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truth and love podcast

by Valentine Sipes Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

TIL 350: The Biblical View of a Person (feat. Tim Pasma)

1. Why is the doctrine of man (anthropology) important? 2. How secular theorists form their own doctrine of man. 3. Can you understand man without God? 4. The biblical view of a person. ...

TIL 349: The War on Guilt (feat. John Street)

1. What is the war on guilt? 2. A biblical definition of guilt. 3. The biblical purpose of guilt. 4. The relationship between the conscience and guilt. ...

TIL 348: The Unbiblical Nature of Reparative Therapy (feat. Heath Lambert)

1. What is reparative therapy? 2. How is biblical counseling different than reparative therapy? 3. How the legislation in West Layafette is different than other contemporary legislation? 4. How should Christians respond? You can find Heath's essay on the unbiblical nature of reparative therapy here.

TIL 347: Religious Liberty in Counseling (feat. Todd Sorrell)

1. What is different about Ordinance 31-21 in West Lafayette? 2. The incompatibility between biblical Christianity and conversion and reparative therapy 3.

TIL 346: West Lafayette Ordinance 31-21 (feat. Steve Viars)

1. A brief history of Faith Church 2. What is Ordinance 31-21? 3. The dangers of Ordinance 31-21 4. How to stand against Ordinance 31-21 You can find Ordinance 31-21 here You can find the Lafayette Citizen for Freedom website here You can sign the petition against Ordinance 31-21 here You can read Steve's op-ed here ...

TIL 345: Counseling from Biblical Narratives (feat. Keith Palmer)

1. Narratives in Scripture 2. Common mistakes when counseling biblical narratives 3. Principles for interpreting biblical narratives 4. Using biblical narratives in counseling ...

The Unbiblical Nature of Reparative Therapy

What do we believe about reparative therapy as biblical counselors, and how is it different from biblical counseling?

Religious Liberty in Counseling

How should believers respond to the legal challenges found in ordinance 31-21?

West Lafayette Ordinance 31-21

The ordinance that’s happening in West Lafayette is distinct because it now targets non-licensed providers, which includes us as biblical counselors.

Counseling from Biblical Narratives

How do we use the whole of the counsel of God, particularly the narratives in Scripture, when counseling?

Wise Speech From Proverbs

How we speak is revealing. It says something about who we are. Are we saying things consistent with God’s character or are we not?

Considering Categories of Sorrow

Understanding the different categories of sorrow is helpful when working with counselees to identify the best course of action to serve them.

Christmas Traditions with Howard Eyrich

Discover some of the Christmas memories and traditions from the Eyrich household.

the Show

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" [John 14:6]. The Bible tells us that God the Father showed His love for us and His willingness to accept us with our flawed humanity by sending His Son to die for us while we were ALL sinners.

Your Host

Kimberly Arnold is an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. During her 30-plus years of service, Kim's fierce passion for sharing the good news of the Gospel with others led her to participate in numerous international mission trips.

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