Podcast FAQ

the art detective podcast

by Jamir Moore Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

History Podcasts

Art is the truest expression of the workings of the mind, free from learned language. More than that, it is the visual expression of culture, politics, society, religion, emotion, zeitgeist, channeled through the brush, chisel, or hands of creative individuals.

Dr Alexa Frost, Archivist at Blenheim Palace

Exclusive interview with Dr Alexa Frost the Head Archivist at Blenheim Palace.

Ophelia Field - The Favourite

WE'RE BAACK! Art Detective has landed with a brand new sparkling theme tune by award winning composer, Marc Canham and we're kicking off season 2 with an interview with Ophelia Field, author of The Favourite recorded at Blenheim Palace! Yes, we are spoiling you but we REALLY missed you! Tune in on Friday for Part 2 with an exclusive interview with the Head Archivist at Blenheim Palace.

Civilisations with David Olusoga

Dr Janina Ramirez talks to David Olusoga about Civilisations, how the programme was made, and how art reacts to social change.

Notre Dame du Taur with Kate Mosse

Kate Mosse is a historical novelist, known best for her trilogy of novels set in the Languedoc: Labyrinth, Sepulchre & Citadel. She has been fascinated by mediaeval churches since her childhood in Chichester, and here talks to Dr Janina Ramirez about Notre Dame du Tour in Toulouse.

Sarah Churchwell - The relationship between text and visual art

Dr Janina Ramirez talks to Professor Sarah Churchwell about e.e.cummings, Charles DeMuth, Grant Wood, and how words can represent visual art.

The Art of the Ladybird Books - Joel Morris & Jason Hazeley

The team behind the Ladybird Books for Grown Ups, Joel Morris & Jason Hazeley, join Janina to discuss the art in the Ladybird books, nostalgic art, and Biblical plague.

What is the dark age podcast?

The Dark Ages are traditionally seen as nasty, brutish and short - a cultural and intellectual waste land, with virtually nothing worthy of art historical consideration . But Janina argues this is far from the truth.

What is the new podcast of Janina?

Janina has teamed up with the History Hit Network to produce a new weekly podcast: Art Detective. Art is the truest expression of the workings of the mind, free from learnt language.

What is a podcast about art?

The podcast is simply meant to boost your personal development as an artist. Image: Unsplash.

What is ArtTactic podcast?

ArtTactic. ArtTactic is a great place for you to learn about the best places for you to sell your art. The podcast involves some veterans of the industry, including the founders and CEOs of some of the biggest online art marketplaces.

Why do people like podcasts?

The older population seems to be picking the trend up just as well as younger people. People like podcasts because they can listen to the audio at any time.

What is the best podcast for artists?

Here are some of the best podcasts for artists: 1. The Lonely Palette. The Lonely Pallete is an art podcast that is meant to i nspire interest in art. As Tamar Avishai puts it, the podcast is meant for “not art” people.

How often does the Queens Museum podcast run?

The podcast features more than 20 principal collaborators, and it runs once every week. They also work with numerous museums in the USA, including the Queens Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, and Open Engagement. They have also worked with many notable art publications.

What are the topics of the podcast?

These topics include the history of art, the business of art, the advertising and selling of art products, and the interpretation of works of art.

Who started Art Biz Success?

Art Biz Success is another useful podcast for all aspiring artists. The podcast was started by Alyson Stanfield, and she covers many topics that can inspire new artists to pursue their dreams.

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