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use case podcast

by Trevor Ankunding Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Exploring MVU Part 2: Composition

So a couple days have come and gone and I’m still riding high on my experience with the MVU pattern. I’m struggling some with the syntax of F#, but I’m getting it bit by bit and even learning to love some aspects of it. That being said, the sample app I went through last time did nothing but peak my interest.

Exploring MVU and Functional Paradigms in Xamarin.Forms

This week saw one of Microsoft’s biggest conferences transition to a completely online format.

COVID-19, Merch, and the Future of Use Case

First off, we hope that everyone is managing to stay safe and sane amidst this pandemic. Our whole lives seem to have changed drastically over a span of just a few days and I know it can feel like a lot to take in.

Mobile Updates to the Blog!

So recently, I finally got around to fixing the last couple of podcast platforms we had yet to join.

Hello World!

We’re super excited to have launched this website for Use Case, but Clinton and I have a bigger vision for what this will be. We’re hoping that in the coming months this will become a jumping off point for us to build a community around our little show.

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