Podcast FAQ

things to talk about on podcast

by Ardella Lueilwitz Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Talk about your favourite topic
  • Share your trial and errors
  • Share small town news
  • He said, she said
  • Talk about that one horrible boss or job
  • Give a peak behind the scenes of influencers
  • Hypothetically speaking
  • As seen on TV
  • Run an advice column
  • Narrate yourself doing something
  • Offer a quote of the day
  • Look back at past event or topic
  • Talk about creating your show
  • Interview regular people
  • Teach basic skills
  • Conduct interviews at events or conferences
  • Repurpose your existing content
  • Tell a story
  • Publish a top 10 list
  • Share industry news

Get your ideas flowing with these 101 topics to talk about on a podcast.
  • Learning a new skill. ...
  • Events/groups. ...
  • Book reviews and summaries. ...
  • Book recommendations. ...
  • Sports. ...
  • People who know nothing about sports. ...
  • Location-based. ...
  • Time-based.
May 18, 2022

What do you need to know about starting a podcast?

Step #7: Prepare and make a recording

  • Preparing a plan. The first thing that you need to do is to figure out a plan for your content. ...
  • Creating an episode script. Podcasters often do not agree on the process of writing a script for a podcast. ...
  • Recording equipment. To record a high-quality podcast, you require the best podcast recording equipment. ...
  • Recording and editing software. ...
  • Getting music. ...

What to say at the beginning of a podcast?

What Should I Include in my Podcast Intro?

  • Your name. Doesn't need to be your full name, could even be a nickname. ...
  • What is the podcast called? You might assume they already know this, but they might be working through a huge playlist of new podcasts they're trying out.
  • Who is the podcast for? ...
  • What is the overall theme of the podcast? ...

What are some good podcast topics?

  • A Good Podcast Topic Idea Is Related To Your Business
  • Solves One Specific Problem
  • Is A Topic You’re Passionate About
  • Already Has An Audience
  • Has A Unique Angle

How to find topics for your podcast?

How to Find Your Podcast Topic: 8 Unique Topic Ideas

  • 1. What Are Your Passions? This first question may seem a little obvious, but it’s a critical first step in the discovery of the podcast topic you’re after. ...
  • 4. What Makes You Different? ...
  • 5. What Type of Podcast Should Yours Be?


What are some good podcast topics?

According to Statista's 2021 reports, the top 5 podcast topics include comedy, news, true crime, sport, and health/fitness.

What should I talk about in my first podcast?

12 Best Podcast Ideas For BeginnersDiscuss a favorite topic.Review/Recap an event or entertainment series.Spotlight a subject.Give recommendations.Tell a story.Promote your business.Give advice.Interview other podcasters.More items...

What do you talk about on a solo podcast?

To make a successful solo podcast episode, consider these 6 key ideas:Come up with a list of potential topics.Create an episode outline.Begin the episode with a hook.Share a unique POV (point-of-view).Recap the episode.Use the right tools.

How long should a podcast last?

If you know your listeners are listening in during their commute, keep your podcast to between 20 and 30 minutes. If your listeners do their housework while they listen, 15 to 60 minutes will keep them entertained.

How long is a good podcast?

If you launch podcast episodes on a daily basis, aim for about 10-15 minutes in length. If your podcast episodes come out weekly, try to hit somewhere between 15-60 minutes. And if you opt for a monthly schedule, you could do up to 90 minute episodes.

Can a podcast be scripted?

Writing a podcast script is a key way to ensure your audio is clear, tight, and valuable for your listeners. You don't have to write out every word you intend to say, but it's important to have notes for each episode to keep you on track, especially if you're new to podcasting.

How do I make my podcast unique?

Top Ways to Make Your Podcast Unique and SuccessfulGet Unique Experts to Chat.Select Music Carefully.Engage Personally With Your Audience.Be Yourself.Consider the Episode Length.Always Leave With Value.Find Your Content Niche.Stay Passionate About the Content.

How do I make an entertaining podcast?

How To Create Interesting Podcast EpisodesTalk about things you're interested in. ... Focus on your target audience. ... Tell lots of stories. ... Help your audience take the next step. ... Ask your listeners questions and report their responses. ... Stay on topic and don't wander too much. ... Invite unique experts onto your show.More items...•

What makes a podcast good?

What makes a podcast topic good is telling a story that touches people emotionally–relaying the information so the audience feels hope, suspense, sadness, and happiness as the story unfolds.

What is the purpose of a podcast?

The purpose of a podcast is to address the needs of your audience. They may have a challenge to overcome, a problem to solve, or a subject they want to know more about. In some cases, an audience just wants to be entertained or distracted for a while.

Can you narrate while you are on a podcast?

Narrate into a microphone while you perform a task that relates to your overall podcast topic. For instance, if your show is about woodworking, you could narrate while you select wood or assemble a piece of furniture.

Why do people start podcasts?

Podcasting is not about what you like but what your audience likes. The reason you want to start a podcast is to get people to listen to you, either by solving their problems, helping them overcome a challenge, appealing to one of their passions or improving their knowledge and skill base.

What is a podcast show?

