Podcast FAQ

trauma therapist podcast

by Cydney Leuschke Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is the healing trauma podcast?

The Healing Trauma Podcast Monique Koven is a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach and worked as a Social Worker for over 25. Years. As a survivor herself, she features conversations with Trauma experts as well as survivors to offer hope for the healing journey.

What is Guy Macpherson’s trauma therapist podcast?

Hosted by Guy Macpherson, PhD. CPTSD Foundation is honored to be a sponsor of Guy Macpherson’s Trauma Therapist Podcast. This acclaimed podcast features inspiring interviews with some of the world’s leading master therapists, thought leaders, and game-changers who specialize in PTSD, Trauma, Complex Trauma, MIndfulness, and related fields.

What are the best podcasts about the human spirit?

1. The Trauma Therapist The Trauma Therapist Podcast is a podcast about the human spirit.

What is the trauma-sensitive mindfulness podcast?

The Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Podcast is hosted by the author of Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness, educator and trauma specialist David Treleaven. Episodes feature guests speaking about mindfulness in trauma and guides therapists toward helping clients manage difficult times.


Can therapists have podcasts?

Luckily there are plenty of mental health professionals who have taken their expertise public by offering self-care tools through therapy podcasts. You can get professional-level tips on how to live a more balanced life from actual psychologists and licensed counselors.

How do you deal with a trauma podcast?

60 Best Trauma PodcastsTherapy Chat.Complex Trauma Recovery; We Are Traumatized Motherfuckers.The Healing Trauma Podcast.The On-Call Empath Life After Trauma.The Michael Unbroken Podcast | CPTSD & Trauma Coach.Light After Trauma.Holistic Trauma Healing Podcast.Releasing Trauma | a Survivor's Podcast.More items...•

What is the best Counselling for trauma?

What is the 'best' therapy for trauma?Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) CBT is often considered the first line of defense against trauma. ... Prolonged exposure (PE) therapy. ... Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)

How do I overcome childhood trauma podcast?

The Grass Gets Greener: Overcoming Childhood Trauma and Thriving in Life through Inspiring Stories on Apple Podcasts. This show is for survivors, by survivors. Each week I'm joined by an inspiring individual who has overcome a traumatic childhood to go on to not only survive, but thrive.

What is the best mental health podcast?

The Best Mental Health Podcasts to Take You Through the YearAttitudes/Throwing Shade.Cafeteria Christian.Mental Illness Happy Hour.WTF with Marc Maron.Code Switch.The Happiness Lab.2 Dope Queens.The Hilarious World of Depression.More items...

Why is trauma therapy so hard?

That decision is what makes going to therapy for your trauma, or really any therapy at all, so hard. Emotions demand to be felt in order to heal, and the emotions surrounding trauma are deep, painful, and wide.

What is the difference between a therapist and a trauma therapist?

So far, what we can say about trauma therapy is that it differs a lot from “traditional” therapy in the sense that it is less about thinking and talking, and more about doing and experiencing. Trauma therapy is more structured and directive, it's highly relational, and it's truly compassionate.

Is CBT good for trauma?

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a positive and effective treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). CBT helps those with PTSD by challenging the unhealthy thought processes and emotions connected to someone's trauma.

Proud Sponsors of the Trauma Therapist Podcast

CPTSD Foundation is honored to be a sponsor of Guy Macpherson’s Trauma Therapist Podcast. This acclaimed podcast features inspiring interviews with some of the world’s leading master therapists, thought leaders, and game-changers who specialize in PTSD, Trauma, Complex Trauma, MIndfulness, and related fields.

Daily Recovery Support

We’ve taken a revolutionary approach to providing support for survivors of complex trauma, with our Daily Recovery Support Calls.

The Best Podcasts for Trauma Therapists All In One Place For You To Listen!

As a trauma therapist and trauma survivor, I’m super passionate about trauma. It is on my mind at least 75% of my waking hours. I am either

CLOSE THE CHAPTER – With Kristen D. Boice, LMFT

Close the Chapter podcast is hosted by my friend and colleague Kristen D. Boice, LMFT. While Kristen doesn’t describe Close The Chapter as a trauma-focused podcast, the theme of the podcast, which began in December 2019, is about codependent relational dynamics – or at least that’s how I’m interpreting it!

This podcast is a great fit for you if you

Struggle with accessing self-love, find yourself putting their your needs last while you take care of everyone else;

THERAPIST UNCENSORED – with Sue Marriott, LCSW, CGP and Dr. Ann Kelley

Therapist Uncensored is another of my favorite podcasts and the hosts, Sue Marriott, LCSW, CGP, and Dr. Ann Kelley, are as passionate about the subject of their show: Attachment from a neuroscience perspective as I am about all things trauma. They’ve had some amazing, big-name guests and they are deeply committed to their work.

This podcast for trauma therapists is a great fit for you if you

Are a “neuroscience nerd” who wants to go deep on the research about attachment and neuroscience;


Mindfulness is the buzzword that we’ve all been hearing about for years. Nowadays many trauma therapists recommend mindfulness for everything. It is a starting point and a way to get grounded. I use it, personally and professionally.

