What is the gospelbound podcast?
Gospelbound, hosted by Collin Hansen for The Gospel Coalition, is a podcast for those searching for firm faith in an anxious age. Each week, Collin talks with insightful guests about books, ideas, and how to navigate life by the gospel of Jesus Christ in a post-Christian culture.
What are the best Christian podcasts for women?
Let’s Talk is a podcast for women from The Gospel Coalition Podcast Network. On each episode, Jackie Hill Perry, Melissa Kruger, and Jasmine Holmes talk about a different topic and how to apply biblical wisdom to everyday life. Churches Planting Churches is a podcast produced by Acts 29 in partnership with The Gospel Coalition.
What is the recorded podcast?
TGC's narrative podcast, Recorded, chronicles a variety of stories of God’s redemptive and transformative work. These narratives testify to the beauty of the gospel on display in this generation—in many places and in surprising ways.
What is the Gospel Coalition podcast?
The Gospel Coalition Podcast features keynote and breakout sessions from our national, regional, and women's conferences. We exist to equip the next generation of believers, pastors, and church leaders to shape life and ministry around the gospel.
Who are the women in the Gospel Coalition?
The Gospel Coalition hosted a workshop during the 2018 Women’s Conference titled “University and Beyond: Discipling Students for a Lifetime with Christ” with Aimee Joseph, Kori Porter, Danielle Sallade, and Shar Walker.
What is Trevin wax's message?
Trevin Wax gave a message at TGC's 2017 National Conference, encouraging us to pursue faithfulness and remember the gospel, even in the midst of a culturally anxious and troubled age. Though many things have changed since originally delivered, the heart of Wax's message remains the same.
What is the surprise of the gospel?
Walking through Scripture, specifically the story of Lazarus, Carson addressed the surprise of the gospel, laying out four unexpected ways in which Jesus acted for our good and for the glory of God, culmina ting in the greatest surprise of all—his death and resurrection. 56 min. Jan 15, 2021.
What is the message of Christine Hoover?
Christine Hoover delivered a message at TGC's 2021 Women’s Conference titled “Messy Beautiful Friendship: Learning to Love Others in a Christlike Way.” Speaking from her own experiences building friendships—first as a child, then as an adult—Hoover discussed the “wish dream”: the idealized vision of a perfect friendship that too many women embrace. She compared this to the reality of mature, biblical friendship that, despite all its flaws and blemishes, is a priceless gift from God. She looked at four components of biblical friendships, exemplified by Christ, that women should pursue: – Focus on giving (serving) and befriending others – Erase unnecessary restrictions – Devote yourself to people – Be vulnerable
How does praying together shape the church?
John Onwuchekwa delivered a message in a breakout session at TGC’s 2019 National Conference titled “How Praying Together Shapes the Church.”. Prayer both teaches and displays dependance on God in the most practical manner possible in the life of a believer.
Who delivered the message from Mark 7:24-30?
Ligon Duncan delivered a message from Mark 7:24-30 at the Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled “_A Pagan Woman Who Understands Grace_.”. In his message, Duncan addressed what the passage teaches about Jesus’s mission and what the Syrophoenician woman’s response teaches about his person.