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urban alternative podcast

by Elias Kunde Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Tony Evans' Sermons on Oneplace.com on Apple Podcasts. The Urban Alternative is the national ministry of Dr. Tony Evans and is dedicated to restoring hope and transforming lives through the proclamation and application of the Word of God.

Who is the announcer for the urban alternative?

Dr. Tony EvansThe Urban Alternative radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard over 1,400 outlets daily throughout the U.S. and in over 130 countries worldwide. Evans has served as chaplain for the NFL's Dallas Cowboys and is a former NBA chaplain with the Dallas Mavericks.

Does Tony Evans have a podcast?

Tony Evans' Podcast | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn.

What is Tony Evans salary?

The majority of his income comes from the Tv shows and his Religious Leader, for which he earns a lot. Tony Evans's annual income is $1.5 Million.

Who is Dr Tony Evans wife?

Lois EvansTony Evans / WifeTony Evans and Lois Evans on August 13, 2019, in Dallas, Texas. Lois Evans, the wife of well-known Dallas pastor Tony Evans, has died at age 70. Tony Evans, the senior pastor and founder of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, confirmed the news about his wife on his Facebook page.

Who is Tony Evans daughter?

Priscilla ShirerChrystal Evans HurstTony Evans/DaughtersPriscilla Shirer (born December 31, 1974) is an American author, motivational speaker, actress, and Christian media personality, and evangelist. Her father is Dallas mega-church pastor Tony Evans and her brother is musician Anthony Evans.

What station is Dr Tony Evans on?

Dr. Tony Evans - Watch TBN - Trinity Broadcasting Network.

How rich is Billy Graham?

Billy Graham was a Southern Baptist who rose to celebrity status as his sermons were broadcast on radio and television stations around the country and eventually the world....Billy Graham Net Worth.Net Worth:$25 MillionNationality:United States of America4 more rows

What is Jeremiah worth?

David Jeremiah net worth: David Jeremiah is an American Christian author and pastor who has a net worth of $50 million....David Jeremiah Net Worth.Net Worth:$50 MillionProfession:Pastor, Shadow Mountain Community Church, Founder, Turning Point Radio and Television Ministries, Author1 more row

How much money does Joyce Meyer make?

Pastor Joyce Meyer net worth: Pastor Joyce Meyer is an American bible teacher, author, and motivational speaker who has a net worth of $8 million dollars....Joyce Meyer Net Worth.Net Worth:$8 MillionProfession:Author, Writer, Televangelist, Businessperson, Teacher, PreacherNationality:United States of America2 more rows

Who is Chrystal Evans Hurst husband?

Jessie HurstChrystal Evans Hurst / Husband

Who is Chrystal Evans married to?

Jessie HurstChrystal Evans Hurst / Spouse

How old is Dr Tony Evans?

72 years (September 10, 1949)Tony Evans / Age

Broadcast Media

Millions of individuals experience The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans through the daily radio broadcast playing on nearly 1,400 radio outlets and in over 130 countries. The broadcast can also be seen on several television networks, and is viewable online at tonyevans.org.

Leadership Training

The Tony Evans Training Center (TETC) facilitates educational programming that embodies the ministry philosophy of Dr. Tony Evans as expressed through the kingdom agenda. The training courses focus on leadership development and discipleship in the following five tracks:

Community & Cultural Influence

National Church Adopt-A-School Initiative (NCAASI) prepares churches across the country to impact communities by using public schools as the primary vehicle for effecting positive social change in urban youth and families.

Resource Development

We are fostering lifelong learning partnerships with the people we serve by providing a variety of published materials. Dr. Evans has published more than 100 unique titles based on over 40 years of preaching. He also holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American, released in 2019.

Who is the Urban Alternative?

The Urban Alternative is the national ministry of Dr. Tony Evans and is dedicated to restoring hope and transforming lives through the proclamation and application of the Word of God.

How many countries does Tony Evans have radio?

His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,400 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.


Even Christians who believe we’re all equal under God can treat some people like they’re more equal than others. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he discusses how to overcome discrimination and explain why fairness ought to begin within the family of God. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/222/29

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