Podcast for specific places or people. This could be a podcast show designed for specific places like the gym, the salon, or an eatery. You can also make a podcast for particular groups like parents or teachers to talk about their challenges. 2. Talk about books and movies as a critic.

What is a podcast about your neighbors?

A podcast where you talk about your experiences with your neighbors. You could include events you’ve attended with them and how the neighborhood has changed in your time living there.

What is a preparation podcast?

A preparation podcast. A preparation podcast describing how you or people, in general, prepare for any type of event. It could be preparing for dinner, a big business meeting, an event, a birthday, or any of your daily activities. 12. A point of view podcast.

How to talk about movies and books?

You can add a twist by talking about movies and books before watching and reading them, talk about your expectations. 3. Talk about podcasting.

When will podcasts be released in 2021?

April 8, 2021. As a seasoned podcaster or a podcast newbie, it is often tricky and challenging to come up with podcast ideas. Before launching your show, you have to think about what it will be focused on. Several factors influence this, and you must get them right as they could determine how successful your show will be.

Can you make a podcast for specific times?

Time-specific podcasts. You can make a podcast for specific times like the night time. A sleep-aid podcast will help send people to sleep. You can also create an energetic podcast for the morning time. There is also scope to make podcasts for different seasons. 5.

What age group listens to podcasts?

Entreprenuer & Soloprenenuership. Millennials ages 18-34 listen to podcasts more than any other group, and nearly 30% of millennials have a small business or side gig . If you're an entrepreneur or business owner, podcasts are an excellent way to reach like-minded people and share your expertise.

What is the least popular podcast genre?

Storytelling/drama. Despite the popularity of shows like Serial, scripted drama is still the least popular podcast genre. Keep in mind narrative storytelling typically requires heavy production, but the options in this category are endless if you're for a little extra post-production.

What does it mean to be a podcaster?

Podcasting in the education space can mean anything from teaching your listeners a skill or educating them about a cause for which you're passionate. Whichever direction you go, remember to scout out the competition and find ways to set yourself apart.

Do podcast hosts have to be experts?

Expert interviews. As a podcast host, you don't have to be the expert or guru of your topic. As long as you're a good interviewer and have a genuine interest in your topic, you'll have something of value to offer your audience.

How to find a good podcast idea

To start brainstorming podcast ideas, you should consider your voice and what interests you. Also, think about your audience and the kind of conversation you’d like to have with a listener.

Which podcast types are the most popular?

As you’re coming up with good topics for podcasts, another consideration is which formats work the best:

20 podcast ideas

Ask listeners to write and send you questions before the show, then answer them in a podcast. You can even broadcast your Q&A live every once in a while to promote your show. To keep up this format long-term, try asking one deep question and answering it for every episode.

How to make a podcast?

1. Behind the scenes of an industry. Try making a podcast that explores the unknown side of something you’re familiar with, whether it’s the movie industry (or even the making of a particular TV show), the publishing industry, or the goings-on at a particular Silicon Valley startup. 2. Take your listeners on a journey.

What to do when you're a budding standup comedian?

People love to laugh! If you’re a budding standup, put your comedy chops to use with a new podcast. Invite different guests to try your jokes on, or discuss current events with a comedic twist.

Who is the host of the Rideshare Guy podcast?

Create a podcast specifically designed to entertain Uber drivers. Take a leaf out of The Rideshare Guy Podcast host Harry Campbell ’s book and interview delivery drivers and ask them for their best industry tips.

How To Come Up With the Best Podcast Questions

Asking the right questions will not only get your guest to open up to your audience but will also give an excellent promotion to your podcast in the long run.

Podcast Questions To Avoid

It is essential to ask the best podcast questions, and it is also crucial to understand the kind of questions to avoid.

Podcast Interview Formats

Most guests (especially prevalent ones) usually request to see the interview questions beforehand. It is only polite that they know the kinds of questions to expect. It might be best for your guest to understand the flow of your podcast show, as being unprepared could catch them unawares and leave them rambling.

Podcast Questions For Your Next Show

The best podcast interview questions depend on the kind of guests you interview. Are they experts in your niche, celebrities, family and friends, authors? While podcast topics can go from informal to formal, personal to professional, questions may be unique from one podcast show to another.


Interviewing is a great skill. It takes getting used to understanding how to control the conversation flow and the right question to ask. Setting the proper interview sets you apart from several other podcasts, adds value to your show, and provides better opportunities for you.

How to keep a conversation going?

When you are choosing topics and things to talk about, always remember your audience and the setting. These are the main components in keeping a conversation going. And while these things may be important, remember to be yourself and let your own personality shine through.

What is the most important thing to remember when talking about something?

When you have chosen things you want to talk about, remember the most important thing: just be yourself. Being yourself and authentic to who you are the most important things when it comes to conversation. So when you don't know how to keep a conversation going, just remember to be yourself and everything else will drop into place.

What do you need to know before picking a stock?

Before you pick, you need to know a little about your audience. Each audience is different and like different conversation techniques. For example, there is no use talking stocks and shares with a group of six-year-olds when they will just get bored.

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