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turley talks podcast

by Reed Rempel Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why join Steve Turley’s podcast?

Join Dr. Steve Turley as he examines worldwide trends, discovers answers to today’s toughest challenges, and helps you learn to live in the present in light of even better things to come. Ep. 821 Asians Are ABANDONING The Democrats in DROVES!!!

Who is Dr Steve Turley?

Until now. Join Dr. Steve Turley as he examines worldwide trends, discovers answers to today’s toughest challenges, and helps you learn to live in the present in light of even better things to come.

Why did Dr Turley keep popping up in my feed?

As a consequence I was watching a lot of conservative content. Dr. Turley kept poppping up in my feed. One day I clicked on his video and I was immediately drawn in by his knowledge and most of all, by his optimistic way of looking at events. As a conservative woman I felt that I had a message of hope coming to me twice daily.


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Over the past few weeks the rhetoric surrounding the conflict in Ukraine and negotiations between Russia and NATO have gone from foolish to downright...

Featured Book

Are we seeing the revitalization of Christian civilization? While it appears that everywhere we look, the secular left celebrates another victory lap, what if it turns out that brewing beneath the surface, a renewed Christian age is rising? In this thought-provoking book, Dr.


For decades, the world has been dominated by a process known as globalization, a secularizing economic and political system that hollows out and erodes a culture’s traditions, customs, and religions, all the while conditioning populations to rely on the expertise of a tiny class of technocrats for every aspect of their social and economic lives. Until now.


Highlights: “If Biden was an insurance policy, his press conference would have been called an Act of God. It was akin to a literal natural disaster!”“Even CNN was honest, at moments, at least, Van Jones said that Biden was quote ‘foggy and meandering’ during what appeared at points to be a never-…


Resources: JOIN ME and DON TRUMP JR in HOUSTON on JAN 29! Sign-up NOW and get an EXCL USIVE INVITATION to our LIVE Q&A!!! A Special Invitation from Dr. Steve Turley (turleytalks.com)It’s time to CHANGE AMERICA and Here’s YOUR OPPORTUNITY To Do Just That! https://change.turleytalks.com/Ep. 823 F…

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