Podcast FAQ

total podcast downloads

by Prof. Lucinda Gusikowski I Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How many downloads do podcasts get?

A podcast episode that has been live approximately 30 days averages 141 downloads. If you have over 3400 downloads you are in the top 10%. If you have over 9000 downloads you are in the top 5%. Lastly, if you have over 50,000 downloads per episode (again after having it live for 30 days) you are in the top 1%.

How do you measure podcast downloads?

People have different definitions, so I want you to be able to compare apples-to-apples. Downloads for a podcast EPISODE are typically measured by the number of downloads the episode gets in the first 90 days after it is released. That is the standard method for determining numbers for reporting to advertisers on a show.

How many downloads do pre-lawyer podcasts get?

However, 1,000 downloads per episode was really quite good considering how valuable this audience of pre-lawyers is. This podcast was launched without an existing audience. Home School People Podcast – 750 downloads per episode.

Should I keep track of my podcast download stats?

Every case is unique. No two podcasts are exactly the same. By all means, keep track of your download stats. But this isn't going to help grow your show. Instead, spend your time on the things that do move the needle. Here are some resources for you, going forward.


Can I see how many downloads a podcast has?

Only the podcasters have access to their download stats. As a listener, you can't conveniently locate them on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio or any other podcast listening platform. But even the podcasters find it tricky to know their numbers because podcasts are a decentralized medium.

How many podcast downloads is a lot?

more than 26 downloads, you're in the top 50% of podcasts. more than 72 downloads, you're in the top 25% of podcasts. more than 231 downloads, you're in the top 10% of podcasts. more than 539 downloads, you're in the top 5% of podcasts.

Is 10000 downloads in a podcast good?

more than 5,800 downloads, you're in the top 10% of podcasts, more than 14,000 downloads, you're in the top 5% of podcasts, more than 41,000 downloads, you're in the top 2% of podcasts, more than 88,000 downloads, you're in the top 1% of podcasts.

How many podcast downloads does the top 1% have?

A podcast episode that has been live approximately 30 days averages 141 downloads. If you have over 3400 downloads you are in the top 10%. If you have over 9000 downloads you are in the top 5%. Lastly, if you have over 50,000 downloads per episode (again after having it live for 30 days) you are in the top 1%.

How much money can a podcast make?

As an estimate, if your podcast has about 10,000 downloads per episode, you can expect to make between $500 – $900 per episode in affiliate sales.

Do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

How much does Joe Rogan make from his podcast?

According to Forbes, Joe Rogan podcast income was $30m in 2019. And that's not counting YouTube revenue which also contributes to the amount. In spring 2019, Rogan mentioned in one of the interviews that his show records over 190 million monthly downloads.

How many views is good for a podcast?

3. 5,000 listeners per episode almost guarantees a successful monetization. This is where a lot of interesting things start happening. Having more than 5,000 listeners per episode makes a podcast over 29 times more likely to be monetized successfully.

How many podcasts are successful?

Less than 20% of the podcasts that have launched this year will make it to next year. Most podcasts fail.

Are podcasts still popular 2022?

Yes, podcasts are still popular in 2022. The number of active podcasts and podcast listeners is increasing daily. As of April 2021, there are a total number of 850,000 active podcasts with more than 48 million episodes in total.

Do podcasts on Spotify make money?

The short answer is: No. Spotify does not pay for podcasts, but fret not! We have good news for you: There are many ways to monetize a Spotify podcast. You can make money on your podcasts through sponsorships, affiliate programs, ads, coaching, and more.

How much is the podcast industry worth?

Podcasting will be a $4 billion industry in two years Ahead of the Podcast Upfronts, the Interactive Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers released their annual joint report on the podcasting business, projecting that the industry will generate $2 billion in revenue this year and $4 billion by 2024.

What is a good number of listeners for a podcast?

5,000 listeners per episode almost guarantees a successful monetization. This is where a lot of interesting things start happening. Having more than 5,000 listeners per episode makes a podcast over 29 times more likely to be monetized successfully.

