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the history of wwii podcast - by ray harris jr

by Hailey Ebert Sr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the history of WWII podcast?

The History of WWII Podcast is produced and narated by Ray Harris Jr. Ray has a degree in history from James Madison University. I’ve been obsessed with the events and people from WWII since I first learned of them.

Who is Ray Harris Jr?

Ray Harris Jr; has a degree in history from James Madison University. I’ve been obsessed with the events and people from WWII since I first learned of them. I’ve been waiting years for someone to do a podcast on WWII and couldn’t wait any longer.

What happened in the Pacific in 1942?

This potpourri of an episode has lots from early 1942 in the Pacific. Covering the Admiralty, Marshall, Gilbert, Mariana, Caroline and Solomon Islands, we cover more Japanese victories, but also Washington's desire to strike back. Then asking the question, what was...


What did Homma do at the Battle of the Points?

During the Battle of the Points, Gen. Homma would attack Gen. Wainwright's western line. This allowed 1000 Japanese troops to get through. The Allied Command staff will soon find themselves dealing with 3 enemy forces in their rear. Hopefully the ...

Where is Gen MacArthur retreating?

With the defenses of Lingayen Gulf shattered, Gen. MacArthur has decided to retreat to the Bataan peninsula, though there are no waiting supplies there. So while there is fighting to the north and south of Manila, supplies and men are ...

What is MacArthur's plan for the Philippines?

With MacArthur’s alteration to the American defensive plan for the Philippines left in tatters, he reverts back to Plan Orange: to move all available troops to the Bataan Peninsula. But first, he has to give his command staff enough time ...

Where did MacArthur escape?

MacArthur finishes up his escape from Corregidor to Melbourne Australia. But the news waiting for him is not the General’s liking, basically, there are more troops back on Bataan than there are in the whole of Australia. But Gen. George ...

What battle did the Japanese fight in Java?

What follows is The Battle of the Java Sea and The Battle of Sundra Straight. Then the fall of western ...

How old was Gordon Lippman when he joined the army?

Gordon Joseph Lippman was only 18 years old when he joined the army in 1943. Earning a spot in the 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team, he would see action in Italy, Southern France and help Easy Company in The Battle ...

Where does Homma send his troops?

Gen. Homma sends his forces at MacArthur's defensive line on Bataan. For days the line holds, until it doesn't. Falling back, the Allied try to keep cohesion, in order to stave off destruction. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit ...

What happened after the Battle of Bataan?

After Gen. Edward King’s surrender of Bataan, the Japanese focus on Corregidor and the three smaller islands below it. And now that the Battle of Bataan is over, Gen. Homma will send numerous Detachments to the Southern Islands.

What did Homma do at the Battle of the Points?

During the Battle of the Points, Gen. Homma would attack Gen. Wainwright's western line. This allowed 1000 Japanese troops to get through. The Allied Command staff will soon find themselves dealing with 3 enemy forces in their rear. Hopefully the main defensive will...

Why do the Japanese want Burma occupied?

The Japanese determine that Burma must be occupied to protect their new possession of Malaya. It's up to Chiang Kai-Shek, American Gen. Joe Stilwell and British Gen. Wavell to stop them. The problem is the Allies don't trust each other, in regards to Burma's future....

How far away is Moscow from the 4th Panzer Group?

The Germans smash through the latest Soviet Defensive lines. The 4th Panzer Group, along with Gen. Kluge's 4th Army now have men just 128 KM or 80 miles from Moscow.

Why are the marines holding out on Wake Island?

The marines on Wake Island are holding out, due to discipline and Japanese tactical mistakes. Yet Maj. Devereux is unaware of this and thus brings to fighting to an end. Yet the Japanese atrocities are only just beginning, against the marine and civilian POWs. As for...

How many miles did Mikhal Dekel travel?

Professor Mikhal Dekel joins me to talk about her book, covering Jewish Polish refugees, as 1000 children make an incredible 13,000 mile journey from Eastern Europe to Palestine, via Tehran.

Where did MacArthur escape?

MacArthur finishes up his escape from Corregidor to Melbourne Australia. But the news waiting for him is not the General’s liking, basically, there are more troops back on Bataan than there are in the whole of Australia. But Gen. George Marshall will sooth MacArthur’s...

History Podcasts

A biweekly podcast covering the last great war. Join Ray Harris Jr as he explores World War Two in intimate detail.

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Though Operation Substance successfully resupplied Malta in July 1941, the Allies lost planes, ships and men. What followed was the Battle of Valletta, as the Italians try to finish off the convoy while in the Grand Harbor.

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