of your show. The end is where you remind listeners exactly what they've gained and where they should go from here.

How do you write a podcast script example?

How to Write a Podcast ScriptPodcast Intro (Including Music) If you've listened to many podcasts, you know that most of them have the same introduction each time. ... Welcome / Guest Introduction. Next, if your podcast interviews guests, you'll need to introduce them. ... Message from a Sponsor. ... Segue. ... Outro and Call to Action.

How do you write an audio story?

And no matter how you start, make sure you do the following:Tightly focus your idea.Make that focus clear to listeners.Tell your audience what to expect (You'll learn XX or discover what happens to this character/place/policy/etc.)Create a sense of movement or momentum.

How do you write a podcast intro?

Podcast Intros: 10 Tips to Get Your Listeners HookedIntroduce Your Podcast.Start With a Question. ... Set the Tone for Your Podcast. ... Choose the Right Music. ... Create a Tagline. ... Write Your Intro Beforehand. ... Mention a Website or Call to Action. ... Include Disclaimers When Needed. ... More items...•

How do I make a good audio story?

1:508:21Audio Storytelling at Home | How to Create a Podcast and Tell a Story ...YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIt's about quality intimacy visuals and taking the listeners on a journey. Actually. Putting themMoreIt's about quality intimacy visuals and taking the listeners on a journey. Actually. Putting them somewhere. That's the beauty of words. And sounds.

About the Instructor

Ruxandra Guidi has been telling nonfiction and news stories for almost two decades. Her reporting for public radio, magazines, and various multimedia and multidisciplinary outlets has taken her throughout the United States, the Caribbean, South and Central America, as well as Mexico and the U.S.-Mexico border region.

How to Find the Right Format and Structure for Your Podcast

Do you have an idea for a podcast and even some of the recordings already. What’s next? How do you make sure you land on the right, most compelling way to tell the story? This workshop will focus on identifying a plan, the strengths of your project, your unique perspective, what your future audience might be and what it might want.

The Perfect Podcast Structure

Let's learn how to structure your episodes beautifully... like a Monet painting.


Now that you know the importance of having a podcast script for your show, you need to be aware of the vital elements to include...


For shows that have guests, you will need to prepare your interview questions.

What is a podcast novel?

Also known as ‘Podiobooks'. This is the art of writing a novel or series of short stories, and then recording and splitting them up into podcast episodes. Perhaps the most famous example of an author podcasting their book is Scott Sigler, who built a massive audience in this manner.

What is a story in science fiction?

At it's most basic level, a story is a set of circumstances in the beginning, which have changed by the end. A change must take place in order for there to be a story. That change might be the destruction of an entire galaxy, or it might be someone spilling a pint of beer.

What is a DAW for podcasting?

A commonly used DAW in the world of podcasting is Audacity which is absolutely free. We have a video course on Audacity right here.

How to write a script for an audition?

If you're creating an audition script and casting actors of any gender, write a one page scene with two gender-ambiguous characters. Create some dialogue that will test actors on exactly what you're looking for. If you're writing a comedy you'll want to test them on timing a delivery. If you're writing something more serious you might create some emotionally charged dialogue like an argument. Tailor it to the style of show you enjoy writing the most. When you find good actors, you'll want to cast them again and again in your projects.

What is the critical point of a story?

Circumstances in your story lead to a critical point where tension and opposing interests lead to a confrontation, whether the main character likes it or not. During this period many stories inflict a crushing defeat on their heroes, signalling an “all is lost” moment, which they must rebuild and bounce back from.

How to write an audio drama?

Writing for audio drama is a skill, and like anything else, it's one you'll hone through practice, as well as listening and learning from others. Start by writing one or two short stories just to find your groove. You can still use a narrator, but with the option of making them part of the story, too.

Do you have to tell a story in linear or a climax?

The good news is that you don't always have to tell your story in a linear matter, so you can even begin with your climax, then pull the story back in time to the beginning once you've set up the intrigue. Once your listener desperately wants to know what happens, you've hooked them.

What is the strength of a narrative podcast?

The strength of narrative podcasts lies in their ability to connect deeply with the listener.

Why is music important in storytelling?

They are a core part of great storytelling. Music and sound can completely change the emotion of a narrative. They shouldn’t be an afterthought once the story is done, you should be thinking of how they will play a role in your show right from the pre-production stage.

Do all stories have a beginning, middle, and end?

Yes, all stories have a beginning, middle, and end, but a standard interview format forgets this. It’s linear. Think about how your story will have the three acts of setup, confrontation, and resolution. The ‘e’. An extension of the cold open – begin your narrative in the middle of the timeline of your story.

What is the basic story structure?

Basic story structure. When people discuss different story structures, they’re often talking about the different frameworks used to analyze stories. When you boil them all down, all stories have certain shared elements. The status quo.

What is the narrative structure?

Narrative structure (also known as story structure) is the order in which elements of a narrative are presented to the reader or audience. It is composed of two things: Plot — the chain of events that occur in the book; and. Story elements — the underlying factors that drive the narrative action: protagonists, conflicts, setting, etc.

What is the first part of a story called?

This is usually the first part of the story — but not always. An inciting incident. Sometimes called a catalyst, this is an event that sets the story in motion, forcing the protagonist out of their comfort zone.

What are the elements of a story?

Story elements — the underlying factors that drive the narrative action: protagonists, conflicts, setting, etc. By weaving together a plot and its driving forces, a storyteller can draw connections between ‘things that happen’ and ‘things that matter.’.

What is the 7 point structure?

Seven-Point Story Structure. Revealed: Seven story structures every writer needs to know! Click to tweet! 1. Freytag’s Pyramid. Named after a 19th-century German novelist and playwright, Freytag’s Pyramid is a five-point dramatic structure that’s based on the classical Greek tragedies of Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripedes.

Why is structure important in writing?

Structure helps the storyteller deliver a satisfying narrative experience — whether it’s meant to be happy, hilarious, or tragic. Writers can turn to story theory and narrative structure whenever their story just isn’t working; when they feel that their writing is awkward, aimless, or — worst of all — boring.

Who is the Hero's Journey based on?

Inspired by Joseph Campbell’s concept of the monomyth — a storytelling pattern that recurs in mythology all over the world — The Hero’s Journey is today’s best-known story structure. Some attribute its popularity to George Lucas, whose Star Wars was heavily influenced by Campbell’s The Hero With a Thousand Faces.

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