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tools of titans podcast

by Dr. Aric Monahan Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is Tools of Titans?

Tools of Titans is a short-form podcast series from Tim Ferriss, one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People” and an early-stage investor/advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Shopify, Duolingo, Alibaba, and 50+ other companies. The show highlights short life advice from the best in the world. The Observer and other media have named Tim “the Oprah of audio” due to the influence of his long-form podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, which has exceeded 500 million downloads and been selected ...

What got you there podcast?

What Got You There is a weekly podcast hosted by Sean DeLaney and is all about diving deep and hearing the journey behind some of the worlds most accomplished influencers. Guests include professional athletes, authors, professors, creatives and everyone in between. Find out more at www.whatgotyouthere.com

Podcast Sponsors

Mack Weldon. Get great looking underwear and undershirts that eliminate odor. Use discount code “AOM” for 20% off your first purchase from Mack Weldon.

Read the Transcript

Brett McKay: Welcome to another edition of The Art of Manliness podcast. If you’re a fan of podcasts, my next guest likely needs no introduction. His name is Tim Ferriss and he’s the author of several New York Times bestselling books and the host of the popular podcast, the Tim Ferriss Show.

Asking the right questions

In this Tim Ferriss interview, Ferriss talks a lot about the power of asking better questions. Are you asking the right questions in your life – both of other people and yourself? Asking good questions is key to identifying what you really want out of life and being honest about your own tendencies to hold yourself back.

Developing empowering beliefs

This episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast with Tim Ferriss brings up some interesting ideas on limiting beliefs and the stories we tell ourselves about our abilities and talents. Ferriss states in the interview that if he only ever did what he was qualified to do, he’d still be pushing a broom.

Further reading

Mindfulness beyond mediation – Ken Wilber combines ancient practices with modern psychology to help you take the next level in all aspects of your being.

Christopher Sommer on Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of World-Class Performers

Christopher Sommer joins Tim Ferriss to share workout and fitness advice....

Derek Sivers on Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of World-Class Performers

Derek Sivers joins Tim Ferriss to share book recommendations, life advice, and...

Jocko Willink on Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of World-Class Performers

Jocko Willink joins Tim Ferriss to talk about extreme ownership, how to be tougher, and why the best leaders are...

Naval Ravikant on Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of World-Class Performers

Naval Ravikant joins Tim Ferriss to share life advice, his favorite tweets, and tips for being...

Phase I

Inspired by book suggestions in Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss, I began creating yearly 52-book reading lists of books I want to read. To help me remember these books, I began covering each book in the project’s podcast.

Phase II

I have made a list of 200 of The Great Books and will begin reading them in order from oldest to newest around December 2022. My goal is to finish by the year 2030.


"Tools of Titans...is the perfect read for obsessives wanting to boost their new year productivity." —Financial Times "A Poor Richard's Almanack for the 21st century, Tools of Titans is a practical and inspiring guide to being your best." —BookPage

About the Author

TIM FERRISS has been called “a cross between Jack Welch and a Buddhist monk” by The New York Times. He is one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People” and an early-stage tech investor/advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Shopify, Duolingo, Alibaba, and 50+ other companies.

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Folks, I'm an admirer of Tim Ferriss and listen to his podcast with interest and really admire his style of conducting his conversations with his guests.


Show Highlights

  1. Does Tools of Titans fall prey to the survivorship bias?
  2. The common habits and routines of Tim’s guests
  3. The device that vastly improved Tim’s sleep
  4. How to meditate without meditating
See more on artofmanliness.com

Resources/Studies/People mentioned in Podcast

Podcast Sponsors

  • Mack Weldon. Get great looking underwear and undershirts that eliminate odor. Use discount code “AOM” for 20% off your first purchase from Mack Weldon. Bouqs. Flowers make a great holiday gift for the women in your life. Save $15 off the bouquet of your choice by going Bouqs.com and enter promo code MANLINESS. Indochino offers custom, made-to-measure suit…
See more on artofmanliness.com

Read The Transcript

  • Brett McKay: Welcome to another edition of The Art of Manliness podcast. If you’re a fan of podcasts, my next guest likely needs no introduction. His name is Tim Ferriss and he’s the author of several New York Times bestselling books and the host of the popular podcast, the Tim Ferriss Show. Tim’s out with a new book called Tools of Titans, in whic...
See more on artofmanliness.com

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