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the divorce survival guide podcast

by Twila Zulauf Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The Feminine Mistake with Leslie Bennetts

I’ve been a fan of Leslie Bennetts for quite some time. She is a journalist and expert on women's issues who has spoken all over the world on financial security and women's empowerment.

Surviving and Thriving After Abuse with Dr. Amelia Kelley

We often talk on this podcast about identifying abusive relationships and offering ways to get out. But what comes next? Dr. Amelia Kelley, a trauma-informed therapist, joins me to discuss how to move forward after surviving abuse.

The Feminine Mistake with Leslie Bennetts

I’ve been a fan of Leslie Bennetts for quite some time. She is a journalist and expert on women’s issues who has spoken all over the world on financial security and women’s empowerment. She is the author of The Feminine Mistake: Are We Giving Up Too Much? She is also my guest this week on the podcast! I am so […]

Surviving and Thriving After Abuse with Dr. Amelia Kelley

We often talk on this podcast about identifying abusive relationships and offering ways to get out. But what comes next? Dr. Amelia Kelley, a trauma-informed therapist, joins me to discuss how to move forward after surviving abuse.

Listener Q&A: Guilt, Denial & Changing Your Name

If you’ve been contemplating divorce and feeling guilty about your decision, if you’re wondering if you should change your last name post-divorce, or if you have a spouse who’s in denial (despite you telling them numerous times), don’t skip this episode! Why? Because this episode marks my very first Q&A episode! I asked my community of women to send me […].

Rituals for Times of Loss, Celebration, and Change with Day Schildkret

We’re always going through some kind of loss, celebration, or change in our lives. Joining me to discuss the importance of ritual during times of great transition is Day Schildkret. Day is internationally known for the creation of Morning Altars, beautiful pieces of impermanent art.

Healing Through Divorce with Dr. Elizabeth Cohen, PhD

There is no one better to talk about the healing process of divorce than Dr. Elizabeth Cohen, aka the Divorce Doctor. She is a clinical psychologist, the author of Light at The Other Side of Divorce: Discovering the New You, and a true expert on the topic of how to heal and thrive during divorce. The last time Elizabeth joined […]

After The Talk: How to Prepare for Your Divorce with Susan Guthrie, Esq

Earlier this week on The Divorce and Beyond Podcast with Susan Guthrie, she and I spoke about how to have the most difficult conversation of your life with someone: the “I want a divorce,” conversation. Today, Susan joins me to discuss what happens next. Together we explore some of the things you should do right after having the talk, including […]

Financial Infidelity with Kimberly Nelson

This week, Kimberly Nelson returns to the show! We are talking about financial infidelity including how to recognize it and what to do if you find it’s happening to you.

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