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tanis podcast wiki

by Prof. Esteban Reichel Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is Tanis?

Tanis is a mystery horror fiction podcast executive produced by Terry Miles who also voices the podcast's narrator, Nic Silver. In the show, Silver undertakes a search to discover what and where the mysterious entity Tanis is.

Is Tanis based on a true story?

While the style of Tanis evokes the earlier investigative nonfiction podcast Serial and its plot commingles real-world historical events and places with fictional elements, Tanis ' s production team never acknowledges the story's fictional nature.

Will there be a season 5 of Tanis?

A television adaptation of the podcast is planned as of 2017 and the fifth season of the podcast premiered on September 2, 2020. Nic Silver, a former radio host, discovers references to something called Tanis in two disparate sources.

Where is Tanis by Jack Parsons summary?

Where Is Tanis? is a short story written by Jack Parsons and published in Strange Worlds Magazine. It is written in the second person. It tells the story of a Runner, who was trained by his uncle, as he prepares to lead a pack of seekers to find Tanis.


Is Tanis podcast real?

The podcast was described as "deep fiction" by The Guardian because, while it blends real-world and fictional events and people into its narrative, the show's creators and characters never acknowledge that the podcast is fictitious.

Is Tanis still going?

TANIS season six is still in progress, and we'll have updates on that as we move closer to a release date. RABBITS book two is coming in 2023. There are new seasons of The Last Movie, and FAERIE coming as well, and we'll have some new stuff for your ears in the beginning of the new year.

Is Tanis podcast good?

Excellent, high quality & totally binge worthy! 5/5 By Mysteries & True Crime! I found this early in the pandemic and was hooked from Ep 1, first season! I can't speak to the later seasons, but I'm sure their just as good. Ignore the “complainy” reviews, and give it a listen.

Is Tanis related to the black tapes?

As soon as it realizes you're querying about spooky podcasts The Black Tapes and Tanis, Google offers to autofill “is real,” but here's a big, big spoiler: they aren't. Pacific Northwest Stories, the radio show credited with spawning both The Black Tapes and its spinoff Tanis, never existed.

Is Pacific Northwest stories real?

It is hosted by Alex Reagan (voiced by Lori Henry), released as a spin-off of the fictional radio program Pacific Northwest Stories. The series is produced by Nic Silver (voiced by Terry Miles). Reagan narrates a nonfiction-styled fictional story over multiple episodes, using a format that has been compared to Serial.

Who is Meerkatnip?

Described by Nic Silver in Ep. 101 of Tanis as an “expert in illicit underground internet commerce”, Meerkatnip (or M.K.) is hired by Nic in this first episode to comb the deep web for references to Tanis outside of allusions to the ruins in Egypt.

Where is Tanis short story?

Where Is Tanis? is a short story written by Jack Parsons and published in Strange Worlds Magazine. It is written in the second person. It tells the story of a Runner, who was trained by his uncle, as he prepares to lead a pack of seekers to find Tanis.

Is rabbits based on a true story?

Why it's ripe for listening. Part of the fun of Rabbits is that it feels like it almostcould be true. The podcast has an authentic-looking website that says it's a documentary, and the show's producers will never admit that it isn't 100% real.

Is the black tapes podcast based on true events?

The characters and stories on The Black Tapes Podcast are fictional, but no one connected with the show is going to tell you that, because the intentional blurring of truth and fiction is part of what makes The Black Tapes so much fun.

Are Tanis and RABBITS connected?

It's the same group, but nowadays we have two sister networks. We have Pacific Northwest Stories, and that's just me and Paul. The Black Tapes is Pacific Northwest Stories; TANIS and RABBITS are Public Radio Alliance, which is just a branch off with me and Nic, and Tanis sort of straddles both worlds.

What genre is Tanis?

Not that anyone who works at the Black Tapes Podcast or Tanis will admit that. It's all part of the deep fiction that makes both the Black Tapes and Tanis so compelling and wildly addictive. The 10 best new podcasts of 2015 (that aren't Serial!)

What is the unsound?

: not sound: such as. a : not healthy or whole an unsound horse. b : not mentally normal : not wholly sane of unsound mind. c : not firmly made, placed, or fixed structurally unsound.

Is Rabbit podcast over?

A novel set in the Rabbits universe and written by Miles was released on June 8, 2021....Rabbits (podcast)RabbitsOriginal release2017 – presentRelated showsTanis, The Black Tapes, Faerie,Websitewww.rabbitspodcast.com5 more rows

Is Alice isn't dead real?

Alice Isn't Dead, a new serial fiction podcast from the team behind Welcome to Night Vale.

Is Nic silver Terry Miles?

And that narrator in the show Tanis is also the writer and producer Terry Miles who plays an investigative journalist named Nic Silver. Nic is aided by a character that goes by her internet handle, Meerkatnip, or MK.

Will there be a rabbits season 2?

In the second season of Rabbits, we follow Riley Bennett as she looks into what happened to Carly Parker at the end of season one, and uncovers a strange series of coincidences that appear to be connected to Rabbits.

Who is Tanis podcast?

Tanis is a serialized bi-weekly podcast created by Terry Miles and Nic Silver and produced by Public Radio Alliance and Minnow Beats Whale. This wiki is current up until Episode 304.

Who is the host of the podcast Tanis?

