Podcast FAQ

the one thing podcast

by Jesus Schulist Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How much does it cost to replace an employee?

Replacing an employee costs an average of between 1.5 and 2 times their annual salary – and that’s a conservative estimate. The salt in the wound? 52% of people who leave for a new job say that their management could have done something to keep them. So, how can you help your organization avoid becoming part of these unfortunate statistics? Can you give yourself permission to make your world _so _big that, when someone steps into it, they can have everything they want and never need to leave? Do you know the right questions to ask during the hiring process, questions that make instant connections and enable you to make a true commitment to each other that benefits both parties? As you listen to this episode, pay attention to how simple it can be to turn turnover around – and if you’re the employee in this equation, know what you need to ask from your employer to make your job one that you never want to leave. Finding your ONE Thing could be easier than you think. One of the best things you can do to solidify your path on this journey is to join us at our Goal Setting Retreat so that you’ll have the tools to know what you want out of your career five years or just five months from now. Find out more by heading to the1thing.com/setmygoals. And leaders: head to https://the1thing.com/corp-signup-v2 to request a one-on-one consultation where we can help you overcome your hiring and turnover challenges. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: the1thing.com/pods. In this episode, you will learn... * [01:00] About the big problem of turnover in business and how it’s only getting worse * [04:40] How to enlarge your world so as to become the kind of person other people never want to leave * [06:50] About investing in your workers so that everyone wins -- When you’re busy, it can be a challenge to get dinner on the table every night. Sovereignty creates game-changing supplements to help your focus and your sleep. Their focus blend uses CBG and adaptogens to deliver results you can feel almost instantly. And their sleep blend calms the mind and body while helping you fall asleep and stay asleep. Visit sov.live and use code “ONE” for 20% off your first purchase. -- Do you run a small business? Small business owners wear a lot of hats. Some of those hats feel incredible. However, filing taxes and running payroll... well, for most of us, they don’t feel great. They’re definitely not our ONE thing. That’s where Gusto comes in to help you make payroll, taxes, and HR easy. So ask yourself: is it time to take off some of your hats? You can get three FREE months when you run your first payroll at Gusto.com/ONE. -- Right now, we cannot be overwhelmed. We have to work to keep our loved ones safe and protect communities. We have to work to stay strong, to stay connected, to stay focused. We have to work to inspire, to innovate, to build new solutions. But for all of our efforts to work, we have to work together. ZipRecruiter works to connect employers and people every day. Visit ziprecruiter.com/worktogether to find out more.

What determines how much money you make?

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. This is true of every area of your life – especially your finances. You may think of your financial wellbeing as something you do alone or with your significant other. You may think it comes down to your level of discipline or ambition. But there’s one overlooked thing that also determines how much money you make, save, or invest: the people you surround yourself with. If you’re purposeful, you won’t just have relationships, you’ll have wealth determiners: people that have a positive influence on your life and your finances. Who do you surround yourself with? Are they helping you or hindering you from building your wealth? Jay and Wendy Papasan are going to show you how to identify the difference. Every year, we hold a Goal Setting Retreat for couples and teach this concept (along with an exercise to determine if you are missing wealth determiners and how to find them, or if any of your current relationsh…

What is impact player?

Every organization has it’s impact players – those indispensable team members that you can count on when the stakes are high. And while others do their job, impact players find the job to be done. Whether they’re center stage or behind the scenes, leaders know who these top players are… and they want more of them on their team. While their impact is obvious, it’s not always as clear what makes these impact players different from their peers. How do you stack your team with people who can make the most impact when you don’t have a proven way of identifying them? Liz Wiseman invested her career in studying leadership, and, as she did, she became curious about the teams that we lead. She studied top contributors to begin identifying what they are doing differently, and how their mindset could potentially be available to everyone else who wants to contribute at that high level. As you listen to this episode, listen out for how to identify impact players at work, and then join us at our Goal Setting Retreat to figure out how to be an impact player throughout your whole life. You can find out more about our Goal Setting Retreat at the1thing.com/setmygoals. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: the1thing.com/pods. In this episode, you will learn... * [03:55] What Multipliers are in the workplace * [06:21] The role of leaders and contributors, and how they fit together * [09:50] What an Impact Player is and how to find them * [16:32] What the most influential people do differently * [21:48] Finding out how to create value * [24:24] What stops people from being Impact Players * [27:43] How to find what’s most important * [41:43] What you can do to become an Impact Player Links & Tools From This Episode * thewisemangroup.com * Read: Impact Players * Read: Multipliers -- When you’re busy, it can be a challenge to get dinner on the table every night. Sovereignty creates game-changing supplements to help your focus and your sleep. Their focus blend uses CBG and adaptogens to deliver results you can feel almost instantly. And their sleep blend calms the mind and body while helping you fall asleep and stay asleep. Visit sov.live and use code “ONE” for 20% off your first purchase. -- Do you run a small business? Small business owners wear a lot of hats. Some of those hats feel incredible. However, filing taxes and running payroll... well, for most of us, they don’t feel great. They’re definitely not our ONE thing. That’s where Gusto comes in to help you make payroll, taxes, and HR easy. So ask yourself: is it time to take off some of your hats? You can get three FREE months when you run your first payroll at Gusto.com/ONE. -- Right now, we cannot be overwhelmed. We have to work to keep our loved ones safe and protect communities. We have to work to stay strong, to stay connected, to stay focused. We have to work to inspire, to innovate, to build new solutions. But for all of our efforts to work, we have to work together. ZipRecruit works to connect employers and people every day. Visit ziprecruiter.com/worktogether to find out more.