How many downloads does it take to monetize a podcast?

How many downloads do I need to start monetizing my podcast? There's no hard rule here. Generally gathering 400-500 downloads per episode is a great time to starting monetizing a podcast but this is a guideline.

How many podcasts are successful?

Less than 20% of the podcasts that have launched this year will make it to next year. Most podcasts fail.

How long does it take for a podcast to get popular?

How long does it take a podcast to grow? You should start to see podcast growth within the first 30 days of your launch, and your podcast growth should continue indefinitely month over month, even if it's a small amount. Slow and steady growth is a good thing in the podcasting space.

What is a podcast?

A podcast is basically a coded feed of XML that lists the information about your podcast, titles, descriptions and a link to where the MP3 audio file lives. Once this file is downloaded by a user’s device, your ability to track what they do with that file falls off of a cliff.

Can you tell if you have Apple Podcast subscribers?

So, the answer is you can’t tell Apple Podcast subscribers with 100% accuracy. Before you feel bad about your data note that these numbers are ONLY from devices that use the Apple Podcast app. This is what allows them to show cool things like amount of actual time devices spend listening to the podcast.

Apple Podcasts

Formerly iTunes, Apple Podcasts is now the world’s most popular podcast directory. As such, you can find some of the greatest shows on it.

Google Podcasts

If you access the Podcast Portal, Google provides a variety of metrics or reports regarding your podcast, including subscriptions, download numbers, and plays.


Spotify also offers a wide range of listener analytics for its artists and podcasters.


Stitcher’s popularity has a long way to go until it catches giants like Google and Apple, or even Spotify. Yet the platform is also secretive with its download statistics and other metrics. The only way to check download numbers is to log in as the podcast owner and use a unique password.


To access listener analytics for podcasts on TuneIn, you need to work a bit harder. First, you have to apply for the Amplifier program. This allows broadcasters to check their analytics and see how they’re doing.

Listener Analytics Tips?

You don’t have to put your podcast on every directory to gain visibility. Sometimes, sticking to one or two of the popular platforms is more than enough to engage a large audience. Keep in mind that your audio quality, topics, guests, and demeanor often count more towards your success, than where you upload your episodes.

Podcasting – the Potential Future of Interviews?

In your opinion, what other important metrics should podcast hosts constantly check out to stay on top of their game?

How to increase podcast downloads?

Ask for subscriptions. To increase podcast downloads, ask your listeners to subscribe to your podcast, tell them the benefits of subscribing. There can be several benefits that you can offer. As soon as they subscribe, they no longer have to keep track of all their favorite shows.

How to make a podcast for free?

1. Set up a podcasting website. Add episode transcripts, collect mails – when you sign up for media hosting, you often get a free website with it too. All podcast hosting providers give you a simple but decent-looking site for your Podcast.

What does it mean to have a higher number of downloads?

A higher number of downloads means: Improvement on a key podcasting KPI – Number of downloads is the Key Performance Indicator for a successful podcast, which means that’s the parameter on which the success of your podcast is judged. So higher the downloads, the better your podcast is.

How to make a podcast sound good?

Great audio quality. Keep your podcast easy for your audience to listen to and understand. Make sure that the recording is done right, probably in a sound friendly place, and there is not too much background noise. Record it in a quiet room; make sure there is not much background noise.

How to promote your podcast?

You can promote on social media in a dozen different ways, soundbites, video, images, teasers, evergreen anything you can think of. Make guest appearances on podcasts in your niche. Mention brands in your podcast. Then reach out to them.

What is front sell in podcasts?

Front sell. You must promote the next episode in the current one , as TV series do. This is an essential part of an episode structure. This requires a bit of planning, as it means that the last half a minute in your podcast should talk about the next episode and compel them to come back for more.

Can you share info on podcasts?

