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the history of ancient greece podcast

by Gabriella Windler Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Did ancient Greece have myths and gods?

The ancient Greeks worshipped many gods, each with a distinct personality and domain. Greek myths explained the origins of the gods and their individual relations with mankind. The art of Archaic and Classical Greece illustrates many mythological episodes, including an established iconography of attributes that identify each god.

What was the beginning of ancient Greece?

First Settlers: Wandering tribes begin to settle in Greece: 1600 BCE: Mycenaean Greece: Bronze Age Greece was inhabited by the Mycenaean people. They took their name from the capital city of their land, Mycenae. 1194 BCE: Trojan War: The Trojan war between the Greeks and the Trojans (inhabitants of Troy) began

Did ancient Greece have freedom of religion?

Yes and no. Ancient Greece was made up of several city states meaning hundreds of little countries all with their own beliefs, philosophies and ideas. It is plausable that some city states had freedom of religion and that others did not. The great philosopher Socrates was executed for mocking the “Gods”.

What were the politics of ancient Greece?

  • Monarchy
  • Oligarchy
  • Tyranny
  • Democracy


When was the second Greco-Punic War?

In this episode, we discuss the Second Greco-Punic War (410-406 BC), as hostilities in Sicily draw in Carthage and the Syracusan fleet away from the eastern Aegean and the Hellespont, includin…

Who is the host of the History of Ancient Greece podcast?

The History of Ancient Greece Podcast is a deep-dive into one of the most influential and fundamental civilization in world history. Hosted by philhellene Ryan Stitt, THOAG spans over two millennia. From the Bronze Age to the Archaic Period, from Classical Greece to the Hellenistic kingdoms, and finally to the Roman conquest, this podcast will tell the history of a fundamental civilization by bringing to life the fascinating stories of all the ancient sources and scholarly interpretations of the archaeological evidence. And we won't just detail their military and political history, but their society, how the Greeks lived day-to-day, as well as their culture—their art, architecture, philosophy, literature, religion, science, and all the other incredible aspects of the Greek achievement , while situating the Greeks within a multicultural Mediterranean whose peoples influenced and were influenced by one another.

Who is Curtis Dozier?

In today's special guest episode, I am joined by Dr Curtis Dozier, Assistant Professor of Greek and Roman Studies at Vassar College. He is the producer and host of The Mirror of Antiquity, a …

What is the podcast "Plutarch's Greeks and Romans" about?

Plutarch’s Greeks and Romans is a bi-weekly podcast inspired by Plutarch’s ancient collection of biographies of famous Grecians and Romans. Plutarch was both a Greek and a Roman citizen living during the Pax Romana - the Golden Age of the Roman Empire.

What is Ravages podcast?

The Ravages history podcast focuses on military history, from the wars of Ancient Greece and Rome to the battlefields of the Second World War. As well as this focus, it will also spotlight important events and individuals throughout history.

What is Ancient World Magazine?

Ancient World Magazine consists of a group of ancient historians and archaeologists who are passionate about the past. Our mission is to share engaging and well-researched information about the ancient world with our readers.

What is the lore and legends?

Lore and Legends explores humanities past, present, and future through the lense of the lore and legends built up by dominant cultures like Ancient Egypt, Greece, and more forgotten or ignored groups like the Native Americans or Tribal Africans, as well as modern myths, legends, and phenomena from bigfoot, to UFO's, psychic powers and even religions. ... https://www.loreandlegends.net

How and why history hits?

History Hit's How and Why History is a lively and accessible introduction to history. Historians and writers explore the big questions about history's most significant events and personalities, from the ancient world to recent times.

When did the Spartans collapse?

Beginning with their earliest mentions in the epics of Homer, the Iliad and Odyssey, right through to the collapse of Spartan dominance in the 4th century BCE.

Who is the host of Ancient History?

Exploring antiquity from its history to its place in today's world. Hosts and producers Jean Menzies and Jill Scott.


The History of Ancient Greece Podcast is a deep-dive into one of the most influential and fundamental civilization in world history. Hosted by philhellene Ryan Stitt, THOAG spans over two millennia.

What listeners say about The History of Ancient Greece

The number of words he mispronounces is atrocious. And not just Ancient Greek words, whose pronunciation is debatable. He can't pronounce common, ordinary, often-used, non-technical, regular ENGLISH words. Or names of modern day places. It's like he purposely goes out of his way to pronounce things differently. It's not an accent.

How to succeed in the Iron Age w/Alicia Stallings?

How to Succeed in the Iron Age w/ Alicia Stallings. Hesiod's unusual epic called Works and Days is probably most famous for containing the stories of Prometheus and Pandora. But these tales are part of a greater mission of explaining how one can live justly and succeed in a harsh world.

What is lantern Jack's PhD?

The host of the podcast, Lantern Jack, holds a PhD in ancient philosophy from Princeton University. When not reading old books, he loves to travel and to play music. Exploring ancient Greece combines both of these passions, since the past is a foreign country, and ancient Greece in particular is a musical place.

What is Ancient Greece declassified?

Ancient Greece Declassified is a podcast about making the “Classics” accessible to everyone. Thanks to archaeology and modern scholarship, we now know more about the ancient world than we ever did before. However, the average person today doesn't have access to free, reliable, up-to-date information about ancient Greece.

Which of Plato's theories is based on the belief that all art, man-made objects, and cultural

In the second half of book 3 of the Republic, Plato lays out the controversial theory of mimesis, which states that all art, man-made objects, and cultural products in our environment have profound effects on the health of our souls.

Who is the weaver of fate?

Penelope: Weaver of Fate w/ Olga Levaniouk. Penelope: Weaver of Fate w/ Olga Levaniouk. Penelope is one of the most compelling yet enigmatic characters from Greek mythology. Homerist Olga Levaniouk joins us to illuminate the complexities of her character and role in the Odyssey.

Who is the Platonic Lovew?

Platonic Lovew/ Zina Giannopoulou. 'Platonic love' is one of the most fascinating (and misunderstood) concepts to have come down to us from the ancient Greeks. Classicist Zina Giannopoulou joins us to set the record straight about the origins of the concept and what Plato's radical theory of love was all about.

Who was Ian Morris?

The Persian Wars w/ Ian Morris. Ian Morris, archaeologist and professor of Classics at Stanford University, joins us for a discussion on the Persian invasions of Greece in 490-479 BC.

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