What is the one thing?

The ONE Thing is the surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results. In order for you to achieve extraordinary results, you can’t follow the ordinary path. If you do what most people do, you will get the results that most people get. Will Brown discovered The ONE Thing when he was in college. When he realized that the traditional path of college-to-career wasn’t for him, he dropped out of school, started a real estate investment company, and earned over $1 million by the time he was nineteen. Even outside of a typical school setting, Will invested in his education, listening to podcasts and reading books, and put what he learned into action. On this journey, he started to spot the patterns behind the results he desired, building models and systems to empower other people to produce them, enabling him to keep his focus on his ONE Thing. Challenge why you’re doing what you’re doing. Ask if what you’re doing is the best that you can do, or if not, what is the best you…

How many generations are there in the workplace?

For the first time in the history of our modern workplace, we have up to five generations working side by side in organizations across the world. While it’s unprecedented, it represents a massive opportunity. Teams with so much diversity of thought and experience have the power to innovate and solve big problems. At the same time, though, it’s created unforeseen challenges for even the most seasoned leaders. Assumptions about generational work habits are often founded in fiction. What we think we know about each other is the greatest barrier to achieving more together. Jason Dorsey has made it his life’s work to separate myth from truth about generational differences in the workplace. He provides strategies for unlocking the potential of any team, regardless of how diverse they are in age and perspective. When we aim to understand and appreciate each other’s differences everyone achieves more. When we challenge ourselves to approach things with an open mind we invite bigger…

What happens when you start living the one thing?

When you start living The ONE Thing, you begin to understand that not everything matters equally. You get clarity on what matters most. You begin doing the most important things first and, then, you earn the right to address everything else. When you do that, results show up and they show up fast. And, as that happens, your life gets bigger. What people don’t understand is that as your life gets bigger, the number of big rocks in your way increases. And what happens when you get to the point where there are more rocks than you have time for? That’s when you need to address the scale. This moment can be a real challenge for people. How do we change our outlook towards doing the most important things? And stop assuming that just because it’s important, something has to be hard? Let’s ask a different question: “How can I make it easier to do what matters most?” Greg McKeown, author of “Essentialism” and the brand new book, “Effortless,” answers just that. After trage…

How many episodes of The One Thing?

We are 300 episodes into the journey of living The ONE Thing. While The ONE Thing is the surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results, it’s not necessarily easy, so this podcast exists as a simple way to let people share their The ONE Thing stories to inspire you and everyone else to try it for themselves.. Over 300 episodes, what are the best lessons we have learned? We’re interested in the 20% of what we’ve taught that has provided 80% of the results for you. We’re going to summarize it all in the hopes of creating clarity on the path to achieving extraordinary results. If you could only choose one thing to focus on, what would it be? Identify it and start knocking that domino down. That will automatically set you up for where to focus next. If you need support, visit the1thing.com. To learn more and for the complete show notes, visit: the1thing.com/podcast. In this episode, you will learn... * [02:32] The importance of identifying your core values * [07:0…

What are distractions in our day?

Our days are filled with distractions: emails, phone calls, meetings, interruptions. They steal from our most valuable work and keep your team working longer hours at the expense of their personal lives.

What is the purpose of training leaders?

Train leaders to to drive adoption and behavior change over time until it becomes a part of a culture. Giving you results that last!

Can distractions affect retention?

Too often, we overlook the impact distractions can have on our retention of great talent. If you’re not considering the whole person, you’ll keep losing talented team members to burn out.

Who knew he had to change the way he thought about time if he was going to live a?

Gary Keller knew he had to change the way he thought about time if he was going to live a life without regret.

Is working longer good for the company?

Working longer may produce results for the company, but it isn’t sustainable and will leave your team members burnt out.

Is marketing your one thing?

Is marketing your ONE Thing? Does it make everything else you do easier or unnecessary? For some of you, the answer is “Yes.” But, for many of you, the answer is “No,” and yet, marketing is still a vital priority of your business. It brings the revenue which drives the profit which funds the mission.

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