Podcast FAQ

the creep off podcast

by Palma Feest Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Episode 101: I Sniffed a Girl

This week Karl & Vinnie celebrate President's Day by making their nominations for creepiest person to ever sit in the oval office: In the scum parade we meet a hungry drunk man, a driver with the worst intentions and a new mom: Karl spins the wheel of consequences and accepts a listener challenge We are currently 1 week and 28 patrons away from the official roast of Karl & Vinnie! Help make it happen by joining us at Patreon.com/thecreepoff .

Episode 100: Guess I'm The Idiot

To celebrate 100 episodes Karl & Vinnie nominate creeps from their hometown Rochester NY: In the scum parade we meet another male nurse, a caregiver with a bad memory, a boyfriend who couldn’t keep his relationship or his girlfriend together and finally we close episode 100 with a friendly reminder about what happens to pedophiles in prison! Thanks for listening..

Episode 99: Prove Us Wrong

In this week’s competition Karl & Vinnie nominate the biggest creeps from the state of Pennsylvania: The boys get into a spirited argument regarding Vinnie’s “Polar Plunge” Consequence: In the Scum Parade we meet an orally fixated equestrian, a pair of very strict parents and a man whose hatred of mayo was his hill to die on.

Karl's Cuzaroos

This is the tier for the cheapo looking to support his/her favorite creepo - Karl. Even on our Patreon you get to vote because here, everything's a contest. Need a compelling reason to pick Karl? Vinnie voted for Biden/Harris. 'nuff said. Joining this Tier counts as 1 point for Karl on the Patreon Wheel of Consequences

V-anon True Believers

You support the pizza powered People's Champion, the Conquer of Consequences and Founder of the fun Vinnie! With this tier you are showing that you are person of discriminating taste in creeps, and that no detail is mundane enough for you! #VinnieStrong #VinnieWinnie

Scum Parade Merry Marching Society

You are the cream of the crop, atrocity doesn't bother you! You hold your head high as you march shoulder to shoulder with your fellow Merry Marchers in the Scum Parade! Joining this Tier counts as 1 point for the host of your choice on the Patreon Wheel of Consequences!

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