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tommy zeigler podcast

by Joyce Sipes II Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Who is Tommy Zeigler and why is he on death row?

Tommy Zeigler was sentenced to death for the murders of his wife, her parents, and a customer at his Winter Garden, Florida furniture store in 1976. He’s still on death row today – 45 years later. But did he do it?

Who is the Attorney General of Florida for Tommy Zeigler?

Tampa Bay Times June 1, 2021 Florida Attorney Gerneral Ashley Moody Fights Against Modern Touch DNA Testing for Tommy Zeigler, After State Attorney Monique Worrell Agreed To DNA Testing. Orlando Sentinel June 1, 2021 Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody Wants Judge to Block Modern DNA Testing for Tommy Zeigler

Is William Thomas Zeigler Jr innocent?

His death warrant was signed twice by the former Governor of Florida Bob Graham in the mid 1980’s. Mr. Zeigler came within 12 hours of execution. A re-investigation of the circumstantial evidence in his case proves beyond all doubt William Thomas Zeigler Jr. is innocent.

Is Perry Edwards Jr the true mastermind of the Zeigler murders?

Perry Edwards Jr. is the true master mind of the murders for which Tommy Zeigler remains caged 44 years, innocent. Tommy Zeigler’s brother in law Perry Edwards Jr. was the snake in the grass hiding in plain sight. The state of Florida used Perry Edwards Jr. as their confidential informant.


How long has Tommy Zeigler been on death row?

Tommy Zeigler has been on death row for 42 years and for more than half that time, he’s been trying to convince the state of Florida to allow for DNA tests that might help exonerate him. But the state continually refuses. About 20 other men are in a similar situation, imprisoned in Florida since the 1970s or ’80s and arguing that it’s inherently unfair to deny them access to 21st century science. Leonora LaPeter Anton, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for the Tampa Bay Times, and photographer Cherie Diez have followed the case for years. In 2018, they traveled around Florida and into Georgia to interview dozens of people, some involved in the police work or prosecution, others who believe in Zeigler’s innocence.

How many episodes of Tommy Zeigler are there?

12 episodes. Tommy Zeigler has been on death row for 42 years and for more than half that time, he’s been trying to convince the state of Florida to allow for DNA tests that might help exonerate him. But the state continually refuses. About 20 other men are in a similar situation, imprisoned in Florida since the 1970s or ’80s and arguing ...

Who won the Pulitzer Prize for the Tommy Zeigler case?

Listen to Pulitzer Prize winner Leonora LaPeter Anton talk about what didn’t make it into this series, what’s happening with the Tommy Zeigler case and thoughts about his guilt or innocence. …

Why did Judge Paul recuse himself from the Zeigler case?

In Tommy’s case a few months later, the Zeigler Defense team filed a motion asking Judge Paul recuse himself from the Zeigler case due to recent prior interactions. Judge Maurice Paul, the judge with the prior grudge refused to recuse himself.

How long has Zeigler been on death row?

Zeigler. Instead the judge overrode the recommendation of the jury and sentenced him to death in 1976. He has been caged on death row in Florida for 44 years.

Where was Zeigler deported?

Shortly thereafter the grove search he was deported to England.

When did Tommy Zeigler get married?

They were married in 1967. On Christmas Eve 1975 Tommy’s wife Eunice, her mother Virginia Harper Edwards and her father Perry Barnett Edwards Sr. were all found dead on the floor of the Zeigler Furniture store. The crime scene photographer swore Tommy Zeigler instantly became the prime suspect.

Was Herb MacDonell a predator?

DNA proved Dr. Herb MacDonell who is a Sexual Predator was all wrong about Tommy Zeigler beating and killing his father in law. Dr. Herb MacDonell also lied about sexually abusing young girls. Dr. Herb MacDonell was arrested for his crimes of sexually abusing little girls. Here is Dr Herb MacDonell’s mugshot.

Who is the Tampa Bay Times Local Investigator?

Tampa Bay Times Local Investigator Lynn-Marie Carty Hopes Evidence Will Help Free Death Row Inmate. Carty first read about the Zeigler case in 1993 when St. Petersburg Times journalist Tim Roche put her in touch with his friend Author Phil Finch who had just published a book called ” Fatal Flaw” about the Zeigler case.

Who is the Chief Investigator of Aramis Ayala?

The Chief Investigator of Aramis Ayala’s Conviction “Integrity” Unit 2019 was William ” Eric” Edwards. Amanda Sampaio Bova was the new Director of the Unit. Bova wrote a memo about her review of Tommy Zeigler’s case. Part of her memo was published by the Tampa Bay Times October 19, 2019 by Leonora LaPeter Anton.


Tommy Zeigler waited on Florida’s death row last year with hope that there would be another chance to test the evidence in his case. Listen to what happened.

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