Podcast FAQ

the metaverse podcast

by Jessica Mertz Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Is the Metaverse the next big technology platform?

The metaverse is the next big technology platform, attracting online game makers, social networks and plenty of investment.

What is the Metaverse and why should you care?

The metaverse will be an open and immersive network for gaming, social engagement, and enterprise collaboration, enabled by a breadth of technology that includes game engines, AR wearables, real-world scans, and VR.

Are Metaverse funds the future of ETFs?

The landscape for metaverse exchange traded funds (ETFs) is exploding, with 14 funds launched around the world and the possibility for that to double before the end of 2022.

Is there a boom in Metaverse ETFs in Asia?

Rebecca Sin, Bloomberg Intelligence’s Asia ETF analyst, joins Yon and Matthew to break down the boom in metaverse ETFs, the outlook for new funds and asset accumulation and how she views the divergence in performance and fund flows for the sector.


What is the Metaverse OS?

In this Founders of Web 3 special, Jamie Burke reads his recently published thesis, 'The Open Metaverse OS' a collaborative piece, from across the Outlier Ventures network, discussing the future of NFTs, DeFi and Web3. The book proposes an antidote to Web2, and a thesis, for how we can achieve an Open Metaverse.

Who is the executive director of Polkadex?

Vivek, Executive Director of Polkadex, discusses how, by leveraging the benefits of building on Polkadot and taking the best of centralised exchanges such as order books and combining it with innovations in DEX's, they have created a hybrid model which tackles industry challenges in price slippage, impermanent loss and democratises DeFi, by removing fees and front running.

10 Best Metaverse Podcasts Of All Time

Want to learn more about the metaverse? This podcast list will give you the necessary information...

1. The Money Movement

The Money Movement is brought to you by Circle. Its mission is to raise global economic prosperity through programmable internet commerce. Learn more about Circle Business Accounts and Platform APIs at circle.com.

2. The Metaverse Podcast

A new web is emerging that goes well beyond just Bitcoin, Ethereum, and money, but promises an entirely new computing paradigm, and data economy.

4. Hello Metaverse

Our lives are becoming more and more digitally native. As we have fewer physical barriers to socialize, work, learn, entertain, express ourselves and create, growing aspects of our lives will become untethered from the physical world. This reality might excite you or it may induce fear and anxiety.

5. Building the Open Metaverse

The metaverse will be an open and immersive network for gaming, social engagement, and enterprise collaboration, enabled by a breadth of technology that includes game engines, AR wearables, real-world scans, and VR.

6. Future Tense

A critical look at new technologies, new approaches, and new ways of thinking, from politics to media to environmental sustainability.

7. CoinDesk Reports

Podcasts featuring news, illuminating discussion, and insightful commentary from the editorial team at CoinDesk.com.

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