Podcast FAQ

the star report podcast

by Dr. Leon Pagac Sr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Who is star?

Troi Torain aka STAR is a multimedia personality whose career has spanned the arenas of radio, television and the world-wide web. Considered a radio pioneer ... Troi Torain aka STAR is a multimedia personality whose career has spanned the arenas of radio, television and the world-wide web.

How did StarStar become famous?

STAR made the national stage on MTV in 1999 (Beat Suite) but it was his radio shows on New York's Hot 97 and Power 105 that launched him into super stardom.

Who is star Torain?

Troi Torain aka STAR is a multimedia personality whose career has spanned the arenas of radio, television and the world-wide web. Considered a radio pioneer by many, Torain's personal brand STAR & BUC WILD has set precedents in the urban landscape.



Gov Patrick’s biography is a classic rags-to-riches story that makes for a compelling stump speech. Raised by a single mother on Chicago’s South Side, he frequently slept on the floor because there were not enough beds.

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