Tanis is an exploration of the nature of truth, conspiracy and information. Hosted by Nic Silver, the Tanis podcast explores the mythology surrounding a short story penned by rocket scientist and infamous occult leader, Jack Parsons, entitled “Where Is Tanis?” as part of the 50s-era Strange Worlds comic series.

Who is the host of Tanis?

In the first episode of Tanis, our host, Nic Silver, wonders if the Internet age might contain one last great mystery, an ancient myth known as “Tanis.”.

What season does Nic and MK go to the woods?

In the Season Five finale , Nic and MK re-enter the woods in search of Rose Hempel and John Corroman Junior, along with answers to what the two of them were really doing up there in The Garrison Anomaly.

Where did Nic and Meerkatnip go?

Nic and Meerkatnip discover a large number of strange events seem to occur within one very specific region of the Pacific Northwest, Morgan Miller brings us one step closer to the Cult of Tanis, and Nic visits Raywood, Washington, a mysterious ghost town where a large number of children went missing in the early eighties.

What episode does Nic get visited by two strangers?

In the first episode of season five, while Nic continues to struggle with the events of last season, he is visited by two strangers. One of these strangers will force Nic to make an incredibly difficult decision.

What does Nic find in MK?

Nic looks further into the man in that convenience store surveillance footage, MK finds a recording that references some very familiar mythology, and a strange old book leads to a haunted hotel and a mysterious cult.

What does Nic's doctor tell him about his brain?

Nic’s doctor warns him that his brain is changing in strange ways, but it doesn’t stop him from heading back up to Northern British Columbia with a renewed sense of purpose. We finally hear from Rose Hempel herself, which makes Nic even more determined to find out what really happened to her inside the area of the woods known as The Garrison Anomaly.

Who digs into John Corroman Junior?

Nic and MK dig into John Corroman Junior, receive a break in the murder cases connected to The Garrison Anomaly, and Cameron Ellis comes through in a big way.

What happened to the temple of Amun Re?

Today, the main parts of the temple dedicated to Amun-Re can still be distinguished by the presence of large obelisks that marked the various pylons as in other Egyptian temples. Now fallen to the ground and lying in a single direction, they may have been knocked down by a violent earthquake during the Byzantine era. They form one of the most notable aspects of the Tanis site. Archaeologists have counted more than twenty. This accumulation of remnants from different epochs contributed to the confusion of the first archaeologists who saw in Tanis the biblical city of Zoan in which the Hebrews would have suffered pharaonic slavery. Pierre Montet, in inaugurating his great excavation campaigns in the 1930s, began from the same premise hoping to discover traces that would confirm the accounts of the Old Testament. His own excavations gradually overturned this hypothesis, even if he was defending this biblical connection until the end of his life. It was not until the discovery of Qantir / Pi-Ramesses and the resumption of excavations under Jean Yoyotte that the place of Tanis was finally restored in the long chronology of the sites of the delta.

What was the seat of power of the Pharaohs of the 21st Dynasty?

After Pi-Ramesses' abandonment, Tanis became the seat of power of the pharaohs of the 21st Dynasty, and later of the 22nd Dynasty (along with Bubastis ). The rulers of these two dynasties supported their legitimacy as rulers of Upper and Lower Egypt with traditional titles and building works, although they pale compared to those at the height of the New Kingdom. A remarkable achievement of these kings was the building and subsequent expansions of the Great temple of Amun-Ra at Tanis (at the time, Amun-Ra replaced Seth as the main deity of the eastern Delta), while minor temples were dedicated to Mut and Khonsu whom, along with Amun-Ra, formed the Theban Triad. The intentional emulation towards Thebes is further stressed by the fact that these gods bore their original Theban epithets, leading to Thebes being more commonly mentioned than Tanis itself. Furthermore, the new royal necropolis at Tanis successfully replaced the one in the Theban Valley of the Kings.

What is the name of the ancient city in the Nile Delta?

Country. Egypt. Governorate. Sharqia. Map of ancient Lower Egypt showing Tanis. Tanis is the Greek name for ancient Egyptian ḏꜥn.t, an important archaeological site in the north-eastern Nile Delta of Egypt, and the location of a city of the same name. It is located on the Tanitic branch of the Nile, which has long since silted up.

Why is the Tanis fossil site named after the city?

The Tanis fossil site, which may preserve unique remains from the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event , is named after the city. The paleontologist Robert de Palma chose the name based on the significance of Tanis in the decipherment of hieroglyphs, as well as its role in Raiders of the Lost Ark as the hiding place of the Ark of the Covenant.

How many remnants are there in Tanis?

They form one of the most notable aspects of the Tanis site. Archaeologists have counted more than twenty. This accumulation of remnants from different epochs contributed to the confusion of the first archaeologists who saw in Tanis the biblical city of Zoan in which the Hebrews would have suffered pharaonic slavery.

What was the name of the new necropolis in Egypt?

Furthermore, the new royal necropolis at Tanis successfully replaced the one in the Theban Valley of the Kings. After the 22nd Dynasty Tanis lost its status of royal residence, but became in turn the capital of the 19th nome of Lower Egypt.

When did Tanis decline?

By the time of John of Nikiû in the 7th century, Tanis appears to have already declined significantly, as it was grouped together with four other towns under a single prefect.


Nic originally suggested the spinoff series that became The Black Tapes Podcast.


Alex Reagan: Nic and Alex are close friends, as well as coworkers. They generally have an amicable relationship, although Nic will confront Alex if he is worried about her or doubts her journalistic approach. Alex has made short appearances on Nic's other podcast, TANIS.

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