Podcast FAQ

the life school podcast

by Tiara Littel Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is the life coach school podcast?

The Life Coach School Podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing, and becoming certified as a life coach through the School. Whether you’ve been listening since day one, or you just discovered the podcast, you’ll find that these episodes will change your life if you let them.

What podcast are you listening to Brooke Castillo?

You are listening to The Life Coach School podcast with Brooke Castillo, episode number one. Hi, everybody, and welcome to The Life Coach School podcast. This is our first podcast that we’ve ever done, and I was going to spend this whole first podcast giving you an introduction to The Life Coach School and me and what we are all about.

Who is the master coach instructor on the life coach school?

And now your host, Master Coach Instructor, Brooke Castillo. You are listening to The Life Coach School podcast with Brooke Castillo, episode number one. Hi, everybody, and welcome to The Life Coach School podcast.

Can a podcast Change Your Life?

Whether you’ve been listening since day one, or you just discovered the podcast, you’ll find that these episodes will change your life if you let them. At The Life Coach School, we want you to discover what’s possible in your own life.


Is the Life Coach School a pyramid scheme?

The hard part about life coaching as a business is getting clients. However, marketing is a skill you can learn given enough time. Life coaching is legit. It's not a pyramid scheme and you can build a sustainable business without having to coach other coaches.

When was Brooke Castillo born?

Brooke Castile (born May 31, 1986) is an American former competitive pair skater....Brooke CastileShort program56.44 2008 Four ContinentsFree skate104.92 2007 Four Continents15 more rows

How long is the life coach school?

For example, the Institute for Life Coach Training Professional Certification is one of the most intensive coaching certifications in the industry. With an average completion time of 18 to 24 months, students know the commitment upfront and are willing to put the time in to pass the test.

What is Brooke Castillo's model?

The Model is the one tool you need to change anything in your life by helping you understand how your circumstances, thoughts, feelings, actions, and results work. The Life Coach School Founder and Master Certified Coach Brooke Castillo created the Model to use in her own life… and it was so good, she had to share.

How much money does Brooke Castillo make?

Brooke Castillo is the co-founder and CEO of The Life Coach School, an online certification program for life coaches that helps clients and professional life coaches improve their lives, businesses, and careers.

How much does Brooke Castillo make a year?

Brooke Castillo of The Life Coach School (thelifecoachschool.com) has one of the most successful membership sites and businesses you will ever hear! Get this: Brooke's business is on-pace to make $35,000,000 this year! It's ALL done through monthly memberships!

Where did Brooke Castillo go to college?

Santa Clara UniversityShe went on to study at a private high school, Presentation, and then finally graduate from a small liberal arts school in California, Santa Clara University. When Brooke decided to open a school, she knew exactly what she wanted to create.

Is Brooke Castillo a psychologist?

After graduating from Santa Clara University with a degree in psychology, Brooke realized that as a psychologist, she would be forced to focus on mental illness and everything that's wrong with the human brain instead of working with individuals who want to take their lives to the next level.

Is Jay Shetty a coach?

TRANSFORMING 1 BILLION LIVES… For the first time ever, Jay Shetty is sharing his unique coaching approach through an industry-accredited life and success coach training program, the Jay Shetty Certification School.

Is a life coach worth the money?

While hiring a life or executive coach can be a powerful solution to help you solve personal or business issues or attain goals, it's not a miracle fix. Working with a coach is likely not worth the money when you: Want someone to listen to your problem and explore your feelings. You may need a therapist instead.

How Much Do life coaches Make?

Life coaching salaries vary: Here's why. Universal Coach Institute reports that certified life coaches in North America earn between $27,000 and $107,000. An ICF study with Price Waterhouse Coopers found that life coaches in North America average $61,900 annually, with a global average of $51,000.

What is Ctfar model?

Don't mistake a belief about yourself for a fact The Self Coaching Model is also known as the CTFAR Model, which stands for Circumstance, Thought, Feeling, Action, Result.

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