She Met Her Son Before His Birth - TBH 141
Lily has been experiencing God since her single digit years. As an adult, Lily was told by doctors that she would never be able to have a child of her own. God had a most interesting way of letting Lily know otherwise.
Christmas Star Secret Revealed by Mystics - TBH 140
Every year we hear the discussion on what was the Christmas star. Was it a conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn? They did just appear closer to each other, then at any time in the last 800 years. Perhaps it was a tail wagging comet. Maybe, God simply sent a very bright angel.
Joseph's Near-Death Experiences - TBH 193
Not once, but twice, Joseph has touched heaven. "I found myself traveling in total darkness. Then, a speck of light in the distance. As I came closer, I could see a stream of flowing crystals, like water." Share Your Story ...
Kevin Rides His Motorcycle through a Semi-truck - TBH 192
The semi-truck was coming straight at me and my motorcycle. Share Your Story If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share, please leave us a note at touchedbyheaven.net/contact. Our listeners look forward to hearing ...
A Christian Cop Learns Forgiveness - TBH 191
Pete is the oldest of three police officer brothers. One brother was shot and killed. Pete learned forgiveness in a most unusual way. Share Your Story If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share, ...
Tresa's Gallant Angel and the Three Lost Keys - TBH 190
Not only did no one see Tresa's angel, it seemed that no one could see Tresa either. Share Your Story If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share, please leave us a note. Our ...
The Dreams that Change Us - TBH 189
Dreams can be just one of God's tools for bringing us closer to Him. Share Your Story If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share, please leave us a note. Our listeners look forward ...
This Could Be a Movie - Is God The Director? - TBH 188
Michelle's life has all the plot twists of a hit movie. We have betrayal, infidelity, bribery, kidnapping, and imprisonment. But, there is also a real angel. Share Your Story If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would ...
The Vision that Thwarted a Murder - TBH 187
Nancy's vision showed her father and brother laying dead on the side of a road in Mexico. Share Your Story If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share, please leave us a note. Our ...