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terri cole podcast

by Miss Eugenia Huel Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Who is Terri Cole?

Terri Cole. Terri Cole is a licensed psychotherapist, transformation coach, and expert at turning Fear into Freedom. Helping people all over the world face their fears, get unstuck from the past, move past their limiting beliefs, and start living the lives they desire.

Who is Danielle LaPorte?

Today I'm bringing back an old episode by popular demand, a girlfriend jam with Danielle LaPorte! Danielle is the creator of The Desire Map series , “A heart centered approach to finding your true power”. She’s also the author of White Hot Truth: Clarity for keeping it real on your spiritual path, and The Fire Starter Sessions: A guide to creating success on your own terms, which also spun off into a coaching curriculum. Named one of the “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes, over 5 million people a month visit DanielleLaPorte.com for her regular #Truthbombs and poetry. Danielle's website has been called “the best place online for kickass spirituality.” Marianne Williamson refers to Danielle “as a bright light in the modern priestesshood.” On today's show, we talk about finding real love, getting honest about secondary gain, letting go of the past, and much more. Find the show notes for today's episode at terricole.com/231

What is the show "The Power of Intention" about?

This show is for anyone who wants to learn more about practical psychology, achieving personal freedom, self-improvement, meditation, mindfulness practices, harnessing the power of intention, and real-life strategies for personal transformation.

359 Lindsey Ellison - Negotiating with Narcissists

Today I’m interviewing Lindsey Ellison, a breakup breakthrough coach, author of two books, and podcaster. She gives us some advice about all things narcissist and how to break up without being broken. Plus, she shares her personal experience with discovering her own higher power helped her stop treating a codependent relationship as one.

358 Context or Convincing? (Learn the difference!)

When you have to say no to someone, do you feel compelled to give them a long explanation of why you are saying no, or do you find yourself defending your right to say no? How often do you find yourself building a case to convince the people in your life that you’re doing the right thing? When you make a choice do you want everyone to approve of your decision? If you're nodding your head, then this episode is for you.

357 Elizabeth Earnshaw - Making Relationships Work

Today I’m sharing a chat with my friend Elizabeth Earnshaw, licensed marriage and family therapist and director of A Better Life Therapy, LLC.

355 Dr. Alexandra Solomon - Love and Self-Reflection

Today I’m sharing a chat with my friend Dr. Alexandra Solomon, who is a clinical psychologist at northwestern university and expert in relational self-awareness.

354 Ten Signs You're Suppressing Your Anger

When you're upset with someone about something, do you: Say nothing, but silently keep score? Talk to other people about it? Ice the person out? Send them a passive-aggressive or sarcastic text? If any of those rang a bell, you are not alone which is why in this week’s episode, I’m breaking down the top 10 indicators that you might be suppressing and/or unconsciously repressing your anger.

377 How to Create an Extraordinary Life with Tanya Dalton

Do you ever feel like you are too busy to create the life you really want? A lot of us always feel like we’re playing catch-up, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Today’s guest, Tanya Dalton, shares strategies ...

376 How to Be Your Own Valentine (Ritual Guide Inside!)

How often do you find yourself bummed out on Valentine’s Day? I can tell you, as a psychotherapist for 25 years, whether you’re single or in a relationship, Valentine’s Day has a way of setting us up for disappointment. Every ...

375 Creating a Deeper Knowing with Serena Dyer

Today I’m interviewing Serena Dyer Pisoni. Her father, Wayne Dyer, passed away a few years ago. If you don’t know him, he was a big influence on my life and work, and I know he also touched the lives of ...

374 Signs of Abandonment Issues

Do you find that you attach unusually quickly to people, whether in friendships or romantic relationships? Do you stay in relationships that you know are bad for you because the thought of being alone scares you more than staying in ...

373 Best Home Workout with Michelle Briehler

Before the pandemic, I was always a gym person. I liked the social aspect of meeting up with my gym friends, and I never imagined that I could motivate myself to work out at home. That changed when I found ...

372 Why Children of Narcissists Struggle With Romantic Love

Do you feel like you’re continually struggling in relationships with the same self-absorbed, controlling people? It could be in your romantic relationships, friendships, family, or work relationships. Maybe you keep finding yourself with narcissistic partners even though after your last ...

371 Your 2022 Horoscope with the AstroTwins!

I started out wary of astrology, but over the past decade, I have become increasingly open to the perspective it can offer on our individual struggles and the shifts we see in society as a whole. My change in perspective ...

How to Communicate in Conflict

When you are in a conflict do you clam up and go silent? Do you run away and avoid it at all costs? Or maybe you explode and escalate it? …

Discover Your Attraction Type

Have you ever wondered why you attract the people you do romantically? Do you find yourself dating a version of the same person over and over again…only to eventually be…

What Crap Are You Leaving in 2021?

How do you feel about New Year’s resolutions? Did you know studies show that only 8% of people keep their New Year’s resolutions and that nearly 80% fail by February?…

Emotional Maturity Creates Better Relationships

Have you ever met someone you would describe as an “old soul” or seemingly older than their years? You might be describing someone with high emotional maturity. Investing time and…

Beyond Exhausted? Strategic Incompetence Might Be to Blame

Do you feel like you are the only person in your life who knows how to do anything correctly? Have you ever asked your partner or your teenager to do…

How to Be Your Own Valentine (Ritual Guide Inside!)

How often do you find yourself bummed out on Valentine’s Day? I can tell you, as a psychotherapist for 25 years, whether you’re single or in a relationship, Valentine’s Day…

Signs of Abandonment Issues

Do you find yourself attaching to people quickly? Whether it’s a new friendship or romantic relationship, could you describe your experiences as fast and furious? Do you ever stay in…

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