Moreover, you can also share extra info in an email that will go out to your listeners. Along with the link to your podcast episode, you can include links to your social media handles, your website, etc. You can also share info about your other work, like your blog, another podcast.

How many downloads does a podcast have?

A podcast episode that has been live approximately 30 days averages 141 downloads. If you have over 3400 downloads you are in the top 10%. If you have over 9000 downloads you are in the top 5%. Lastly, if you have over 50,000 downloads per episode (again after having it live for 30 days) you are in the top 1%.

Is there an independent audience for podcasts?

There was no independent audience on the website before the podcast was launched. This is a VERY VERY common scenario to see from a new podcaster without an established audience who is just relying on posting on their own personal social media, commenting on blogs, and hoping for new and noteworthy in iTunes.

How many times has the podcast been downloaded?

As of June 2017, the podcast was downloaded an incredible total of 175 million times, making a new world record. The podcast is a mix of investigative journalism and non-fiction storytelling but be warned: it’s very addictive!

How many people listen to podcasts?

44% of the US population have listened to at least one podcast. 26% of them listen at least once every month. 17% listen to them weekly. 56% of the listeners are Men. 49% of listening is at home and 22% listen in a car. 19% of podcast fans increase the speed of the audio. This American Life.

What is ID10T podcast?

The phrase “ID10T” comes from the slang term for a computer error which has been caused by a human mistake.

What is radiolab?

Produced by WNYC, Radiolab is a public radio station based in New York City which is broadcast on radio stations. The incredibly entertaining show is nationally syndicated and is offered as a podcast.

What is serial about?

Serial is about the basics: love and death and justice and truth. All these big, big things. This is not an original idea. Maybe in podcast form it is, and trying to do it as a documentary story is really, really hard. But trying to do it as a serial, this is as old as Dickens. Sarah Koenig.

Is the stuff you should know podcast free?

The Stuff You Should Know podcast is broadcast every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and is available for free on the iTunes Store. The show is downloaded over 1 million times every week and can always be found in the iTunes Top 10 podcast rankings. It is quite rightly one of the most downloaded podcasts in the world.

How many people listen to podcasts in the US?

37% (104 million) listened to a podcast in the last month – up from 32% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 20) 24% (68 million) listen to podcasts weekly – up from 22% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 20) 16 million people in the US are “avid podcast fans” (Nielsen Q1 2018)

How many podcasts were there at WWDC 2018?

To highlight the growth, Apple confirmed there were over 550,000 podcasts at WWDC 2018 in early June. An article published April 25, 2018, by FastCompany states there are: Over 525,000 active shows and over 18.5 million episodes.

How many people listen to podcasts in the UK?

25% of adults in the UK are regular podcast listeners. Weekly listening was only at 14% in 2019, and 18% in 2020, according to Rajar's Spring 2020 data, so this shows really good growth in UK listening numbers.

How many podcasts are there in 2021?

There are 3,990,000 total podcasts registered, around the world. podcastindex.com – June 2021. Interestingly, there's a trend towards podcasts not being listed on Apple Podcasts, even though they were long the primary podcast directory.

How much has Spotify dropped in 2021?

Overcast 1.2%. Interesting that Apple Podcasts dropped nearly 3% over only 6 months (from 32.3% in Dec 2020 to 30.5% in March 2021 to 29.8% in June 2021), while Spotify climbed nearly 4% in the same time, from 25.5% in Dec to 28.1% in March to 29.4% in June 2021.

Is podcast listenership growing?

The biggest takeaway for advertisers is certainly that podcast listenership is growing steadily, and is not showing signs of plateauing; in fact, within some demographics, it is clearly accelerating. And those that aren't, might be readily explained through effects of the Pandemic in 2020.

Is Spotify a podcast?

Spotify is Creating New Podcast Listeners. The next biggest takeaway is that Spotify is still a serious boon for listenership. Spotify's market share continues to grow, and current stats via Buzzsprout suggest that it will probably overtake Apple during 2021.

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