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the overwhelmed brain podcast

by Gilberto D'Amore Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is overwhelmed brain?

The Overwhelmed Brain is about accessing that deeper mental and emotional strength inside you so that you can decrease or even eliminate old fears and evolve into the person you want to be. Learn what your parents or caretakers never taught you about emotional wellness and creating strong, non-toxic bonds with others.

How to get to the root of emotional issues?

Get to the root of emotional issues and learn the best way to relate to yourself and others by honoring your personal boundaries and making decisions that are in alignment with what's most important to you.

Who said we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them?

Many unresolved emotions sit outside the box of current thinking. Albert Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” When you aren't gettin…

How to overcome overwhelmed brain?

You won't be told to think positively or create affirmations. The Overwhelmed Brain is about accessing that deeper mental and emotional strength inside you so that you can decrease or even eliminate old fears and evolve into the person you want to be. Learn what your parents or caretakers never taught you about emotional wellness and creating strong, non-toxic bonds with others. If you want the exact instructions that will help improve your life, you're in the right place.

What is the relentless pursuit of power over you?

The relentless pursuit of power over you is where some people are in your life. They come at you, offend you, insult you, and expect you to do what they want. It's easy to dismiss when they're strangers. But what about if they're family? Is there a way to interact with them and keep your power?

What do you do when you're so tired of the world being against you?

It can get tiring trying to do the right thing, be the right person, and say what you're expected to say. On top of that, when you try, it can sometimes feel as if the world has turned against you, and now you're a lone ranger tackling all the challenges on your own. Can you catch a break from this? Is there a way you can show up where the world doesn't send you so many challenges? It's a great topic to explore. more episodes at

Should you be happy letting go of people who are a vortex of misery in your life?

Should family, no matter how toxic they are, be in your life because of your relationship with them? Some people are so emotionally dangerous to be around that unless you distance yourself, you will always suffer when they are around (and even when they aren't).

Can the past wreak havoc on the present?

The past can wreak havoc on the present, especially on your relationships. If therapy, reading, watching videos, and learning all you can about how to improve and heal isn't working, sometimes you need to dig so deep that break down the wall that's hiding the true source of pain underneath. At that point, healing can begin.

Does bad behavior ever deserve a free pass?

Is saying "I didn't mean it," a good excuse for bad behavior? Some people can be out of control due to drugs or alcohol, so they might do stupid things when they don't really mean to do them. However, should you ever allow the stupid or hurtful things that people do slide? Should you ever give a free pass to someone for unintentional bad behavior? Visit for more episodes.

What is overwhelmed brain?

The Overwhelmed Brain is here to help increase your emotional intelligence, strengthen your self-worth and self-esteem, and empower you so that you can make decisions that are right for you. If you struggle with anxiety, depression, fears, stress, obsession, panic, or any relationship challenges like emotional abuse or family issues, TOB will empower you to honor yourself and get into alignment with what's most important to you. If positive thinking feels like denial, tune into the show that gives you practical, down-to-earth advice to help you create the life you want.

What is the relentless pursuit of power over you?

The relentless pursuit of power over you is where some people are in your life. They come at you, offend you, insult you, and expect you to do what they want. It's easy to dismiss when they're strangers. But what about if they're family? Is there a way to interact with them and keep your power?

Can a single thought change everything?

A single thought can change everything. Your perception relies on your mindset which relies on your thoughts. This is a multi-faceted episode covering three different topics but reminding you of the importance of self-respect, creating access to inner resources, and how being around the wrong people can take away both.

Who said we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them?

Many unresolved emotions sit outside the box of current thinking. Albert Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Is it difficult to stay present for someone who is down and out?

It's the curse of many highly sensitive people, and certainly difficult for almost any empathetic person. But there are ways to do this, and sometimes it's necessary if the person you are there for just can't get out of their upset.

Why was the overwhelmed brain created?

The Overwhelmed Brain was created to give you specific, purposeful steps to help you improve your life and empower you to make the right decisions. You won’t find any rehashed, regurgitated self-help teachings or new age mysticism here, just practical and sometimes radical steps that guide you to fulfillment.

What did I learn from healing?

Along the path of healing, I learned to become mindful and present. I learned how to be at peace even during stressful times and suffering. I’ve also been able to connect with a deeper part of myself, not afraid to explore what else is in there.

What happens when you combine critical thinking and personal growth?

When you combine critical thinking with personal growth, you not only learn and grow faster, you understand how to repeat the process and teach it to others. Learning about your own, and other people’s behavior, in general, is a fascinating, life-long process.

What is critical thinking?

Critical thinking is about learning, questioning, and being skeptical, even about your own beliefs. When you question what you believe, you either reinforce what you know to be true or find out a different truth you weren’t aware of before, causing you to make better decisions for yourself. Either way, you win!

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