The Trauma Therapist Podcast

Guy Macpherson, Ph.D. started the Trauma Therapist Project in 2014 with a mission to learn about trauma and teach new trauma therapists how to effectively do this important work. Since then his show has been heard in 160 countries and he has interviewed all (or at least most) of the big names in the trauma therapy and research world.

What is the thanks trauma podcast?

About Podcast The Thanks Trauma podcast is for those who suffer from childhood trauma, are interested in how the effects of childhood trauma can show up in our adult lives, and are looking to heal. I am not an expert whatsoever, but I am here to share my story, what I know, and advice on how to take control of your own life. I want this to be a safe space and a learning opportunity for myself and anyone who is listening!! Frequency 1 episode / quarter , Average Episode Length 53 min Since Jul 2020 Podcast anchor.fm/thankstrauma/episo..#N#Facebook fans 363 ⋅ Domain Authority 81 ⋅ Alexa Rank 1.9K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

What is Holistic Trauma Healing podcast?

About Podcast In the Holistic Trauma Healing podcast, I, Lindsay Lockett share the profound path to healing trauma that allows us to move out of the role of victim and into the role of conscious and empowered creator of our best possible reality through mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and ancestral trauma healing. Learn how trauma affects every part of your existence and how to weave a new web of life that isn't ruled by the past. The HTH podcast empowers you to heal trauma in the same way it has affected you -- as a whole person. Frequency 1 episode / week , Average Episode Length 61 min Since Oct 2020 Podcast lindseylockett.com/category/..#N#Domain Authority 5 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

What is the podcast about C-PTSD?

About Podcast The neuroscience, parts theory, and evolutionary biology behind C-PTSD, plus snark. Complex trauma, anxiety, and depression are poorly understood life cripplers. Getting a grip on your trauma brain and inflammatory body stands in the way of actually living. But you can do it... with the right information, mindset, and support. You are not doomed, damaged, or broken. You are not a victim. You aren't alone. Frequency 1 episode / day , Average Episode Length 29 min Since May 2020 Podcast anchor.fm/complextrauma#N#Facebook fans 240 ⋅ Domain Authority 81 ⓘ ⋅ Alexa Rank 1.9K ⓘ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

What is body trauma?

Body Trauma is a podcast that listens to people recount their experiences in their body and their life.

What is the Boston Marathon Survivor podcast?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States About Podcast Boston Marathon Survivor and MS, LPC (licensed professional counselor), Amy O Neill, talks about the impact of trauma on the lives of survivors, family members, and communities. In this informative and inspiring show, you will be given the tools and support to see beyond survival and discover the ability to rise. Life after trauma is possible, redefining resilience and knowing that YOU are not alone are key elements and we will upack the Trauma Impact on this show. Frequency 1 episode / month , Average Episode Length 52 min Since Aug 2019 Podcast spreaker.com/show/the-trauma..#N#Facebook fans 361 ⋅ Twitter followers 108 ⋅ Social Engagement 45 ⋅ Domain Authority 90 ⋅ Alexa Rank 5.6K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

What is the podcast about CBT?

In the Let’s Talk About CBT podcast, Dr. Lucy Maddox interviews experts and those who have been helped by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The series is an excellent way to gather additional skills and insights into the CBT process and gain inspiration from success stories dealing with uncertainty, anxiety, and self-harm.

What is podcasting in psychotherapy?

Podcasts provide a valuable and reliable resource for gaining new insights into the field of psychotherapy. Easy to stream or download and listen to on the go, interviews and talks are available ...

What is a podcast for mental health?

Podcasts provide insight into other mental health professionals’ lives and practices and a portable, always available, learning experience.

What are the topics covered in the episode When It Isn't?

Episodes cover topics such as witnessing violence, personal trauma, and how to manage in a crisis. Highlights include: When It’s Time for Trauma Therapy + When It Isn’t includes experienced trauma therapist Dr. Odelya Gertel Kraybill, who has worked with survivors of trauma worldwide.

What is art therapy?

Art therapy is an incredibly powerful technique for working through mental health issues in a safe environment. Used for emotional, behavioral, and mental health problems, the medium of art offers a practical means for communication and expression during psychoanalysis.

Why is it important to become part of the broader community of psychotherapists?

As a result, it is essential to become part of the broader community of psychotherapy professionals and maintain awareness of the latest best practices and advances in mental health.

Who is the author of DBT Principles in Action?

The excellent To Hell and Back podcast, by Charlie Swenson, MD, author of DBT Principles in Action, focuses on what can go wrong in life, how these situations occur, and the coping mechanisms to survive them.

Trauma Chat Podcast

Host Laura Reagan, LCSW-C, and owner of the online therapy directory, and a trauma therapist, shares information about trauma intended for the general public.

Therapy Chat Podcast

Host Laura Reagan, LCSW-C, a trauma therapist, interviews professionals in the mental health field about trauma, attachment, and much more.

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