Podcast FAQ

the thinking atheist podcast

by Elenor Cummerata Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Who is the Thinking Atheist on Apple Podcasts?

‎TheThinkingAtheist on Apple Podcasts Seth Andrews, a former Christian broadcaster and believer for 30 years, ultimately escaped the bonds of superstitious thinking to embrace the more satisfying explanations that science provides. A professional video producer and host of one of the most popular atheist communities on the internet,…

Who is thethinkingatheist?

TheThinkingAtheist on Apple Podcasts Seth Andrews, a former Christian broadcaster and believer for 30 years, ultimately escaped the bonds of superstitious thinking to embrace the more satisfying explanations that science provides.

Is Seth Andrews an atheist?

Seth Andrews, a former Christian broadcaster and believer for 30 years, ultimately escaped the bonds of superstitious thinking to embrace the more satisfying explanations that science provides. A professional video producer and host of one of the most popular atheist communities on the internet,…

What are the clips on the Thinking Atheist YouTube channel?

These clips are a mix of personal stories, commentary, on-stage presentations, and video podcasts from The Thinking Atheist YouTube Channel.


What is the #ExposeChristianSchools hashtag?

The #ExposeChristianSchools hashtag is helping people share their stories about indoctrination and abuse within religious "education." In this show, we expose some of the problematic curriculum and share listener stories about their own experiences.

Who is Seth talking to in Chapter 10?

Seth speaks with Dr. David Madison about his new book, and the last half of the show features all of Chapter Ten.Get the book here! https://amzn.to/3jQBi5u

What do our listeners confess to?

Our listeners confess to the (often comedically) strange beliefs they once held.

Who is Katherine Stewart?

Katherine Stewart, author of "The Power Worshippers," and constitutional attorney Andrew Seidel join us for part two of this important conversation about the evangelical assault on the United States.Katherine Stewart: https://katherinestewart.meAndrew Seidel: https://andrewlseidel.com

What is Katie Engelhart's new book about?

Katie Engelhart has a new book which fairly explores the hugely complex issues of Death with Dignity, assisted suicide, Medical Aid in Dying, and other models for allowing competent adults to end their own suffering. She speaks candidly about her research, the stories, and her own opinions.Katie's website: https://www.katieengelhart.com VIDEO of this conversation https://youtu.be/ic4cG4SYMco

What do atheists talk about in the Bible?

Atheists often speak about the contradictions and atrocities rampant throughout the Bible, but they often enter those conversations without all of the information. Assyriologist Dr. Joshua Bowen is author of the new book, "The Atheist Handbook to the Old Testament: Volume One" ( https://amzn.to/3xcdVqM) , and he joins us for some prime examples of how we can know more and be better when talking about the Christian scriptures. VIDEO of this conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/yNMa6kGOEZQ Dr. Josh on Twitter: @DJHammurabi1 Website: https://www.digitalhammurabi.com/who-are-digital-hammurabi…

What is a ghost podcast?

A DAILY paranormal podcast filled with real ghost stories of horror, told by real people. Stories that encompass all areas of the paranormal, supernatural, demonic, ghost investigations, haunted houses, possessions, shadow people, the unexplained and more. Some listeners describe our true ghost stories as "a podcast full of great spooky stories". Another listener writes "not the same old boring zombies, vampires, witches and werewolves! This is the best ghost story podcast out there", and an ...

What is the science show?

The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to prime ministerial biorhythms.

Who is the Robcast?

The RobCast is a podcast by Rob Bell.

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