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the history of wwii podcast by ray harris jr

by Mr. Chad Farrell Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the history of WWII podcast?

The History of WWII Podcast is produced and narated by Ray Harris Jr. Ray has a degree in history from James Madison University. I’ve been obsessed with the events and people from WWII since I first learned of them.

Who is Ray Harris Jr?

Ray Harris Jr; has a degree in history from James Madison University. I’ve been obsessed with the events and people from WWII since I first learned of them. I’ve been waiting years for someone to do a podcast on WWII and couldn’t wait any longer.

What happened in the Pacific in 1942?

This potpourri of an episode has lots from early 1942 in the Pacific. Covering the Admiralty, Marshall, Gilbert, Mariana, Caroline and Solomon Islands, we cover more Japanese victories, but also Washington's desire to strike back. Then asking the question, what was...


Who is the host of this American President podcast?

I am joined today by Richard Lim, host of This American President Podcast to discuss Franklin Roosevelt. Now that the Japanese have struck at Pearl Harbor, FDR must lead the U.S. to victory. But what kind of man and politician ...

Where does Homma send his troops?

Gen. Homma sends his forces at MacArthur's defensive line on Bataan. For days the line holds, until it doesn't. Falling back, the Allied try to keep cohesion, in order to stave off destruction. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit ...

Where are the British troops retreating from?

The British led forces are retreating from Burma. But first they must get to Mandalay and across the Ava Bridge there, all the while keeping the Japanese at bay. The most Gen. Slim and Stilwell can hope for is to ...

Who will send amphibious end runs behind the lines?

In attempting to smash MacArthur’s line on the Bataan Peninsula, Gen. Homma will send several amphibious end runs behind the lines. If all works out well, in this Battle of the Points, the Allies will loose all. If not, those ...

What did Homma do at the Battle of the Points?

During the Battle of the Points, Gen. Homma would attack Gen. Wainwright's western line. This allowed 1000 Japanese troops to get through. The Allied Command staff will soon find themselves dealing with 3 enemy forces in their rear. Hopefully the ...

Who is the host of the Cold War podcast?

This episode is a crossover from The Cold War Podcast that I co-host with Cameron Reilly. With us is historian Andrew Roberts as we discuss his new book, Churchill-Walking with Destiny.

Who is the host of this American President podcast?

I am joined today by Richard Lim, host of This American President Podcast to discuss Franklin Roosevelt. Now that the Japanese have struck at Pearl Harbor, FDR must lead the U.S. to victory. But what kind of man and politician was FDR. Join us to find out.

What did Homma do at the Battle of the Points?

During the Battle of the Points, Gen. Homma would attack Gen. Wainwright's western line. This allowed 1000 Japanese troops to get through. The Allied Command staff will soon find themselves dealing with 3 enemy forces in their rear. Hopefully the main defensive will...

How many miles did Mikhal Dekel travel?

Professor Mikhal Dekel joins me to talk about her book, covering Jewish Polish refugees, as 1000 children make an incredible 13,000 mile journey from Eastern Europe to Palestine, via Tehran.

Who narrates the Valiant podcast?

This episode, narrated Tim Martin, of the newly launched Valiant: Stories of Heroes Podcast, covers Guderian's dash to Tula. Ray will be back next time, with full vocal ability in tow.

Was Hong Kong free in 1941?

As the Japanese military has been able to take the port cities of China by 1941, the British held Hong Kong is still free. But now its turn has come and Gen. Christopher Maltby and his mix of Canadian, British, Indian and Eurasians troops will try to hold out as long...

History Podcasts

A biweekly podcast covering the last great war. Join Ray Harris Jr as he explores World War Two in intimate detail.

Episode 357-Operation Halberd

Malta based subs and planes are having a surge of success against Axis shipping heading to North Africa, but increased operations means more fuel is needed. Thus, another convoy is headed to the Mediterranean. This one will be the largest so far, but the Italians will send a massive force to intercept it. Learn more about your ad choices.

Episode 356-Interview with Philip Martin about his book-From Orphan to High Flyer

Philip Martin comes on the show to talk about the book he wrote with RAF Pilot Denis Elliott. Denis' early life was full of pain, which caused a lack of confidence. But then comes the war and young Denis will find himself and grow in belief in himself as a part of the RAF, fighting the Japanese. Learn more about your ad choices.

Episode 355-Interview with Robert Child about his book Immortal Valor

Robert Child, an Emmy® Nominated Producer / Director comes on the show to discuss his latest book, Immortal Valor. The Black Medal of Honor winners of WWII. Just over one million African Americans participated in the war against The Axis, but only 7 of them were given the nation’s highest award. And it took decades.

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It’s a city that shouldn’t exist. An oasis in the desert, a mirage — it’s a city of buzzing neon, flowing fountains, and fortunes made and lost. A city of hedonism: concerts, casinos, showgirls, and all-you-can-eat buffets.

Episode 354-The Battle of Valletta

Though Operation Substance successfully resupplied Malta in July 1941, the Allies lost planes, ships and men. What followed was the Battle of Valletta, as the Italians try to finish off the convoy while in the Grand Harbor.

Episode 353-Malta's Magic Carpet Service

Adm. Cunningham begins to believe that he may loose Malta. The Germans are gone, but he only has half his normal fleet and the Axis are not slowing down in transporting men to Rommel in North Africa. Picture-HMS Olympus, a part of the Magic Carpet Service.

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