Podcast FAQ

submit podcast to stitcher

by Prof. Alessandra Renner III Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do you submit a podcast to Stitcher?

A Step-By-Step Guide On Submitting A Podcast To StitcherVerify your podcast meets Stitcher's requirements. ... Join Stitcher as a Content Provider. ... Enter your podcast's RSS feed URL. ... Authorize adding your podcast to Stitcher. ... Accept the Terms and Conditions. ... Congratulations! ... Modify your podcast's details.More items...•

How much does it cost to put a podcast on Stitcher?

The membership costs around $5 per month. You can offer some of your premium content there. Podcasters that feature their podcast there may receive a portion of the subscription proceeds. To qualify for this revenue share program, your show mush have a minimum of 5,000 active listeners on Stitcher in a month.

How do you get listed on Stitcher?

How to Submit Your Podcast to StitcherCreate a Content Provider profile here.Once you're logged in to your newly created account click the “Add Show” button.Add your RSS feed and show details and submit.Wait for approval.

How do I submit an RSS feed to Stitcher?

Step 1: Submit your RSS feed to StitcherClick "Join Us Today" and paste your Anchor RSS feed into the box that appears.Confirm that the email address they display is one you have access to.Click Next Step and then you will be asked to Sign Up for a Stitcher Partner account.When you're done, click Sign Up.More items...•

Does Podbean post to Stitcher?

Here's how to submit your podcast to Stitcher. On the left hand column, go to Settings: Feed – iTunes. 2. Take down your RSS Feed. You'll need this to submit to Stitcher.

How long does it take for podcast to show up on Stitcher?

It takes about one hour for a new episode to publish to Stitcher after it has been posted on your RSS feed.

Where can I submit a podcast?

How To Submit A Podcast To The Most Popular DirectoriesApple Podcasts (formerly iTunes) Apple Podcasts is the biggest podcast directory in the world. ... Google Podcasts. ... Spotify. ... Stitcher. ... Podchaser. ... TuneIn. ... iHeartRadio. ... Pandora.

How do I submit a podcast to Spotify?

How To Submit A Podcast To SpotifyVerify your podcast meets Spotify's requirements. ... Create a Spotify account. ... Agree to the Terms & Conditions. ... Enter your RSS feed link. ... Verify you own the podcast. ... Enter details about your podcast. ... Review and submit your podcast.

Who owns Stitcher podcast?

Sirius XMStitcher / Parent organizationSirius XM Holdings Inc. is an American broadcasting company headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York City that provides satellite radio and online radio services operating in the United States. It was formed by the 2008 merger of Sirius Satellite Radio and XM Satellite Radio, merging them into SiriusXM Radio. Wikipedia

Why is my podcast not showing up on Stitcher?

It can take up to an hour for Stitcher to process and publish your episode after it has been posted to your rss feed. If it has been over an hour and there has been no update, please check to be sure your latest episode file has successfully posted to your RSS feed.

Does anchor FM distribute to Stitcher?

So you're ready to distribute your podcast? First we should note that Anchor distributes your podcast to Spotify automatically. In order for your podcast to appear on places like Apple Podcasts or Stitcher, you will need to submit your podcast to each platform.

How do I get my podcast on TuneIn?

How To Submit A Podcast To TuneIn and Get Listed On AlexaSign Up for a TuneIn Account. Head on over to TuneIn, and select “Sign Up.”Go to TuneIn's Podcasters Page. Now that you have a free account, head over to the “Podcasters” section and select “Publish a Podcast.”Submit Your Show's Details. ... Wait for Approval.

How to add podcast to Stitcher?

Start by heading to Stitcher.com/content-provider and create a new account. Click ‘Join Now’. Here you are creating a profile that’s specific to content creators to add your podcast’s listing.

How to get listeners to subscribe to podcast on Stitcher?

To make it easy for listeners to subscribe to your podcast on Stitcher, consider adding a button to your website. Go to the ‘Promote Show’ tab to access your podcast’s listing URL on Stitcher, embeddable player short-codes and buttons.

How to add a Stitcher link to your podcast?

Castos users can add your show’s URL to your Castos dashboard to feature a Stitcher subscribe link on your podcast website. Go to ‘Podcast Settings’ > ‘Distribution’ and paste the link in the ‘Stitcher’ field.

What is Castos podcast launch service?

With Castos’ Podcast Launch Service, our team will take care of submitting your show to all major directories along with creating podcast marketing assets, mapping out episodes, and ensuring your podcast is set up for success. Enter your information to request a free consultation.

Why is Stitcher so popular?

Stitcher is unique because it offers some analytical tools to help understand how your podcast is performing.

How to find RSS feed for Castos?

If you’re a Castos user, find your podcast’s RSS feed URL under ‘Podcast Settings’ > ‘Distribution’.

How long is Castos free?

Castos makes it a breeze to publish your show to Stitcher, Apple, Spotify, and more. Try Castos free for 14 days, no credit required.

How to get podcast on Stitcher?

Getting your podcast on Stitcher is a simple and straightforward process that involves signing up as a Content Provider, also known as a Partner. Confirm your email address and accept the terms and conditions.

Does Stitcher have podcasts?

One more thing; check your inbox to confirm your sign up and get access to your free downloads 💌. Stitcher offers podcasters a suite of analytics so that you’re able see how your podcast and its individual episodes are performing on the platform. The fact that Stitcher is one of the largest audio directories available that also streams radio ...

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