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the problem we all live with podcast summary

by Mr. Carol Wisoky PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The problem we all live with – Parts One and Two What is the podcast episode’s overall argument or goal? (4-5 sentence summary) The podcast’s overall argument is to demonstrate the plight black children endured in their quest for education.

Full Answer

What is the problem we all live with?

Norman Rockwell's "The Problem We All Live With," depicting Ruby Bridges, the first Black child to attend an all white elementary school in the South. Artwork approved by The Norman Rockwell Family Agency.

What is the problem we all live with by Norman Rockwell?

"The Problem We All Live With" was a stark, muted, uncomplicated composition, and the topic! The topic was as humorless and uncomfortable as it gets. Some previous Rockwell fans were disgusted and thought the painter had taken leave of his senses.

What is the crux of the problem we all live with?

As the eye travels in a counter-clockwise ellipse around the scene, it is easy to overlook two barely-noticeable elements that are the crux of "The Problem We All Live With." Scrawled on the wall are the racial slur, "N----R," and the menacing acronym, " KKK ."

What is the focal point of the problem we all live with?

The first thing that stands out in "The Problem We All Live With" is its focal point: the girl. She is positioned slightly left of center but balanced by the large, red splotch on the wall right of center.


Where is the problem we all live with?

When not out on loan or touring, the painting can be viewed at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

When was the problem we all live with first introduced?

Now, nearly 50 years later, it is easier to gauge the importance of "The Problem We All Live With" when it first appeared in 1964. Every school in the United States is integrated, at least by law if not in fact. Although headway has been made, we have yet to become a colorblind society.

What was the mob outside of Frantz Elementary on November 14?

Hateful, shameful things were said and done in protest. There was an angry mob gathered outside of Frantz Elementary on November 14. It wasn't a mob of malcontents or the dregs of society — it was a mob of well-dressed, upstanding housewives.

Did Norman Rockwell make the nightly news?

Naturally, the event made the nightly news and anyone who watched it became aware of the story. Norman Rockwell was no exception, and something about the scene — visual, emotional, or perhaps both — lodged it into his artist's consciousness, where it waited until such time as it could be released.

Who is Chana Joffe-Walt?

Chana Joffe-Walt. Chana Joffe-Walt talks to Kiana, who went to a school that was overwhelmingly black and Latino, but when some white students showed up one day on an exchange program, she went up to them eagerly. And since then, has embarked on a one-woman school integration program.

Who interviewed Arne Duncan?

By. Nikole Hannah-Jones. Chana Joffe-Walt. Reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones, who has investigated integration in schools for years, joins Chana Joffe-Walt to interview the Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan.

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