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the power of us podcast

by Ms. Ernestina Bartoletti Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Rosie Rivera Flores and Abel Flores

The Power of Us is a podcast that discusses a variety of topics that relate to marriage, that ever-elusive topic that we all want to get right, but struggle to on a day-to-day basis. With Rosie Rivera Flores and her husband, Abel Flores, we delve into topics such as trust, communication, expectations just to name a few.

Fighting rules for a healthy marriage

In order to have a healthy marriage you must have rules to help deal with conflicts that come up in a relationship. This is essential in order to find positive and realistic resolutions to the conflicts that may arise.

Emotional intelligence and maturity

The root of many marital problems is the lack of emotional intelligence in men. Some aren’t aware of their emotions, but usually it is men who shut out their emotions. This can cause an emotional separation in relationships that can at times be irrevocable.

Healing Wounds in our Marriage

Our love story didn’t have the fairytale beginning I had always dreamt of. Unfortunately, mistakes we made when we were dating created an emotional and spiritual debt in our relationship even before we were married. In this episode, Abel and I discuss our past and how we have healed in order to create a healthier and stronger foundation.

Rejection in marriage

One of the reasons I couldn’t wait to get married was because I didn’t want to have to deal with rejection from a love interest. Unfortunately, much to my disappointment I didn’t realize that rejection was still possible in my marriage. Abel and I have each had our cycles of rejection causing us to hurt each other.

Mi tia Luisa en Mariposa de Barrio

La serie de la vida de mi hermana, “Mariposa de Barrio,” a generado muchos comentarios de los fans, y parece que esta ves, el repudio no es solo para Trino sino para mi tía Luisa. Recientemente recibí un mensaje de un televidente que decía que mi tía era segunda solo a Yolanda Saldívar entre los personajes más odiados.

Del Odio al Perdón

Muchos me han expresado su odio por Trino Marin, el hombre que me violo, después de ver la dramatización de ese momento en mi vida en la serie “Mariposa de Barrio”. Abel y yo entendemos esos sentimientos. Nosotros hemos sentido lo mismo, pero con el tiempo hemos cambiado de parecer.

Health & Wellness Podcasts

The Power of Us is a podcast that discusses a variety of topics that relate to marriage, that ever-elusive topic that we all want to get right, but struggle to on a day-to-day basis. With Rosie Rivera Flores and her husband, Abel Flores, we delve into topics such as trust, communication, expectations just to name a few.

Fighting rules for a healthy marriage

In order to have a healthy marriage you must have rules to help deal with conflicts that come up in a relationship. This is essential in order to find positive and realistic resolutions to the conflicts that may arise.

Emotional intelligence and maturity

The root of many marital problems is the lack of emotional intelligence in men. Some aren’t aware of their emotions, but usually it is men who shut out their emotions. This can cause an emotional separation in relationships that can at times be irrevocable.

Healing Wounds in our Marriage

Our love story didn’t have the fairytale beginning I had always dreamt of. Unfortunately, mistakes we made when we were dating created an emotional and spiritual debt in our relationship even before we were married. In this episode, Abel and I discuss our past and how we have healed in order to create a healthier and stronger foundation.

Rejection in marriage

One of the reasons I couldn’t wait to get married was because I didn’t want to have to deal with rejection from a love interest. Unfortunately, much to my disappointment I didn’t realize that rejection was still possible in my marriage. Abel and I have each had our cycles of rejection causing us to hurt each other.

Mi tia Luisa en Mariposa de Barrio

La serie de la vida de mi hermana, “Mariposa de Barrio,” a generado muchos comentarios de los fans, y parece que esta ves, el repudio no es solo para Trino sino para mi tía Luisa. Recientemente recibí un mensaje de un televidente que decía que mi tía era segunda solo a Yolanda Saldívar entre los personajes más odiados.

Del Odio al Perdón

Muchos me han expresado su odio por Trino Marin, el hombre que me violo, después de ver la dramatización de ese momento en mi vida en la serie “Mariposa de Barrio”. Abel y yo entendemos esos sentimientos. Nosotros hemos sentido lo mismo, pero con el tiempo hemos cambiado de parecer.

Fighting rules for a healthy marriage

In order to have a healthy marriage you must have rules to help deal with conflicts that come up in a relationship. This is essential in order to find positive and realistic resolutions to the conflicts that may arise.

Emotional intelligence and maturity

The root of many marital problems is the lack of emotional intelligence in men. Some aren’t aware of their emotions, but usually it is men who shut out their emotions. This can cause an emotional separation in relationships that can at times be irrevocable.

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