Who is Trey and Lea?
They have hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, and conduct their "Stronger Marriage" and “Stronger Families” workshops all over the United States. They get to talk to thousands of couples yearly about healthy marriages and families.Trey & Lea live in Childress, Texas and have enjoyed raising four boys.
Who is Trey Morgan's wife?
Trey Morgan's Lessons and Sermons on Apple Podcasts Trey, and his wife Lea, have been married over 30 years and have been involved in marriage and family ministry most of that time. They have hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, and conduct their "Stronger Marriage" and “Stronger Families” workshops all over the United States.
Where can I find Trey & Lea’s best selling books?
You will learn practical and simple ways to improve your marriage, shared in a fun and fast-paced atmosphere. Trey & Lea’s best selling books are available on Amazon. Click here to learn more about our books or order.

6 Tips For A Happy Marriage
Trey and Lea established this principle years ago when their boys were young. They called it their “coffee time”. Setting aside a way to talk each day without the interruption of kids, tv, and cell phone allows for connection. According to the Gottman Institute, the average married couple has 4 minutes a day of one on one conversation.
Mom Squad Challenge
Sit down and have dinner together, however many nights you can this week.