Podcast FAQ

the birth hour podcast

by Prof. Ali Dare Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

When did Danielle go into labor?

Well, the baby didn’t cooperate with Plan A because on March 26th around 4:30am, Danielle went into labor. She labored at home from 4:30am until 3:45pm on the 26th managing contractions and having Sam support with pressure on her lower back and changing positions regularly.

When did Naria get pregnant?

Naria and her husband, Luther, received unexpected news of their first pregnancy in January 2019. Though unexpected, years of being exposed to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experiences through family and education had prepared Naria to make informed decisions about the birth experience she wanted.

Who is Danielle's baby?

Danielle and Sam didn’t know the sex before so it was then announced that their baby was a girl, named Eleanor. Danielle and Eleanor stayed in the hospital for a little over 28 hours until being released home. Sam picked Danielle and Eleanor up and met his daughter in person for the first time.

Did Danielle have a midwife appointment?

Tuesday, Danielle had a midwifery appointment and was the only one allowed in the office. She had a check and a membrane sweep (was 4cm, 70-80% effaced) and left to go home. On the way home, the hospital called and said all of Sam’s viral panel results came back negative and it was being sent out for a COVID-19 test.

Jena Harn

I can't thank you enough for your podcasts! I started from your first episode about two weeks ago and listen to two or three a day-just filling my mind and spirit with positive stories.

Lina Valencia

I've been listening to The Birth Hour for several months and absolutely love it! I have been a birth junkie since the age of 18, after taking an anthropologie of women course in college, that examined birth cross culturally. I live in Vancouver, Canada and had a home birth (in someone else's home...long story!) in summer 2014. Cheers! Erin.

Erin Prales

I'm a first time mom, 7 months pregnant and love the show. I think by the time I give birth I'll know just about every possible scenario for labor, delivery, and postpartum from listening to the podcast. I'm sure there will be surprises but I feel more prepared for those too. Thank you!

Tiffany Campbell

Your podcast was my birth preparation. I called on the strength of the many women who shared their stories while I was birthing, and I truly believe these women and your podcast helped me achieve the non-medicated birth I had dreamed of. Thank you for all that you do for Mamas!

Dani Grissom

This podcast made such a difference in my pregnancy at each stage! From helping inspire a homebirth to coping with the fact that I had to be induced early on from cholestasis and embracing the birth plan that was not ideal. I appreciate what you do on so many levels and tell everyone in the natural birthing community about it.

Katei Jenks

I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for making the birth hour. I had a marathon labor with my first son two years ago and was pretty apprehensive before I had my second 3 weeks ago.


My name is Fanny, and I am a religious devotee of your podcast. I am due to have my second planned home birth any day now, and I started listening to your podcast during this pregnancy. I don't remember where I heard about it, but I am glad I did. I love that you cover birth stories of all kinds.


In her own words, Christina shares a bit about her experience as a doula participating in the world of birth: "I find that as a new birth worker I tell the story of how I came to birth work quite lot. But I try to keep my birth story out of my birth worker story as much as possible.

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